Chapter 18

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By the time I walk in the door of our sorry excuse for a trailer, I'm whistling. I'm covered in grease, but I can't hide the smile on my face. That was the best date with a girl I've ever had, and we didn't even pass first base. If I was to share that with the guys on the team, I know I'd be ragged and teased. It's a good thing I have no intention of sharing anything especially not Dakota. She's a gem that needs to be polished, and I don't want anyone polishing it unless it's me.

"Good game, brother. I guess you're more than happy to be getting out of this shit hole."

My good mood evaporates with the sound of disgust in my sister's voice. My eyes seek her out and I find her sitting in a dark corner of the living room with a man I don't recognize. Not that I recognize half the fuckers she brings home. I don't care to recognize them. His stringy hair looks like it hasn't been washed in days, and my stomach turns at the sight of his hands roaming all over my sister's half naked body. She's smiles up at him before bringing her eyes back to me. It doesn't faze her that she's basically being molested right in front of me. In fact, she looks pleased and comfortable which only allows the anger I'm feeling to grow.

"Put some fucking clothes on, Shelly."

Passing her, I head toward my room and a hot shower when I hear her scream behind me. Pausing, I slowly turn and watch her shove no name's sorry ass away from her so she can stand. It doesn't seem to bother him. Instead, he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. The only article of clothing left on him is his boxers and his wiry body hair is making me as nauseas as my sister's bra staring at me.

"You can't walk away from me, you piece of shit. I took care of you and now you're going to go and make your riches and leave me behind aren't you."

I've endured so many of these woe is me lectures that I could recite them in my head. It's been the same since our parents died. Letting her walk all over me and allowing her to work my ass off with no thank you's and no appreciation is getting old. It wasn't until I saw the pride in Dakota's eyes last night at the game, genuine pride, that my eyes were opened to the shit I've allowed my sister to get away with. Even my friend's voices as they've told me over and over again to go on my own path hasn't been able to penetrate through the emotional baggage my sister has unloaded on me every year, the guilt, the pain, the unworthiness. Until last night, I felt like I was carrying me and my sister through life. Something about Dakota has changed that for me. The weight has lifted.

"I feel sorry for you. Sorry that you can't see that it's been the opposite. I've been the one taking care of us all this time. All you've done is open your legs for every guy in the trailer park."

Her clasped hands fist tighter and there's rage written all over her face.

"I've done everything I can for you."

I decide my shower can wait. I've had my stuff packed up for the last few weeks. The only clothes left that aren't in my trunk are a couple of outfits I leave here when I take a shower. I've been living on my own for a while now. I hadn't realized it until now, but I've gotten where I don't even sleep at home much anymore. There's no home left here. Many times, Ed has offered me the small apartment out behind his shop rent free for my services and working for him. Along with Frank's Tavern, construction, and working at the shop, I'll be more than fine. Hell, I've supported my sister, me, and the current fuck she has on those wages for a long time. It'll feel like I'm rich without the extra weight and for once I can take some time off for myself. Unfortunately, the guilt won't let me go if I don't give her the chance to make it. Reaching in my pocket, I pull out a wad of bills I made from my tips the night before last and throw them at Shelly.

"That's this month's rent. After that you're on your own."

Shoving past her, I make my way out the door and to my car. Her screams and curses come at me like a volley of gun fire, but I ignore it. Right now, I'm headed back to the shop to take my shower and work out the schematics of my living arrangements. I'm going to finish my senior year on a high and let go of the things I can't control anymore.


"It's fully furnished. Truthfully, it's been sitting here waiting on you for a long time."

Ed's hand reaches for my shoulder and squeezes. "I was never able to have children. You're the closest thing I have to a son, and you'd make me proud living here."

I haven't cried since the day my parents died, but right now there's a tear streaking down my face. Unashamed, I look at the older man and draw him into a hug.

"Ed, I couldn't have asked for a better man to replace my dad. I love you like a father, and I promise I'll always make sure you're taken care of."

He chuckles. "Boy, you just make sure you come visit me often. I got a slew of family that's gonna take care of me, but it's you that I want to come see me ya hear."

We don't share the same skin color or the same last name, but that's not what makes us family. It's our love for one another, and I will take care of him, Frank, and Mia. Somehow, we've formed our own family. I know Rylan, Mattie, Tad, Thomas, and Darby love me and will always be here for me, but these people, they need me. Me. And I take that job seriously. Dakota needs me to. She just doesn't know it yet.

"That's a promise I know I can keep."

Giving me one swift pat on the back, he nods. "Good. Now get your clothes unpacked and I'll go over that new car that came in today. I have some work planned for it and I want you to be the one to do it."

Excitement washes over me at the thought of getting my hands even dirtier today. I'll have to post pone that shower, but it'll be worth it. My day is free and aside from having Dakota by my side, this is the next best thing. 

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