Chapter 239: Along the Sandy Beaches

Start from the beginning

"Hmm... Grey, now that the Leviathan has been subjugated... There's nothing left to do, isn't there? Should we go sightseeing around Torogi?" [Yuna]

"Sightseeing... I'm fine with that, but... Do you have a place in mind?" [Grey]

"Hmm... That's right... Where would be nice..." [Yuna]

Pondering as she tilted her head left and right, Yuna was in deep thought as she tried to come up with an answer to Grey's question. Yet no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't think of one. Or rather, she couldn't decide on one.

After all, though it's relatively small compared to a territory, Torogi was still a large archipelago with many sights to see. The problem was, neither Grey nor Yuna knew where to look. She was in deep thought until...

"Ah!" [Yuna]

A certain young girl appeared in front of her. She bore long, white hair, black stripes running along and decorated with twitching tiger ears. Her tail was wrapped along her waist as she oversaw the people working.

"Good morning, Marika~!" [Yuna]

"Oh! Good morning as well, Big Sister Yuna~! Big Brother Grey~!" [Marika]

It was none other than Marika who was holding a couple scrolls on her hands. The moment she saw Grey and Yuna, she waved her right hand energetically and her tail wagged left and right like an excited little puppy.

It was good that she didn't start running towards them, otherwise, her being herself, and worse, blinded by excitement, Marika would have surely tripped and hurt her knees once again. She was just far too clumsy for her own good.

"Are you two out on a walk?" [Marika]

"Un! You could say we are! How about you?" [Yuna]

"Ah, I'm helping Papa out with the accommodation of refugees. We're currently building some temporary shelters for them." [Marika]

Said Marika as she looked at the buildings the villagers were working on. Though only the rough frameworks have been finished, there were a lot of them laid out all over the place. A little over a dozen to be precise.

"Waah~ You sure work fast, don't you?" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! We always get many of our houses destroyed during storms, after all. We just got used to building things quickly. This is nothing." [Marika]

"Ohh~!... Ah, is it really fine to say that? Storms aren't a joke, you know?" [Yuna]

"Don't worry, Big Sister Yuna. It's only the houses who get broken. Everyone's usually okay when that happens. So, no worries." [Marika]

"Phew... That's good to hear." [Yuna]

The two were on the same wavelength, wearing similar smiles on their faces as they continued their chat. And though Grey feels a little left out, he was very happy to see the two of them being cheerful. Yuna really was built to be an older sister.

At the same time, as Grey surveyed the location for the refugee camp, he once again admired how skilled the people of Torogi were. They may fall behind in technology, but their skills were amazing.

'At this rate, I wonder how long it will take for the villages to recover...' [Grey]

Such a thought running through his mind, a light bulb suddenly lit up inside his mind. Though not intentionally, a place for sightseeing has come up to his mind. It may not be the usual location for such an experience, but it would work out just fine.

"And then, I think it would be nice ifー Ah!" [Marika]

Their conversation was going well, when suddenly, one of the workers from afar waved his hand towards her. It was clear that they needed Marika's help for the designs and layout. It was time to get back to work.

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