Chapter 16

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I have no idea what prompted me to take Dakota to the place that I feel the most at home. I'm pretty sure it was the pride on her face when she met me on the field. For once in my life, I didn't feel alone. Right now, I don't feel alone, and I haven't realized how badly I needed that. How much I still need that. I need acceptance from someone that isn't my coach, my team, or even my friends. Because lets get real, I can't place Dakota in the friend's category. My thoughts toward her are too dirty for that. Now that I see how much she wants to understand my likes and desires, I'm feeling more than just dirty thoughts toward her which should terrify the hell out of me. Instead, I want to hold on tight and never let go. A knock at the warehouse door brings me back to the present. Dakota is setting out the plates I showed her in the break room while I go and answer the door. The pizza guy looks bored when I answer but instantly perks up when he recognizes me.

"Dude, that was an awesome game tonight."

"Thanks, man." I reach around for my wallet, but he holds up his hand. "No way. This is on me. My dad will kill me if I accept your money on the night you just won the play offs for Dewbridge."

Getting antsy to get back to Dakota, I quickly thank the guy again and bring the still steaming hot boxes to the table.

"Meat lovers and supreme coming up."

"You're going to love kissing me after this." Dakota winks at me and I lean forward across the table to give her a soft taste of what will come later.

"A little onions and peppers don't scare me."

"That's only because you'll be eating the same thing," she points out. She edges around the table and points to a red car in the corner. The doors are open from where I was working on it earlier. It's come a long way, and it's a pet project of mine. Ed allows me to bring in cars and I work for the labor and parts. He gets his money back when he sells them at high dollar auctions. My name has started to circulate the auction houses. One day I'm going to do my dad's mustang proud and remodel it back to its prime.

"It's a 1967 Pontiac GTO. She's a beauty, isn't she?"

She walks toward it and I follow because I'm a sucker for a nice car and a pretty lady.

"I don't know much about this kind of thing, but I really like it," she whispers.

Running her hand along the hood, I take advantage of her distraction with the vehicle to study her. She's not gorgeous in the Hollywood sense. Her beauty comes from the distinct way she carries herself. She's thin, too thin in my opinion which makes me glad she doesn't shy away from food. Her face has a natural glow to it that should never be hidden with make-up. The dark natural curls that frame her face make we want to run my fingers over them. I'm behind her when she leans over to look at the interior inside.

"Oh my."

I finished most of the inside work with some help from Ed last week. It's pristine and there's not a mark in the leather. She tumbles into me when she stands up, and I take the opportunity to support her weight and mine. Freezing, she doesn't seem to want to move, and I know I've affected her the same way she's affected me. Starting from her ear lobe, I move one finger down her side. She shivers and I almost lose my cool.

"You like cold pizza, Queen D?"

My lips find her throat and she swallows hard.

"What pizza?" she asks, and I chuckle.

"Don't tell me you're that easy."

There's a pause before she answers. "Only with you."

It's suddenly hot in the warehouse despite the cold temperature outside. Laying her head back, she continues to let me place kisses on her neck and down her shoulder. My hands explore her body, but when I start to edge one under her sweater she stiffens. My fingers pause at her belly button.

"You okay, Queen D?"

She swallows again before closing her eyes. "I've never been touched like this before."

If I thought it was hot before, it's a damn sauna in here now.


"It's kind of hard to when you're never in a place long enough to last even a year."

"You can meet boys in that span of time."

Biting her lip, she opens her eyes and meets mine. "Yes, but I've never met one that I wanted enough to touch me. But with you, I don't want to stop."

I don't need this right now. No attachments. No distractions. I keep chanting those words in my head, but my heart isn't listening, and I know I'm fucked. Her innocence is a breath of fresh air in a small town that seems to have forgotten theirs. Dakota wanting it to be me to touch her terrifies me, but it exhilarates me at the same time. I won't disappoint her, but I won't take advantage of her either. Releasing her, I duck into the interior of the car before holding a hand out toward her. She looks at me in confusion but grabs my hand anyway.

"You'll never know how your words are affecting me."

When she looks down, her face flushes.

"Or maybe you will but I won't take that responsibility lightly. When it happens, Dakota, it will be a memory you won't want to forget."

Pulling her into the backseat with me, I settle her against my chest and ignore the way the car door digs into my back. It takes her a minute, but I can feel her starting to relax against me. I know she's a little embarrassed by her admission, but I don't want her to be.

"This shop you have planned. Where will it be?"

Kissing the top of her head, I wrap my arms tighter around her. She snuggles in as deep as she can. The building has gas heaters that keep the garage comfortable when working, but they're not on. We only run them when working.

"Honestly, I don't know that I care. As long as I'm doing something I love, the rest will fall into place. I've never had anything besides my friends that have tied me to one place. Now that they've all left the nest or about to, I can choose where life will lead me. What about you, my traveling Queen? Where do you think you'll settle?"

She doesn't hesitate. "Memphis. St. Jude's."

The tone of her voice causes me to frown. If I didn't know any better, I'd say there's a story there. Something tells me she's not ready to share it yet.

"I mean everyone wants to find the cure for cancer, don't they?"

She's teasing her way out of what was about to turn into something I'm not sure I want to know. There's a fear creeping up inside me I thought I'd managed to get rid of when my parents died. It's a fear of losing anyone I love. It's why I'm so selective who I allow close to me, but my gut tells me that if anyone can find a cure for cancer, it would be Dakota.

I'm about to ask her another question when I notice the way her body has relaxed against me. I look at my watch and realize we're only a few hours shy of daylight. Of course, she's tired. I've been traveling on an adrenaline rush from the game. She doesn't have that excuse. A soft snore against my chest confirms my suspicions. Her sleeping form intrigues me, and I can't help but watch her. I've never fallen asleep with a girl before. It should be strange, but in this case, it feels more like home and that scares me even more.

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