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The two, Smogbreath and Lotuspaw, over time grew closer. Lotuspaw was still recovering but she began to feel at ease with what had happened because she would make it better. Smogbreath began to order Lotuspaw to help clan duties; a simple task yet a vital skill.

"Rosemary'splash, I'm sure your kits will be lovely. Just continue your regular herbs." Lotuspaw reassured the nervous queen before lightheartedly commenting, "Stress will only cause your young harm."

"Oh no! I must relax but I-" The she-cat yowled, obviously growing more anxious.

Quickly, Lotuspaw began to curl her thin tail around the molly, showing her comfort and finally hushing the queens nervousness. Rosemary'splash smiled with gratitude, sighing lightly.

"You surely have learned a lot from Smogbreath... Are you sure you don't want to work in the healing field?"

Lotuspaw felt her blood boil slightly, remembering Ravenstars harsh 'encouragement' for the young she-cat to begin priest training. She remembered that her whole ordeal was caused by some ridiculous prophecy.

"I'm sure." Lotuspaw tried to say it politely, but it came out bitterly and cold.

The molly almost flinched from just how icy and distant the cats tone had changed, but quickly regained her position.

"Don't feel pressured, I'm only suggesting."

Lotuspaw smiled softly, but it seemed very forced, "... Thank you, Rosemary'splash."

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