Chapter 25

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It's starting to get dark. Devin will be coming out of the woods soon with Ed. Sunday nights are always quiet. Everyone's always either at church or spending time with their families. We still have one week of school before Christmas hits, and I want to give Devin his gift early in case my family makes a trip to see my grandparents. Selfish motives also lead me here. I want as much time as possible with him. We might be on borrowed time with our lives leading in two different directions, but it's the kind of time I'll treasure. My heart will always have a piece that belongs to him. Standing in front of his apartment door, I take a deep breath and knock. Surprisingly, the door opens immediately. Unfortunately, it's not Devin that answers the door but his sister. The smile on her face looks sinister, entirely different than Devin's easy going dimpled one.

"Oh look, we have a visitor."

I frown. I'm pretty sure Devin would never give a key to his apartment to his sister. There are hard feelings there I have never pushed to find out, but that's one fact I immediately picked up on the first time her name was ever mentioned.

"Is Devin here?"

She sighs dramatically. "Unfortunately, no. I'm saddened to say he's still keeping that old geezer company in the woods."

Her face brightens. "But at least this will give us some time to get to know you."


She opens the door wider, and I notice a mammoth of a guy leaning against the wall in the corner near the bed with his arms crossed. Tattoos snake up and down his arms and not the sexy kind either. What looks like gang symbols, skulls, and vulgar words mark every exposed piece of skin. There's a weight in my stomach that lets me know this is a situation I do not want to be in.

"I'll come back."

Turning to leave, I hear a shuffle behind me. I try and speed up my steps but I'm too late. A hand grips my arm and pulls me forcefully up the two stairs leading into Devin's apartment.

"Leaving so soon? I don't think so. We haven't gotten to know each other yet, and we're practically family."

She does realize that we're teenagers and not an engaged couple, right? Or maybe she doesn't. I'm questioning her sanity which doesn't bode well for me at all.

"Let me introduce you to William, my boyfriend."

He grunts at me in answer. The way he's leering at me, I'm pretty sure he's not having any family thoughts toward me.

"But see, he has this problem he wants me to fix. He's always had a thing with wanting to try a threesome."

She rolls her eyes. "And since I'm the good little girlfriend that I am, I told him I'd give it to him. I figure I'll also be a good big sister and give my brother's girlfriend some tips on how to pleasure a man."

William pushes himself off the wall before continuing to inspect places on me that are turning my body to lead. I do not want him to touch me.

"Besides," Shelly continues. Her voice is starting to grate on my nerves. She's a grown woman, but the whiny tone to it makes me want to hit her. In fact, by the time this moment is over, I may do more than hit her. "You're too good for him. He doesn't deserve that much goodness, not after leaving his sister to fend for herself. He should pay."

She curls a finger at William, and he complies like the good little puppy he is despite his large size. She probably has him a reward in drugs waiting for him.

"What do you want to see her take off first, honey."

Before he can answer, a voice behind me comes out in a snarl. "Touch a hair on her head, and we'll put you out of commission for life. Those shooters won't ever work again motherfucker."

The rough language is something Devin usually protects me from. He keeps it at a low key when we're together, but there's no mistaking the anger in his voice right now. He means every word. I chance a peek behind me and see Mr. Ed, Rick, and Evan standing right outside the doorway of the apartment, all of them dressed in hunting gear.

"You didn't tell me we'd have company sweetheart," William growls.

"Oh, shut up will you."

Shelly doesn't seem fazed by the murderous gaze her boyfriend is giving her right now. Neither does Devin.

"That's because this isn't her place. It's mine and I'm seconds away from calling the cops. I'm sure you don't want me to do that because if I'm banking right, you probably have several open warrants on you."

That murderous gaze lands on Devin, but he doesn't flinch. "Am I right?"

Instead of answering, he pushes his way out the door and out into the night. "You promised me a good fuck, Shelly. You better deliver."

I watch his sister's face pale, but only for a second before she pushes past me and stops inches from her brother.

"Keep her if you want."

"She's not fucking property."

I know they're talking about me. Maybe I should but in, but I'm too stunned to move. Shelly ignores him.

"You might want to warn her what she's getting into. I'd love to initiate her into our family anytime."

Devin's hand clinches into a fist, but he doesn't strike. Besides, I'm pretty sure the guy standing by the motorcycle will be enough lesson for her tonight. Maybe I should feel bad for her, or worry about her safety, but I suspect the girl can take care of herself. Maybe the biker should be the one to worry. We watch the pair get on his bike and drive away before anyone moves. When the bike roars around the corner, I feel Devin's arms wrap around me from behind.

"You okay?"

I nod. "You?"

"Yes, unfortunately this isn't anything new with my sister. I'm sorry about that."

I shrug. "No big deal. Gotta love siblings, right?"

It was the wrong joke to make, but I'm still shaken up and it's the best I have. His face hardens, and I realize by the breath I'm holding that I'm afraid he's going to break. He looks at his buddies and Mr. Ed and they nod.

"We'll be in the shop," Rick says before turning around. Evan follows.

"If you need anything, let me know," Mr. Ed says while sharing a look with Devin. There's a silent conversation going between them that I'm not privy too, but I notice the desperate look in Devin's eyes and the way his shoulders slump in defeat. Mr. Ed looks disappointed, but he follows the other two boys and leaves us alone. Devin waits before everyone's gone before he finally meets my gaze and what I see there makes my stomach turn.

"What are you doing here, Dakota?"

The first thing I notice is that he didn't call me Queen D, the nickname he gave me that first night in the tavern. The second thing I notice is his eyes. They're closed off compared to what they've been with me. Before I could see through to his soul or felt like I could. Now I see nothing but a black abyss. It's in that moment I know where this is heading, and I don't want to go there. I don't want to lose this, but I promise myself I'll be strong. I knew better than to let myself get attached to this town. I also realize something else. I'm angry. Damn him. My cancer didn't scare him off but his sister is? I feel sorry for him.

"I came to see you."

His eyes land on my nose and I realize it's because he doesn't want to look at me directly. He'll lose his nerve, but I don't give a crap about his nerve. If he's going to do this, he can do it to me directly.

"If you're going to end whatever this is at least have the decency to look me in the eyes."

It takes him a few minutes for the words to sink in. When they do, he lifts his eyes to mine and my heart drops. He looks utterly and completely defeated.

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