Chapter 15

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"So that was Devin," my dad grumbles from beside me as we stand outside of the locker rooms waiting for him to return.

I tried to convince my parents that they didn't have to stay, but after that very public display of affection, my dad felt the need to play the role of father and meet him. Other family and friends wait with us as they wait to take their player out to celebrate. I recognize Tad and wave him over.

"Well, if it isn't the new love story that's going to put me back on the best seller list."

Although I have no clue what he's talking about, I still roll my eyes. "You're a hopeless romantic."

He grips his heart. "Of course, I am, honey. It's what skyrocketed my career. Even if I wasn't, it's my job to be a romantic. People eat that shit up."

"No offense," he says apologetically to my parents. "Tad Roberts by the way. Reporter, novelist, and friend of Devin's."

He holds his hand out and my parents take turns shaking it.

"Nice to meet you, Tad. We're happy to see Dakota making friends this time around. Usually she ... Ow!" Dad moans when I elbow him in the ribs. He gets the hint.

"I meant I'm glad she's trying to be more social."

Tad grins before mouthing in my direction, I like him. A throat clears and we all turn to see a showered Devin in a deep blue thermal shirt that accentuates his eyes and a dark pair of jeans. Before I have the chance to say anything, my dad steps forward.

"Mike Hall, Dakota's father."

Dad thinks he's being all cool, but it's hard to take him seriously when he's wearing the same Bronco's sweatshirt I had on the first time Devin kissed me and jeans with more holes than mine. He never dresses his age, but if I look as good as my parents do at their age, I don't think I'll dress my age either.

"Devin. It's nice to meet you sir."

"He's really cute, honey. You didn't do him justice."

I'm sure my face has at least three shades of red on it.


"Julia, you're messing my A game up here honey. But I have to agree with your mom, sweetheart. He's got this James Dean kind of flair about him."

Tad claps his hands like this is the best show of his life, but dad's not through yet. Not that I expected him to be.

"Need I remind you that condoms are always a must, although abstinence is the safer route."

Holy crap, he didn't.

"Oh my God. Dad, really?"

He doesn't look apologetic at all. "What was it you said the other day Dakota when heading to school? Let's see, it was something to the effect of I'm off to go find drugs, have lots of sex, and find time to study."

"I thought you said that was humor, darling," my mom jumps in.

At this point I decide to go with it.

"Sarcasm, mom. It's called sarcasm."


"I'm really sorry about that back there."

As he steers his car away from the field, he shakes his head.

"No apologies, Dakota. You have awesome parents. You're lucky."

I smile. "I am. I really am."

Silence. "Are you sure you want to spend your night of celebrating with me?"

He gives me one of those killer dimple grins. "I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else."

Whatever. I'm not sure that I believe him. He was invited to at least five parties before we even made it to the parking lot. There's any number of places he could be than right here, but if he says he wants to spend it with me I won't question it.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

With a town as small as this one, it doesn't take long before we reach the destination he has in mind. A large sign labeled Ed's Custom Repair blinks against the night sky.

"Wow, how romantic."

Getting out, he jogs to the passenger side, pulls it open, and pulls me out. His grin never falters.

"Give it a chance, Queen D. I want to show you something and then I'll take us somewhere where I can feed us."

Gesturing ahead of us, I can't help but tease. "Well in that case, lead the way."

At the entrance he punches in a code and the door releases. Stepping inside, I'm immediately assaulted with all the smells a garage would inhabit from motor oil to the new tires hanging against the wall. At least I'm guessing that's what I smell. I know nothing of garages, but it's a smell I often associate with Devin so I know he must come here a lot. My first thought when I take in what I'm seeing is the vast hugeness of the building. It doesn't look this big on the outside, but appearances can be deceiving.


There's a look of peace on his face. I recognize that look. It's a look I often feel when I'm walking through a park, or I find a hidden creek. Nature has a way of being my sanctuary. There was a park we'd go to during my treatments that helped me get away from the smells of the hospital and the sickness within. This is his sanctuary.

"This is what I want out of life, Dakota."

A scowl takes over his beautiful face and he winces. "I've never admitted that to anyone, but I want to do custom work one day on some of the best muscle cars out there. I want to open up my own custom shop and it be a big success."

It hits me. He doesn't have a family to tell this to. He doesn't have anyone to reassure him that his dreams aren't crazy. He trusted me, and that touches something inside me that was already starting to bloom. Now it's unfolding and turning into a beautiful flower, right in my heart. Reaching for his hand, I squeeze.

"I think that's a beautiful dream."

"I still want to do the football thing. Making it to the NFL and playing would be a dream come true, but this is where I want to end up. This is what I want all the hard work and my playing days to result in. I'm not a career lifer like my buddies Rylan and Thomas."

He hasn't let go of my hand. In fact, he holds it tighter.

"You work here when you're not bartending?"

Tugging me closer, I let him close in the space that was between us. "I do. Would you like to see some of the ones I've worked on?"

There's a table in the corner with a few chairs, and I get an idea.

"I would love that. Do you think Ed would mind if we ordered food and eat it here?"

His eyes widen slightly like's he's surprised by my question. I guess maybe he is. I'm not exactly versed in the ways garages work, but this is his domain and where he feels the most comfortable. I want him to feel safe to talk to me and if this place allows him to do that, then I'm all for it.


Nodding, it's me that tugs him closer this time before I reach around him and give him a hug. He immediately swallows me in his embrace and holds me there.

"Really. Besides, I know nothing about this stuff so I figure my first lesson will take some time."

Digging in his pocket for his cell phone with one arm, he holds me to him with the other.

"I think I'm in love," he jokes but my heart still leaps forward several beats a minute.

"Name your menu, Queen D, and I'll have us something to eat in no time."

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