24. The Weekend / Study Time

Start from the beginning

Still, we belong to two different worlds, I believe. We are not on the same page. We are not even in the same book. He's like The Fashion Book while I'm just a freaking Encyclopedia.

The way he talks, walks, and dresses everyone in college knows he's a big shot. But that stupid big shot chose me to mess with. I don't know if to laugh or cry.

At first, I thought he only found me interesting and different from him. But after what happened yesterday... I'm not so sure anymore.

Since he shows up in my life, everything turns upside down. In college girls started some kind of gossip about me in their secret chat group, and my friend Joy is a member of that group! Which makes it even worse. Joy tells me what they talk about in the damn group, but I'm not that interested in their stupid talks. I mean why would I...? they don't even know me.

Joy told me that everyone called him Golden Boy, and I didn't disagree. She was rolling on the ground - laughing hard - after telling me that they call me freaking Gold-digger.

Bloody hell of Gold! Where is the damn gold that I dig!

I don't mind if they call him Golden Boy. His rich attitude tells everything. His whole body illuminates as if he takes his bloody shower in money, even the eyes of girls shine bright when they saw him walking around or just sitting straight like a freaking Duke.

I'm not jealous of him, he earned all the attention for himself after all. Due to the excessive attention that he gets some of the spotlight is thrown on me too. And I am not comfortable with that, at all.

He's indeed an impossible guy, hard to approach. But it makes me happy when he doesn't treat me any less. He's like a charming colorful painting and I'm like an ordinary black and white background wall.


It'll be an issue of disrespect if I say I forgave him already or I'm not mad at him after what he did to me. I'm a chilled person I won't do revenge-thing. But it doesn't mean that I don't feel bad and insulted. I'm gonna stay mad at him till my bruises disappear, just out of my self-respect.

Whenever I felt down or stressed, I stood in front of the mirror and talked to the girl I saw in there. Sometimes I showered compliments, other times I scolded.

Last night I told her...

'Give yourself the healthy space to evaluate what you feel, because feelings can often distort and hinder what it is you truly want.'

I know how to make myself feel better and special. Like I don't need anyone else to tell me how important I am. I know my worth. I know how to make myself happy.


I was taking small sips of my tea, a thing I can only do on weekends haha. 

Buzzz~ My cell phone buzzed showing a new message, I opened the text.

Bloody hell!

"I believe now that you've learned your lesson you'll keep a safe distance from him!"

I rubbed my face in frustration.

I finally had enough.

At first, I ignored all of this, thinking of it as a practical joke or something. I don't know if it's just one person or the whole group. Huh! Why would I fear the person who only barked behind the screen like a coward.!?

I took my cell phone and started typing.

"Hey, what's up! I completely forget about you, my bad."

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