Chapter 22

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Never in a million years did I think I'd be asking a girl out on a date, at least not until I accomplished everything on my to do list in life. I'm not counting dates like prom or the ones where I've taken a girl out for a burger where I got a blow job in return. Those are irrelevant or were until I met Dakota. She makes my pulse beat to a new tune. She makes me feel more alive than I've felt in a long time, and the selfish part of me wants to hold onto that for as long as I can. Knocking on the blue bus her family calls home, I wipe my clammy hands on my jeans. I can't believe I'm sitting here sweating. Nervous is not something I get around a chick, but when Mr. Hall opens the door, I forget I have a voice.

"Hey Devin."

He proceeds to step down a step. The action causes me to step down whether I want to or not.

"She'll be out in just a minute."

Nodding, I shove my hands in my jeans and take a seat on a lawn chair close by. Mr. Hall follows my lead.

"When I took Dakota's mother out on our first date, I looked like you. Scared shitless."

Raising a brow, I study him and notice he's trying hard not to laugh.

"Thanks, I think."

Smiling, he holds up a hand. "That's a compliment, and you're lucky because we're cool parents. Her parents were a whole different story. They didn't accept me. I was a guy that lived on the road for a living working from show to show. Not the kind of living they wanted their daughter to endure."

I want to ask him what kind of living he did, but my voice still seems to be lost.


Of course, there would be a but. Enduring the father talk is something I usually excel at because before I didn't give a shit. Now, however, I want to make a good impression. Even if both of us know that long term doesn't look good for us, I still care about her. A lot.

"She is my baby girl. My only baby girl so I do expect you to respect her and treat her well."

"That won't be a problem sir."

He studies me and I meet his gaze head on. That's a promise I know I can keep. When he seems satisfied, he nods at the same time the door opens. Any breath I may have had leaves my body instantly at the sight of Dakota in a red long-sleeved dress that hugs her body up top and flares out at the bottom. It reaches just above the knee. A black pair of ankle boots with a small heel covers her feet. She's wearing her hair down tonight and her curly hair frames her pale skin. I'm a goner and I know it. She's examining my dark jeans and the red flannel dress shirt I have tucked into them. A throat clears behind me startling us both.

"You kiddos have fun tonight," Mr. Hall mumbles with a hint of humor in his voice.

Dakota blushes and the act only enhances her beauty. Holding my hand out, I help her down the remaining steps before leading us to my car. Opening her door, I stop her before she gets in.

"You look amazing."

Leaning down to kiss her, she opens her lips to let me in. I'd stay like this forever if I didn't suspect her parents are the type to eavesdrop. She's smiling when I pull away.

"You look like a dressed-up lumber jack."

I grin. "It's the facial hair and the flannel combo isn't it?"

"I like this version of you. It makes you more normal."

Closing the door, I make my way to my side and get in. "Was I not normal before."

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