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A/N: This is just the prologue (though the entire thing); I would do multiple pages for a preview but I'm posting this before more chapters are finished sooo. Anyway, here you go.

"Oh, Shrewstar..." The nurse exited the priests den with a somber face and even guilt in their expression, "I'm so sorry..."

The brawny yet graceful feline whipped their head around, eyes widening and pupils dilating. It took her a moment to realize what the nurse meant but once it had sunk in, it cut deep like knives.

"Please no..." She muttered softly before crying out to the sky, "No!"

The clan looked towards their leader, all sharing a shocked or sad expression. They knew what had happened; Shrewstar's mate, Kudublitz, had unfortunately passed away giving birth.

"I have to see them..." Shrewstar answered before growling, "Alone."

The nurse would not disobey their leaders orders, going to go inside to ask the priestess if it was okay. They trusted Shrewstar so agreed it was fine.

The pristine leader walked in; yet her dominant and professional aura had left her. In minutes her fur stuck in different directions and she looked... Quite hideous, actually, as her face scrunched up with built up sadness. Her tail flicked she was so upset, but she couldn't be upset with anyone. Apart of living was dying.

She neared the bodies, seeing how Kudublitz still had kits inside her belly that couldn't be freed. One lay still by her belly but another one seemed to be faintly moving. Shrestar felt hope fill inside her and wasted no time, cleaning the kit urgently until it ... It mewed.

"Kudublitz, I saved one!" She cried out to her deceased mate, "I'm so sorry, my love... But your work wasn't worth nothing... I saved a kit!"

Shrewstar looked down at the kit; it adnored a like pelt like her, Shrewstar, rather than Kudu, who had a beige pelt. She held the kit close for a moment before the priestess had to come back in.

"What's all the commotion?" The priestess asked curiously.

"I saved one!" Howled Shrewstar, excitement and hope in her eyes.

The priest looked shocked but then smiled softly, "Oh... That's the first born; he came out backwards."

Then suddenly Shrewstar realized something new.

This mangy filth was the one who got the other kits stuck. The one who killed her mate and the rest of her family. She stopped smiling, looking down at him with a shocked expression as she processed it all.

The priest chirped, "What will you name him...?"


"What a fierce name." The priestess cooed before lightheartedly commenting, "I expect him to have a stubborn peronality." Both his mother's were.

Shrewstar thought not, he was named for the fact he was a mangy scavenger. He was dirt. But Shrewstar would fix him.

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now