Start from the beginning

The five men looked at each other, confused.

Evi started to lower her gun just when a log of wood whipped the consciousness out of her. " Not again"


" Trees... Why were there so many trees... And those people.... Ugh I am going to be sick"

Evi's eyes shot open once again. This time, she could readjust far better. But just when she tried to get up, she noticed herself bound to a tree. " What the hell"

" You're awake..." One of those five men approached. " Look here...... Medicine...... Blood..."

Evi could comprehend a few words spoken by the man.

" Sanskrit?" Evi thought as a confusing frown marred her face. She quickly tried to unlock her translator but knew that the water must have done some damage to the system.

" You're lucky.... Brother almost tossed you back to the river" The man kept rambling as he applied medicine on her arms.

" You, who?" Evi stringed along the few words that she could retrieve.

" I cannot tell you" Evi understood and nodded in silence. She looked around to see the four men sitting in a circle and having some fruits along with one older lady.

" Brothers? Mother?" Evi asked as the man nodded in agreement.

" What's your name?" Sahadev asked just to initiate a conversation.

" Evi..." Her eyes widened in shock. " Of course, what the hell? Where am I? I was at the war zone!!!!?" She screamed. "What is this place?" She shouted, making Sahadev shift backwards due to the sudden outburst.

" I cannot understand you" Sahadev desperately tried to calm her down as the others rushed towards them after hearing the commotion.

" What's happening?" Kunti asked frantically.

" Sahadev.... she... attack? Bheem, who was almost twice the size of Evi, the one she had shot in the leg, asked in rage.

" Sahadev?" Evi questioned but shook off her doubts as she needed to go back. She needed to tell the commander about the betrayal, about Ren. " These people had the nerve to bind me to this tree" Evi groaned in frustration as she pulled at the ropes.

The ropes tore apart, making quite a scene as the tree itself couldn't handle the force. The wide trunk broke along with the ropes, but before the tree could hit anyone, Bheem caught it with one arm and flung it to the side with ease.

" What in the hell...." Evi looked in awe at the tree hitting the ground. Just as she turned around to face the group, the man held her by the collar and pushed her to the nearest tree.

" You ungrateful lowlife..... We saved you and this is how you repay..." Bheem backed up with a punch just when Kunti shouted

" No Bheem!, That's a girl"

" I don't believe it" Bheem shouted back and landed the punch.

" AaAAAAAARGHHHHH" Bheem screamed as an excruciating jolt of pain travelled through his knuckles. He instinctively let go of Evi's collar and dropped down to his knees, clutching his busted hand. He looked at her through his tear filled eyes " How?"

" Bheem?"Evi was sure she heard it correctly. The audio sensor was waterproof from the beginning. "Are you... telling me you're Panduputra Bheem?"

The five men stiffened. They were unsure as to how to approach her now. This little slip up could cause them their life. They had successfully escaped from the lac palace weeks ago, but it could all go to waste if the girl in front of them revealed it to the Hastinapur royals.

They couldn't just let her leave.

"We need to get rid of her NOW" Bheem screamed, still writhing in pain as Arjun, Sahadev and Nakul braced themselves at the order of their older brother.

"Don't attack a lady!" Kunti too protested but her voice got dimmed as she felt Yudhishthir's hand on her shoulder.

"Maa, if she is not meant to be killed, she won't die. Have faith in destiny. But for now, she has proven herself to be just a danger to our lives" Yudhishthir justified Bheem's decision reluctantly.

The sky turned dark as Arjun summoned a weapon with his incantations. Evi was still stunned. There was no way she jumped universes. Right!?

Evi's knees gave up as she fell to the ground, witnessing the spectacle in front of her. The warriors present before her were none other than the legendary Pandavas, who were now going to kill her.

A lightning struck Arjun's hand, descending from the heavens, as it formed into a bow and an arrow.

There was no room for doubt. Right now, she was in the presence of demigods. She closed her eyes in defeat. And smiled. Maybe she was dying atlast, but atleast she got to see something magical.

Arjun took his stance. He meant it to be a clean kill, no pain whatsoever. He didn't have any qualms with the girl who had injured two of his brothers. Rather he found her interesting. But their safety came first, ALWAYS.

Just as he released the arrow, a warm light enveloped Evi.

She felt it. An aura, as menacing as it was calming. She knew, it was HIM.

"Now now Parth... I don't want you to commit a grave sin of killing such a beautiful lady"

He sported a smile. The arrow had disappeared into the light and Evi was just now sitting in His shadow. She didn't dare to look at his way, her fear was palpable in the air.

"Why are you so scared miss?" He asked as he turned to Evi.

Evi bit her lip. It took every single drop of courage in her to return the gaze, and spit
"You already know, you dumb fucking ASSHOLE of a GOD".

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