Chapter 8

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"I've made it exactly one day before turning into the least liked girl at Dewbridge High. I'm pretty sure that's a new record." Dakota announces when I wave her over to our table in the cafeteria.

She takes the vacant seat across from me.

"It can't be that bad." Rick replies around a mouthful of fries.

"Chew man. That's disgusting."

He winks before shoving another one in. We ignore him. Dakota lays her phone on the table and points to it.

"Oh yeah?"

Her locker is spray painted with the words Move On. Not very original which leads me to believe this is Daffodil's handiwork. I'm pretty sure her brain was abducted by an alien when she was born. Either that or something short circuited in there a long time ago. Maybe it's all the bleach she puts in her hair. Evan snorts.

"That's what happens when you've fucked the quarterback."

I share a look with Dakota before we plant a glare in Evan's direction. He has the decency to hold his hands up in defeat.

"It's a small-town man."

"Too small," I mutter.

Somehow between the hours we left school yesterday and now, someone has found out about Dakota doing her work at the bar and me giving her a ride home after a stop at Dewbridge Medical. It also didn't pass anyone's notice the late hour at which I dropped her off. Small town gossip is running wild with that. Dakota shudders.

"Can you imagine the germs we'd be exposed to having sex in a hospital? People in this town must be really bored."

"Get used to it, honey. It comes with the territory when you date the quarterback. Just ask my sister."

Startled I turn to find Tad Roberts grinning at me from ear to ear. "Why you asshole ..."

"Such an affectionate greeting."

"We're not dating. We're acquaintances," Dakota breaks in.

"What the devil are you doing here?" I ask him.

Tad grabs a chair, brings it to our table, and sits on it backward. It's a typical Tad move. He hates doing anything the normal way. He came out last year to his father and surprised the town with his admission to being gay. I'm pretty sure the female population in our small town cried a river because let's get real, Tad is hot. Not that I've ever taken notice. I guess he's okay for a guy, but the girls swoon over his fit and buff body. His twin sister Mattie, who happens to be my best friend's girl, often grumbles about having to beat them off with a stick.

"I'm working on a news article about guess who?"

Scratching my head, I lean my elbow on the table and think.

"Let me guess, Daffodil finally admits she's been abducted by aliens."

Tad snickers. "Never thought I'd see the day someone replaced Ladonna and her evilness. I can't say I'm not happy to miss out on that rodeo."

"It's about Devin," Dakota offers.

Tad winks at her. "You catch on quick, muffin. I can already see you're going to be good for our hot looking man here. I'd date him myself if he wasn't on the other side of the fence."

He sighs like it's a hardship that I'm straight. Dakota blushes, but quickly covers it with a laugh. I decide to save her the embarrassment.

"Why me."

"Because you're one of Alabama's pick this year."

My heart skips a beat and excitement runs through my veins. I haven't let myself get my hopes up, but if Tad has heard enough to do a story on me, then I know it's true.

"I thought that was just town gossip."

Tad leans forward and pretends to beat his head on the chair.

"Ugh, tabloids and gossip. It tarnishes the names of good honest reporters like myself who take journalism very seriously by the way. However, I can assure you stud muffin that you are on their radar. It's just a matter of time now and I want to be the first person to print the news when it comes out."

"Watch out, Tad. From the little experience I've learned in a day his ego is big enough to swallow this room. There was this one guy who swallowed his prime," Dakota dishes the ridiculous rhyme out in a sing song voice.

Tad throws his head back and laughs. "Cheesy as hell and I love it! I like you ..."

"Dakota," I offer when he holds his hand out toward her. She grins at him and returns the handshake.

"Dakota," Tad finishes.

"Ditto. I'm pretty sure I like you too."

"I'm starting to think we're sitting at the crazy table," Rick mumbles.

"You can always go sit over there." I point to the table where the rest of the team is sitting flanked by Daffodil and her group. Evan makes a gagging noise.

"No thank you. I'd rather eat my own barf."

"And there went my lunch," Dakota moans. That sound hits me in places I shouldn't let it, but whether she realizes it or not she has the voice of a temptress. It can't be helped. The bell rings and everyone stands to gather their plates except for Tad whose only here for work, lucky bastard. He slaps me on the shoulder.

"I miss you guys," I can't help admitting.

"Don't worry," he winks. "You'll be in the real world with us sooner than you think. Time has a way of flying by."

His gaze lands on Dakota and we watch her walk toward the trash can to throw the contents of her tray away. Today she's wearing tight jeans, a pink sweater that molds perfectly to her figure, and beige knee-high boots. She's a goddess with her medium length hair down in loose curls.

"Besides, it looks like you've formed a new groupie since we've left."

"She's only been here for two days," I remind him.

"When has that ever deterred you?"

Scary enough, he's right. But something tells me I need to tread carefully with this one. I don't need the distraction of a relationship and I have a feeling things with her would be more than just a good lay. She's cool and fits in with the guys and she's gorgeous to boot. That's a lethal combination. Tad's snort shakes me from my thoughts.

"Careful, Gibson, this one may take your heart."

I roll my eyes. "You're just wanting another story to write. The last one you wrote on our boy Rylan and Mattie hit the best seller list."

He chuckles. "Something tells me I made the right choice to come home for this one."

I keep silent because Tad has an uncanny psychic sense about things, and I don't want to feed into the mojo he has going on right now. Instead, I watch Dakota slip out the door and something inside me tells me I'm barely treading water.

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