Chapter 25 || The Final Location

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A day after,

you woke up with your friends by your side comforting you and giving you loads of motivation to go find them. Soon enough, you decided that you didn't come this far just to stop midway. 

At the very bottom of the box, there was an engraving, 'Look for light, in the darkest forests' There are millions of forest.. which one could it possibly be. Just then, Harry noticed a smaller engraving at the bottom left corner, 'Backwood Oaks'. 

"I've never heard of that forest before," Ron said turning his head to the side. "That's because it's no where near here." Hermione said.

The next thing you knew, you all were in a library searching for a map in a book Hermione has read before. "I swear it's here somewhere." She said walking frantically trying to remember what book it was. 

You started searching at about 7AM, and you finally manage to find the book an hour after. "The Backwood Oaks, a place of every campers dream, until it was abandoned for having unexplainable things happening. The place of laughter has now become the place of fear and possible danger." Hermione read.

There was a map leading to the forest, but it hadn't been touched in ages. "well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Ron said as he flashes a smile. And just like that you guys started figuring out what train to take that would be nearest to the forest. 

"Mione, what unexplainable things happened there?" you laid back on the train seat looking to your right. "Well it says here.. things would catch on fire, sudden bursts of wind would occur, tents or locations they've seen within the woods would suddenly disappear. It was like magic." She said reopening the book again. "sounds like it would be the right place." Penny added.

Just then, the train stopped and you all got off. Then walked for a very very long time, till you finally spotted the entrance to it all. In a more quiet area, there you saw a path that was covered in rusty 'do not enter' signs and flimsy police tape closing the way. "Yup, this looks like the place!" Harry said as he gave a sarcastic smile.

When you stepped over the tape, it was like a sudden temperature change. It was still snowing obviously, but in the forest it was much much colder. You used your fire power to create the smallest fire in your hand to warm them up. Even though it was really cold, the forest was beautiful. 

as you were walking, Penny suddenly broke the silence. "Y/n, uhm, why didn't you just use your teleportation to get us here??" She walk backwards so she could see your reaction. "Well, it's been 10 years, i didn't even remember i lived in a forest. My teleportation only works when I have a detailed image of that place in my head." Penny then let out a big 'ooouuuu' and turned back around. 

It's been a really long time of walking and many stops to rest, yet you couldn't find any signs of a house. You were getting really frustrated and stopped talking, your friends noticed this. "Hey now, we've come this far. Let's not give up just yet." "Yeah, Y/n, don't be too worried, I'm sure we'll find the house soon." Hearing this, you instantly smiled knowing even if you don't end up finding them, you'd still have friends like them.

"Oh i remember something, the house was near a lake!" you said suddenly. From there, you all searched for a nearby lake, of course it would be frozen by now. Once you found it, you all cheered in joy. It made you feel like a kid again. But sadly, the sun was almost down by then. "shall we go back home and continue tomorrow? this place might be dangerous at night." Mattheo said looking at you to get your approval. You nodded in response. But just as you were about to teleport you and your friends back home, you saw a light from the side of your eyes. 

"Look for light, in the darkest forests" you muttered under your breath. "Y/n, is everything alright?" "Guys.. I think i found it!!" You then started to race towards the light with everyone following behind you. 

you then stopped. "Y/n.. there's nothing here but a lamp post.." Hermione said feeling sad to break your excitement. 

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Then you said something under your breath. Not even a second later, a giant burst of purple wind blew away from you. 

And just like that.. There it was.. 

10 Years.. everything you've ever wondered is now here in front of you.

an old lake house filled with memories of your childhood. It was old yet it still looked well kept and fresh.  

Because of that burst of wind, a pair of couple came out of the house to see what had happened. And that's when your heart stopped. You ran to them.

"Mom..! Dad..!" 

you were finally back in their arms. after 10 years, you were finally able to hug them again. You've never cried so much, it all just felt like a waterfall. 

Your parents were shocked and cried with you. Even some of your friends cried happy they were able to bring you back to them. 

after what felt like a long time, you let go of your parents to look at their faces with tear eyes. "We're so sorry Y/n.." Mom said stroking your hair. "please don't blame yourselves, you did what was best for me, i'm just happy to see you guys again," You said hugging them again.

Your father then motioned your friends to come closer, "Thank you, thank you so much, to all of you for taking care of my daughter and bringing her here." 

"Oh dear, Y/n, you and your friends must be freezing, c'mon now let's head inside." Mother said bringing all of you inside where it's warm and comfy. 

memories of your childhood came rushing back when you came in. a smile spread across your face, ever so happy to be here again.

Your parents sat you all for dinner and you told them everything they've missed. 

How you got into Hufflepuff just like father. Met your best friend who's like a sister to you, Penny. Got friends from different houses. House parties. Yule ball. Quidditch. Triwizard tournament.  Getting taken cared of by the Diggorys. Fell in love with a Slytherin. Went on crazy adventures. The battle of Hogwarts. Graduated. The journey here. 

It was all just smooth sailing from there. Everyone was laughing, telling stories, jokes, playing board games or cards. The next day you all skated on the frozen lake. 

"They're just like us but reversed," Your parents were in awe to see you and Mattheo skating together. 

since the Dark Lord is now gone for good, we had the Malfoys come over, the Diggorys, the Weasleys. You were so happy to see everyone putting the past behind. 

These moments are the kind of things that makes your life worth living. Having the people you love surrounding you is one of the best feelings ever. 

You and Mattheo spent Christmas and New Years together with your parents. They got along really well!

and at the end of each day, you and Mattheo would climb up the roof and enjoy quality time together, stargazing, relaxing. 

"You know what.." you say as you looked up at the snowy sky, laying your head on his lap. "what?" he smiled as he stroke you hair. you paused.. 

"You make me feel alive.." you looked at his face that was smiling down at you. "every time i look at you.. i suddenly think 'maybe the world isn't that bad after all'."

he lets out a giggle, "what are you trying to say exactly?"

"I Love you.."

He smiles but stays silent..

"Well you make me feel alive too, so.. I Love you. Maybe even more than you think."

You smiled at each other as he leans down over to give you a long kiss. 

The End


WOOHOO..!! and that Ladies and Gentlemen, was "Alive" by yours truly. Thank you so so much for following me in my journey to write my first ever story! It's been a heck of a ride. Hopefully more stories will come in the future. Don't forget to take care of yourself and once again a big thank you to my supporters<3

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