Chapter 12

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There's no comprehending what got into me back there when I leaned over to wipe the sweetness away. I couldn't resist tasting her.  What I do comprehend is the desire to do it again. I'm not by any means innocent when it comes to flings or girls, but this one has set something under me that I've never experienced before. My body feels like liquid heat despite the coldness of the woods where I'm leading her. For a minute we remain silent. She lets me tug her along and I move quickly through the dead leaves while praying we don't run into something before I get her where I want her. Not that there's much in these woods, but I'd hate to come face to face with a skunk right now to obliterate probably one of the finest moments in my life.


There's a question in her voice but she doesn't sound scared. In fact, there's a breathlessness there I want to explore. Pushing through the last stand of trees to the clearing I knew we'd find, I step back and pull her next to me. She gasps when she looks around.

"Oh wow."

Lights circle the tiny clearing and in the center there's a beautiful large human sized display of the manger and baby Jesus. The craftsmanship of the scene is where the beauty comes from. If you're not looking close enough, you'd believe they were real. Benches surround it although at this time of night it's clear of people.

"If this is your idea of committing a sin with me, I'm not sure it's working."

I pull her against me and place my lips on hers. She instantly melts and the world dips out of its axis for a minute. I love her humor and the way she's able to match wits with me and the guys. It's never forced or unnatural.

"We have an audience," she whispers against my lips

"Don't worry, Queen D, they're all looking at baby Jesus."

"Not helping."

I chuckle before parting her lips gently with mine in order to slip my tongue inside. My world is completely thrown off course at the feel of my tongue touching hers. Warmth fills my body, and my muscles relax. It's like a drug I can't get enough of. She moans and my body responds. I would take her right here if it wasn't for the innocence I can feel coming off her in waves. It's why I chose this spot. We need chaperones. Pulling away, I pull her toward me.

"This is a bad idea," I whisper.

"I know," she whispers back.

I'm not stupid enough to think her idea of a bad idea matches with mine. Mine centers around my need to get out of this town and make something of myself. I will come back one day. I still have dreams here too, but I'm not Rylan. I'm not always able to separate my emotions I feel in my life from the ones on the field. I don't need this distraction but letting go of her seems impossible. We've only known each other for a few days. It shouldn't feel this natural. She has her own reasons for agreeing with me, but she lets me pull her tighter against me anyway. And although we both agree it's a bad idea, we both also seem to agree that kissing is something we're good at together. And kiss we do.

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