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"Smogbreath," Lotuspaw called to their mentor while cleaning their bedding, "I have one more question..."


"What's the illness?"

"Well," Smogbreath took a deep breath as this would be a long explanation, "It's odd... It's like... Everything yet nothing we've seen before. At first, it's like a simple white-cough. But somehow it becomes more severe until it causes organs to one by one shut down."

After that last sentence the two fell silent, yet behind them was other nurses chattering mindlessly. It made Lotuspaw wonder, where did such illness come from? Was there an evil force working against them... Or was that just part of living, death? Why would other animals get sick, if it was a punishment to the clans as some rumored? Why did animals depend on other animals, why was all of nature so deeply connected?

"Its not just about us, Smogbreath..." Lotuspaw muttered.

The hairless felines tall ears perked up, "What do you mean? I never said that?"

"No, no, I know..." Xe seemed to be deep in thought as they replied, "Moonclan and Sunclan aren't punishing us, no one is. Most animals are getting ill, not just us cats," Lotuspaw's eyes widened, "We are all connected, Smogbreath."

"Of course. We eat the animals who eat the plant, then we are eaten or decomposed. That's life, we need predators and threats to keep harmony."

Lotuspaw's mouth was left wide open, blinking as xe tried to comprehend it all. But eventually Smogbreath told Lotuspaw to rest her mind; it's important to understand life but not to become infatuated with why? rather how.

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