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The two walked towards a shady oasis, one closeby that usually grew herbs. The two scavenged diligently, though could not find as much as desirable... They must have been foraging here too often for the herbs to grow back.

"We should try somewhwre else..." She said, looking around thoughtfully before pointing, "Let's try over there, for cobwebs and whatnot." Lotuspaw announced to which Beepaw agreed.

As they walked over, something caught Lotuspaw's eye. It was a bright blue flower, light shining upon it as if the sky pointed towards it, Sunclan calling Lotuspaw over towards it.

Obviously, with such bright colors Lotuspaw was rightfully suspicious... It could definitely be poisonous (fyi, this is not based off a real flower, too lazy to research). She'd never seen it before, she must tell her mentor immediately if there was a new danger.

Xe turned around to see Beepaw watching xer cautious movements which made xer feel the need to explain, "I saw this new flower..." She pointed towards it, "Has your mentor taught you about it?"

Beepaw shook Beepaw's head, to which Lotuspaw felt her suspicions were confirmed, "Don't go near it. I have a feeling it's no good."

Beepaw nodded immediately; Lotuspaw was aers superior - being a priests trainee - and Beepaw was smart enough to also understand new things could be dangerous.

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