"Khun, you need to study this time. There's no movie about this age of history."

"Fine then let the bygone be bygones. I don't want to hear anything about this topic... not from your damn mouth at least." I shouted at the door from inside.

"Khun please." Arm was saying maybe he's getting tired now. Good for me!

"What's going on here?" I heard a deep voice, ahh my brother Kinn. They talked for a minute. Yeah, that's better to go and talk to each other and leave me alone.

"Open the door!" Kinn said in an authoritative voice but that didn't work on me. Hahaha!

"Khun please.. just a few questions then I'll leave you alone." Arm pleaded.

"Hah, I don't need your pleading just give up already," I shouted in my high-pitched voice.

"Let him be, Arm." Kinn said while changing his tone "Maybe he wanted to be called a loser in his class. Let him fail a few tests then we'll see who respects him after that." My bloody brother scoffed. Is he already making fun of me.? Excuse me I am the first son of Theerapanyakul. I never fail!

"Yes, Khun Kinn!" Arm said as if he agreed with my brother. Damn you Arm!

"We're leaving! You can go wherever you want... Or maybe watch some more series." Kinn said before leaving, I heard his footsteps going away.

I know what he was trying to do...
Huh, I'm crazy not an idiot!

I play some music before lying down on my bed.

[I just wanna pen faen you dai bor?
Dai bor?
Dodidong la dido didong~~]

I was looking at the ceiling while singing along in a loud voice. I closed my eyes just for a second and her face came to my mind, looking down at her test, lips moving slowly while reading, black eyes blinking while focusing more....

"BLOODY HECK!!!!" I shouted to nothing in particular and stomped towards the door. As I opened the door, I found three idiots standing there, arms crossed on their chests, posing for my eyes. Damn my eyes! One of them smirked and patted Arm's shoulder before leaving.

"Now you can take this from here."

"Thank you, Khun Kinn."

My smart brother left leaving Arm and Pol in front of him. They were smiling at me. I placed my hands on my waist and gave a glare. Arm pushed his glasses back and looked down on his tablet, Pol just looked around ignoring my glare.


"First tell me what can you recall from earlier," Arm said his eyes fixed on the tablet.

"You were talking about angels and..... that S Word?" I said in a lower voice. He choked for some reason, after getting what I avoid to say. "What!?" I lifted my chin.

"Khun, I was teaching you about the earliest age of literature. The Anglo-Saxon Period." 

I furrowed my brows pretending to be thinking deeply. "Oh, I see..." I said but in reality, I didn't see anything at all.

"..." He looked at me blankly behind his glasses.

"Yeah, I get that, we are talking about history, first age, angels, and saxophone." I held my head high feeling proud. This time his mouth fell open for some reason.

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