Chapter 31

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When I wake this time, I'm grateful to notice that the pounding in my head has receded. It's still there, but the pain is marginal compared to before. The position I'm in is uncomfortable but moving is hard with the IV in my arm. I now remember why I hate those things so much.

"Dakota? Honey, she's awake."

My mother's voice comes through the haze of fever that still seems to be lingering. Opening my eyes, I find them both staring at me with worried looks on their faces.

"Hey," I manage to whisper.

Mom places a piece of ice near my lips, and I take it gratefully. The cold feels good against my parched tongue and sore throat. A wave of nausea hits me when I try to reposition myself and I decide the move will be against my better judgment. I've never been a fan of puking.

"Did Dr. Juniper find out what caused me to pass out?" I manage to say after sucking on another piece of ice.

"You tested positive for the flu."

Relief courses through my body and I want to jump and yell a million thank you's to the sky above ... when I get well that is. It's not cancer. I can deal with the flu. It sucks but I can handle it.

"They're going to keep you a couple of days to make sure you're doing good and to run a few tests to be sure, but we can pick our new destination on the map as soon as you're well again."

New destination? I'm groggy so maybe I didn't hear her right.

"We're moving? But what about school?"

"I figured a change of scenery would do you good," mom elaborates.

She's wrong. Devin may be afraid to face his fear of losing those he loves, and I like to think that's the reason why he's pushing me away, but my illness taught me that running only makes it worse. If I hadn't been brave enough to mention how sick I was feeling, if my parents hadn't been brave enough to push the issue with the doctors, my cancer may not have been found as early as it was. He may not want me, but I can't run away from him. I want to fight for whatever feelings there are between us. I'll give him space, but I don't want that space to be somewhere in another state hundreds of miles away.

"I want to finish school in Dewbridge. I need to."

"If this is about that boy," dad starts but I interrupt him.

"It's about me," I state firmly despite my weak state. "Did you run, dad, when mom's parents disapproved of your lifestyle? I've heard the story from mom. You wanted her and you won her. The world has changed a lot over the years. Why can't it be the girl that stays and fights for what she wants."

"Except the girl may not have much of a fight."

His voice makes me pause. Turning my head, my eyes widen when I see him leaning against the doorjamb. With a white thermal showing off the strength in his arms and a tight pair of jeans, he looks like he just stepped out of a magazine. So not fair considering the fact that I probably look like roadkill right now.

"I owe you an apology, Queen D."

It's hard to speak when my heart is beating a million miles an hour, and my tongue feels like sandpaper. I turn to my parents and find mom smiling. Dad has a concerned look on his face, but mom just pulls on his arm, and he silently follows her out of the room. However, he makes a point to glare at Devin on the way out. Devin nods at him in reassurance before stepping the rest of the way in.

"I'm sorry for not believing in us enough to fight. I like to think I'm a tough ass son of a bitch, but I'm pretty sure it's you. You're the tough one, and the day you walked in front of my car is the day I'll remember for the rest of my life. No matter what life has in store for us, Queen D, you've changed mine forever. I hope and pray you give me a chance to see where this is going."

Tears form in my eyes, but when he steps closer, I hold up a hand. A look of dejection forms in his eyes. He thinks I'm going to send him away, but that's the last thing I want to do.

"I don't want you to get sick," I manage.

The relief on his face is immediate. "I don't care about that. Besides I've already been exposed."

The wicked grin I love so much spreads across his face and with it pops out those devastating dimples. "Will you play nurse when I get it?"

I give him a weak smile. "I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy let alone someone I love."

I instantly realize my mistake and cover my mouth with my hand. This isn't how I want him to find out I've fallen in love with him, but it's too late now. His grin widens, and he closes the rest of the space between us. Removing my hand away from my mouth, he leans over and kisses the top of my head.

"I have a bad habit of trying to overprotect the ones I love, so I guess that means you can't avoid me getting sick. By the way, I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with you Queen D."

He sits on the edge of the bed and grabs my hand. There's no doubt in my mind, I'm a goner. He's made me believe that fate can bring two people together. We might not have realized it, but we were two lost souls destined to find each other. I'm not sure how long fate will allow us to have, but I'm not afraid to find out. And by the way he's looking at me with his heart in his eyes, neither is he.

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