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The all three clans sat at the clans gathering grounds.

Ravenstar announced, "Today, we are gathered to wish Lotuslight goodbye... While it pains all of the clans our heroine must go, she's decided her journey is not over. We wish you well."

"Goodbye!" "Farewell!" "We'll miss you!" The crowd hollered, even those who didn't know Lotuspaw attended, for they knew her name.

She truly was a hero, even if her work wasn't over... Maybe It never would be, but she'd make a difference anyway.

"Lotuslight!" A familiar voice hollered.

It was too familiar. She whipped around and there stood a pure white tom-cat; brawny and muscular with blue eyes and a pink flower byside his ear.

Her eyes widened in shock, "No.. It can't be!"

He ran up to her, embracing her into his paws, "I missed you..."

She sobbed, "Why did you hide from me?"

"I didn't, I was in Duneclan... I know your leaving, and that's okay but... I got this from Hawkpaw. I think you'd want it." He said, handing over a feather, "And this is from me." He handed her his pink flower.

She was overwhelmed, but gladly took them. She'd put the feather and flower side by side at the base of her tail before turning back, purring to her brother.


"Lilystrike, I'm an officer."

She smiled, "I do have to go but I... I just can't believe it."

"I have kits even..." He said softly, "Come back and see them."

She nodded. It was now her time to leave though, as the sun was reaching the middle of the sky. She didn't need to say more, she walked off into the distance towards the sun.

Behind her, a crowd of cats yowled and cheered. Behind her was only dreams, now her paws took her towards a reality.

But one day... One day she'll end up where she belonged. Rushclan.

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now