Chapter 9

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Settling into school life is easier than I thought it would be. For some reason, Devin, Rick and Evan have taken me under their wing. I'm officially one of the guys. I'm not sure if I should be honored or offended. Tonight will be the first night I'll be fraternizing with my peers. I wasn't going to go but the guys convinced me it would be fun. It's a bonfire so I figure a pair of jeans and an old Bronco's sweatshirt will suffice. My dad is a huge fan and I love wearing his sweatshirts on cold nights. They're oversized enough to go well with my skinny jeans and Ugg boots. Since I don't have a car, I wait on the corner of the crowded campgrounds for the sound of Devin's mustang. The guys won the game Friday night so they're riding a high tonight. They're officially in the playoffs. I went with Tad, and I have to admit, Devin is one hell of a player. He's one of the best quarterbacks I've ever seen although I've heard rumors his best friend Rylan is right up there with him.

Looking around, I notice most of the campers and tiny houses are empty for tonight. I'm not surprised. It's a Saturday night. Even my parents are heading out for dinner and a movie. A few families with small children pilfer around their own fires roasting marshmallows and visiting with their neighbors. The smell of smores makes my stomach growl. Food is something I don't shy away from. Being able to eat and enjoy the tastes, sights, and sounds the world has to offer means I'm alive. I consider walking over and asking for one when I hear the sound of an engine heading my way and I know it's him. In just a few short days I've started to recognize the sound of his car. He pulls up to the curb and I notice he's alone.

"Where's Rick and Evan?"

He runs a hand through his hair. "They decided they would meet us there."

He starts to get out, but I hold up my hand. "Thank you, but I can manage."

It's sweet he's a gentleman, but I'm starting to feel a little awkward. When I settle into the passenger seat beside him, I voice my suspicions.

"Why do I get the feeling we're being set up."

He grins at me. "Because you'd be right, and this has Tad's name written all over it."

He gives me a once over before arching an eyebrow. "Interesting outfit."

It's my turn to grin. "What? Not a Bronco's fan?"

"More of a Steelers guy myself, but to each their own."

I chuckle. "Oh my dad is going to love you."

"Meeting the parents already Queen D?"

I blush when I realize what I've done. "That's not what I meant. I mean he's the Bronco's fan. I mean – "

He lays a hand on my shoulder and my stomach feels like I've ate too much fair food. It's a good kind of sick though, the kind that comes with nervous excitement. There's warmth in his touch and I feel slighted when he moves it away. His smile is gone and replaced with something else. Whatever that was, I wasn't the only one affected. Clearing his throat, he cranks his car.

"So where are you taking me on this non-date that feels like a date?"

"Tonight, unfortunately, the bonfire is on some of the Daffodil's property. Not my favorite place to have it, but we earned a night of fun I would say."

I watch as the lights from town trail by when he turns off the main strip and onto a road that seems to go on forever with no houses in view. I'd hate to break down out here. It's a prime location for something that would air on the ID channel. My parents are obsessed with crime shows. It's a pastime I abhor because the TV is often left on long after they've fallen asleep and the shows that air leave me with nightmares that make it hard to go back to sleep.

"Remind me to never drive this road alone."

"What's wrong Queen D? Scared?" Devin teases. "We could always park and make out."

"And have our throats slit by some mad man while we're in the throes of passion. I don't think so."

His lips turn up on one side. "Nothing to fear my queen. I'd keep you safe."

It's my turn to arch a brow in his direction. "And who's going to protect me from you?"

"Who says you'll want to be protected."

And the heat in the truck escalates because for once I don't have a reply. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be protected. I've been kissed before, but never by someone like him. I've never felt the desire to do more even with the short-term boyfriend I had in Memphis. That was more of a companionship because we were fighting the same illness than it was a relationship. I'm saved from making any savvy comebacks when he pulls onto a long dirt road. A fence takes up residence on the right side and past it there are tons of cattle. The left side is surrounded by woods. A large fire can be seen from where we are and the closer we get I can tell the party is already in full swing. Several teenagers sit on the beds of pick-up trucks that are lined up along the wood line. Solo cups rest in their hands. One guy sings at the top of his lungs while another pukes in the bushes. We pass a few couples nestled among the wood line making out against the trees. What would it be like to have Devin skirt me up against one of those tree trunks and madly kiss me? Maybe I've seen too many romance movies, but I'd like to mark that off my bucket list.

"We're here."

The nerves in my stomach increase and my hand hesitates on the door handle. I'm not sure I'm ready for a crowd like this. I don't drink. I've made a point not to do anything that will harm my body in anyway. I want to remain healthy and live a full life. I want to be a doctor, travel, and do all the things that I continuously write down on my bucket list. If there's one lesson I've learned over the years, it's that life's too short to take anything for granted. Devin must sense my hesitation because he gets out, comes around to my side, opens the door, and takes my hand.

"I'll be with you, Dakota." He studies me. "I never took you for the shy type."

I shake my head. "It's not that."

I don't know what to say. Do I tell him that once you fight for your life, things like bonfires seem a little insignificant but can still be scary? Honestly, I'd rather keep that to myself. If there's one thing I hate the most, it's being treated like a porcelain doll. I'm not breakable. At least not yet. Ugh. Stop it. I'm being silly. I've never let things like this affect me before, but then again, I've never met someone like Devin before. There's something about him that gets under my skin. Helping me out of the car, I let go of his hand and am about to thank him when the voice that makes me think of the needles I used to hate breaks through.

"Awe, you brought a date. How sweet."

"Now Daffodil," Rick drawls from beside her. "When has Devin ever dated? How do you know he didn't give her a lift for me?"

He wraps an arm around my shoulder and grins. It takes a lot of will power on my part not to laugh. Not because of the expression on Ren Daffodil's face, but Devin's. He looks ready to punch Rick in the mouth. He has a right to look that way because Rick isn't chop liver. In fact, the guy is gorgeous in his own right. He isn't as tall as Devin, but his beach blond hair and chiseled high cheek bones make up for it.

"Come on, Dakota." He pulls me away while Daffodil takes the opportunity to wrap her arms around a scowling Devin.

He leans in with a chuckle. "I give him about five minutes before it sinks in he likes you and another five minutes to pry that bitch's arms off him before he marches over here and whisks you away. How about we raid the snack table first? I'm already on the guy's bad side right now. I don't want to take my chances with leaving you alone to the wolves."

My stomach grumbles from earlier and we both look down at it. I laugh.

"Food sounds like a great idea."

"Good because I need sustenance."

I smile at him. "Of course you do. You just made it into the play offs."

"Damn straight."

He starts walking faster. "Now let's hurry before we lose our chance."

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