Chapter 14

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I shouldn't be worried about whether she's here or not, but here I am scanning the crowds. The stands are packed, and I know this is going to be one hell of a game. The two best teams are about to go head-to-head, but all I can think about is her. Despite trying to maintain a distance this week, it's her I want cheering me on. Finally, I spot Dakota's familiar dark hair standing with a couple I know to be her mom and dad. Without having the pleasure of meeting them, it's obvious. She shares an equal amount of looks from both of them. They're dancing to the music the cheerleaders have blaring and I chuckle when I see Dakota rolling her eyes in a way that shows she's not the least bit affected by their antics. A pang of jealousy hits me at the bond she has with them, but I quickly brush it away. Knowing she's here makes my adrenaline spike in a way it's never done before, not even on the field.

Focusing my attention back on the field, I watch my guys put up a fight against the Mayberry Panthers. We have a fantastic defense so I'm not worried. The towns of Mayberry and Dewbridge love boasting about their ability to produce some of the best players on the market for the NFL. So far, the score is zero to zero. We haven't given them the chance to score.

"Gibson! You ready!" Coach Hanson yells.

Giving him one of my most dazzling smiles, the kind I'm told is panty melting, I pump my fist in the air. "Hell yeah!"

Glancing once more at the stands, I seek her out again and when I do her eyes collide with mine. I'm about to wave when I notice the person sitting a couple rows above her. My hands form into fists and everything inside of me tenses up. Why the hell is she here? She's never showed up to a game before.

"She's trying to psyche you out," Coach Hansen says from my side. "I know it's hard for you to do, but you're going to have to block her out. Your sister knows you're wanted by Alabama, and she knows her presence could screw that up for you. Don't let her. She's ruled too much of your life and it's time for you to live yours."

My gaze returns to Dakota, and I find her dancing with her parents to the cheerleader's chants, and although she looks ridiculous, I've never seen a more beautiful sight. I laugh and every ounce of tension that was there is gone. My jaw tightens and there's a resolve there that I'm determined will stay in place.

Putting my helmet on, I turn to Coach Hansen. "Let's play some fucking ball."

A hard pat on the shoulder and he sends me out on the field. The score is still zero to zero, but that's about to change.


"Holy shit man. I do believe that was the best game I've ever seen you play. You didn't give them a fucking chance," Rick shouts as he pulls off his helmet and takes me down in a victory tackle.

"Couldn't do it without my guys!" I yell over the shouts and cheers of the crowd swarming toward us.

"Fuck yeah!" Evan yells when he joins us. "Come on! Let's get out of here before we get trampled!"

As the crowd closes in, even our yells are getting hard to understand.

"Speak for yourself!" Rick shoulders between us. "I see a fan club I'm okay getting mauled by!"

Her face looms in front of me and I stop listening.

"You did it!" Dakota yells with a huge smile on her face. Something hits me hard in the chest with those three words. Aside from my friends, no one has ever shown this much pride in me. And better yet, I know it's not because of my status on the team or my popularity. In just the week and a half I've gotten to know her, I know those are things she doesn't give a shit about, and in this moment there's only one thing that would make this night better. Grabbing her hand, I pull her to me and touch my lips roughly to hers. There's a collective gasp by some, squeals and yells from others, but it's her moan when my tongue touches hers that I hear.

"About damn time!" I hear Rick scream to Evan.

When I pull back, I don't get a chance to see her reaction before I'm yanked away by my teammates toward the locker rooms.

"Wait for me!" I yell.

What I don't see is the girl standing off in the shadows of the parking lot. The fury in her eyes should have reached me, should have affected me in some way, but I'm too long gone in the thrill of the win.

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