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The mid-hair molly sat before him, while he sat with his maws far apart and eyes open wide, seeking for the words to tell her.


His face immediately turned to one of griefance, tears forming as soon as the words fell from the faded cats lips. He threw himself towards her, soaking her invisible pelt with salty tears. She was merely a spirit now. Light and feathery, nothing compared to the old, cumbersome body she once adorn. She was long passed, her pelt weightless yet it still held warmth and comfort still. Despite how free she felt, she still had the old, wrinkled appearance she died in. She was happy that day.

"I love you." He wept into her ears, making her purr.

She licked him patiently, "I will always love you, but that's not why I have come."

He looked shocked but stood back for a moment, allowing himself to regain his powerful and calm aurora.

"Is this about the prophecy? The Lotus has come, but she refuses to do anything! In fact, xe is rebelling!"

"Raven," She spoke with a still calmness, "Listen to those around you. They are hurt; let them train as what they want, let them truly live life. Only then can they see the life that is offered."

Ravenstar sighed, he had been in denial for so long. But if his mother, a Moonclan cat, was telling him what to do then he had no choice but trust her. He should've trusted his clanmates too, that hurt him upon realizing he didn't.

How could he not trust the judgement those who are loyal to him until death, those who would fight and loose it all for the clan? Those who are trained to do such and those who are wise!

He only felt guilt now.

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now