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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around Great Rock!" It was Ravenstar screeching for his clan-mates, sitting beside him the clans Captain and the Priest.

The priest, Emberfield, was orange pelted with a cream underbelly and a brown heart shaped freckle beside their nose. The priest smiled proudly, as if something great had happened.

"Lotuspas, it is time you become apprenticed," He begun making the pale feline smile, she was finally one of the clan, "Moonclan has chosen your destiny. You will train as a priestess!"

Immediately the crowd howled and roared with cheers, chanting her name and congratulations. But Lotuspaw was shattered. She wanted to be a NORMAL warrior! She wanted to fit in with trainees, those her age, but instead she was even weirder. Immediately, she wept and wept and finally she could not take the heart-wrenching cheers anymore.

She screamed with resentment and hatred, "YOU'VE RUINED MY LIFE, MOONCLAN!"

With that she ran, and she ran, and she ran even more until she could not anymore. She ached, and she was so young, she was not supposed to know this kind of suffering. But her heart and head hurt her worst of all. Because she found out new things.

She found out Moonclan killed her siblings, her parents, all that loved or acquainted her. Moonclan had done this to her, Moonclan made her abnormal and a freak. Her ancestors betrayed her.

She found out the weight, the gravity of destiny.

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now