Chapter 14 || He's back

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you told Penny every detail about your dream, it even surprise her how detailed you remembered your dream.

"It's not normal for any being to remember their dreams in such detail.. Most people can't even remember their dreams when they first wake up."

it bugged you the whole morning, you couldn't stand it anymore. and so you went to the only person you thought may know what the third task is, Hagrid.

you knocked on his hut and he answered, "Hagrid, do you know anything about the third task?" Hagrid was still a little sleepy as he sips a cup of tea.

after begging a couple of times, he finally told. the third task was a maze, a quite dangerous maze. the Triwizard cup was placed somewhere in the middle of the maze, the first to grab the cup will be the winner.

you asked Hagrid to describe the cup again. He was utterly confused. he thought you were messing with him, so you begged him once more and he told you.

he said it had a really unique design, three dragons on it, it glowed a blue color with a hint of green.

you start to worry even more as the description he gave was identical to what you saw in your dream. you stressed about it till the tournament started.

you met up with Amos Diggory after the task started, but you excused yourself not long after as you wanted to look for Mattheo for comfort.

you looked at your usual hang out spot near the black lake but he wasn't there. 10.. 15 minutes gone by. no Mattheo, and no sound of horn that someone had found the cup.

You paced around in that same spot wondering if maybe you're just overthinking it. Maybe it's just a coincidence. It's not like a dream could be something from the future.

At this point you were biting your nails trying to calm yourself down. You yourself was confused on why were you even worrying. Oh but the people in that maze are your friends for God's sake!

a red firework then shot up at the sky, signaling one of the champions in danger. this was your breaking point. hands started to sweat, thought spinning around, air was hard to get in.


Okay okay.. Deep breaths deep breaths. Everything will be alright in the end.

you focused on the dream, focused on the situation, most importantly you focused on the location.

then without knowing, you mumbled some gibberish under your breath, your eyes started burning so bad and in matter of seconds.

You felt everything around you changed. The air was different. Everything was different.

everything happened so quickly, you didn't even had time to fully process what was in front of you.

"Cedric get back to the cup!"


"Kill the boy!"




"Avada Kedavra!"

As the spell came out of the half-human's mouth, in the matter of seconds, Harry grabbed Cedric and the cup. you weren't far from him, so in short time he got to you with the cup.

you shield your face, bracing yourself for death. the green light was right at the palm of your hand, your eyes started to burn again, a flash of purple light in front of your eyes covering the green.

just then you three got teleported back to the start line of the maze.

the interaction between the green light from the spell and the purple light was like setting gasoline on fire, that once you arrived, a big explosion followed.

as the spell did somewhat hit you, you got set off flying almost out of the area.

the place was a mess, a lot of things caught on fire. things were burned down or disfigured.

as you hit the ground, your body felt weak. your hand burned, but your eyes burned even more, forcing you to close your eyes as a single tear fell.

the last thing you heard was Harry and Cedric's voice calling out to you, everything after was just black.



you quickly sat up, panting.

"Ms. Vermoox! You're awake!" Madam Pomfrey quickly came to you and gave you medical attention.

she later hurried to call Dumbledore and the other professors. after answering a few questions, they left you to rest. your head still hurts a lot.

once the word spread out that you had woken up, people of your choice were now allowed to visit.

you asked for Harry, Ron, and Hermione first. you needed explanation on what happened asap. the three of them greeted you with hugs of relief.

Harry explained that he and Cedric made a decision to win the tournament together, so they touched the cup at the same time. but that cup turned into a portkey that lead to a grave yard. that's where they met the animagus of scabbers, Peter Pettigrew. and the creature he was holding, that was Voldemort.

"But he looked so weak, so he can't harm us, can he?" you asked nervously. "that's the problem, the only reason why the cup turned into a portkey that lead to the dark lord is that the only thing left needed to bring him back was the blood of the enemy," Hermione explained to you.

you felt more worried knowing there is a chance in the future where Voldemort will pay a visit. "Don't worry too much as of right now." Harry stroked the side of your face gently. "Get some rest."

the next day you asked for Penny and Cedric. they gave you comforting hugs, and they both help you catch on what's happening in the present.

"Y/n! I'm so happy you're okay!" Penny gave you a very tight hug.

After letting go, you looked at Cedric to which he responded with a smile. "Thank you, y/n. I'm not sure how I'll ever repay you," He said giving you a hug as well.

The day after, you asked to see Mattheo. But Madam Pomfrey said he wasn't available at the moment.

you were shocked to find out that he didn't even pay you a visit once when you were unconscious. you didn't take it to heart that much, maybe he had something going on.

"Owh, don't look so discouraged dear. You'll be discharged soon so you could go see him," Madam Pomfrey said very gently.

after you fully recovered, you went out to look for Mattheo at night. when you finally found him at the astronomy tower, he looked rather stressed out.

"Riddle, are you okay?" "y/n! how are you feeling? I'm really sorry i didn't pay you a visit."

he said as he scooped you into a hug. "it's alright, i'm fine now, thought could i know why you didn't come to see me?" you asked out of curiosity.

he took a deep breath, "my father been trying to track me down ever since the tournament ended." he looked down at the ground. "so he's actually back.. you're not going to-" "no, of course not! I've already said, I'm not like my father."

he lifted your chin slightly and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I love you." even now he still found new ways to give you butterflies. "I love you too." you smiled and you hugged him.

Even with this much comfort he gave you, you still felt uneasy. Something is bound to happen, you thought.

you then went to bed as it was getting late. you took a last glimpse of him without him knowing, he looked like he was thinking hard about something.

he isn't going back to Voldemort.. right?


Special thanks to WingsofFire0413 for giving me my very first comment on this story, your support means the world! <3

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