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"Tawnystrike! Im in labor!" The pale she-cat howled, "Get the nurses!"

The brown cat scurried out from the down, running to the priest den yowling for nurses. Eventually two felines, one silver and one calico, ran out to follow him.

"Oh, sweetie, calm down!" The calico tom mewed, "Just breathe, it'll help." He'd assure, handing her over a stick, "Here, chew on this."

The silver molly, Riverglisten, sat by her flank, awaiting the kits. When they were birthed, immediatelly she groomed them slightly to ensure they were breathing and then handed them over to their alabster mother, Softsong.

She had born 3 kits, purring a throaty, relieved purr and the nurses had also begun to feed her herbs to numb majority of the pain.

Softsong looked up at the calico tom, "Thank you, Sweet- I mean, sorry, Splitmask."

He smiled sweetly, "No worries, I understand it might take some getting used to."

He and the silver molly got up and left, sharing gossip and chatter while they returned to the priest of the clan.

Riverglisten turned, "We will be back soon to check on you, for now start deciding names."

The two parents nodded before beginning to discuss.

"What about... Lotuskit," She pointed her nose to the first kit, a she-cat with pale fur and cream markings,

"Lilykit," She then pointed to the second, a tom with pale fur and brown face markings,

"And Falconkit?" A brown tabby kitten with a white underbelly.

Tawny purred, "Yes, it suits them perfectly."

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now