Chapter 1 || Where it all begins

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You were sat on the green fresh spring grass, humming a tune your father used to sing to you every night before bed. breathing in the fresh air and feeling the warm sunlight on your skin.

I'm lying on the moon
My dear,
I'll be there soon
It's a quiet and starry place
Time's we're swallowed up
In space we're here a million miles away
There's things I wish I knew
There's no thing I'd keep from you
It's a dark and shiny place
But with you my dear
I'm safe and we're a million miles away
We're lying on the moon
It's a perfect afternoon
Your shadow follows me all day
Making sure that I'm
Okay and we're a million miles away

You remembered just how he would sing to you. You would always harmonized along side with him, while he played the guitar beside your bed. 

You let out a small sigh, 

"I miss you, dad.."

As you enjoy the outdoors, a voice breaks the silent. 

"Y/n dear, ready for lunch?" a sudden shadow blocked the sunlight. You looked up to see your sweet grandmother who has been taking care of you since 7 till now when you're 11.

**Back story**

Back when you were 7, your parents gave you a goodnight kiss, not forgetting an "I Love you" just like any other nights before you dozed off. 

What you didn't know back then that would've been the last time you'll hear those words from them. As the next morning, you were already in your grandparents's house. When you awoke, they were already gone.

These grandparents were from your mother's side, as your grandparents from your father's side had passed long ago. 

They were part of the Vexmoor bloodline, but you were just a kid, you knew nothing about blood types or bloodlines, things like that. But you did know how both your grandparents had maroon red eyes. 

Though to you, you were just a normal half-blood witch. 

Besides, it wouldn't matter if you knew, any questions you'd ask about your parents, they would give excuses such as "when you're older" or "don't worry too much kiddo." 

Of course as a curious child it was annoying at first, but you soon let go of it knowing there would be nothing else to do besides just waiting for when you get older.

**End of back story**

you gave a soft smile, nodding before standing up and patted your clothes to get any grass or dirt off. 

taking your grandmothers hand as you both walked inside the house.

the Vermooxs were wealthy, yes, but your grandparents hated big houses. They find it inconvenient and wasteful. They choose not to spend their money on things they find rather useless. Instead they got a medium sized cottage house next to a lake instead of a mansion.

The wooden back door creaked as you opened it. 

"There's my favorite girl! you've got mail sent to you," My grandfather patted the beige envelope sitting at the dinner table, "thought I'd let you read it yourself now that your 11." 

 "Thank you, grandpa," You took one look at the letter but decided to quickly put it on the kitchen counter to pull up a seat for your grandmother.

"I could read this later," You said shrugging it off.

Since you've been left with your grandparents at a young age, you matured quite faster. You do all the house work for them, but you still never showed them that it tired you out even if it really did.

You put your grandparents first and set aside your letter to prepare some lunch for them.

"Careful! The soup is still hot," you said placing the bowls of hot cream soup your grandfather taught you to make. 

"Thank you, Y/n darling, we really appreciate it." 

You pull up a chair between them and joined for lunch.

Your grandparents were your main priority for the time being, they're your only family left. You would accompany them to any of their needs and help them whenever you can.

"Wow Y/n, that was wonderful. A bit more practice and you might just have a soup that's better than your grandfather's! " grandmother said. 

You chuckled as you picked up their now empty bowls. C'mon now, everyone in that room knows that my grandfather will never let that happen. He was amazing at cooking and we'd often have cook offs and grandmother would be the judge. 

"Why don't you open the letter, I'm sure you'll be excited about it," grandfather said softly as he tapped the letter next to you. You nodded in response and picked it up gently.

You opened the letter carefully, ripping the red wax that was keeping the letter sealed. you read it out loud so your grandparents could hear.


Dear Ms. Vermoox,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1st, we await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva Mcgonagall , Deputy Headmistress.


"It's about time, you're going to love Hogwarts just as your parents did," grandmother said with a wide smile on her face.

You felt happy, but then also worried. 

"Wait.. No, I can't go to Hogwarts! It's too far away from you. Who shall look after you when I'm gone??" You sat the letter back down and sighed. 

"There's a school nearby, I'll gladly go there instead," You said as you turned to the small hook near the sink that has your apron hanging from it. Putting it on, you continued doing some dishes.

 "Now now, Y/n, this is a one time opportunity. Don't let us drag you down. You have a longer life to live than we do, and we can't have you missing out on it, " grandfather insisted. 

After hours of convincing, you finally gave in.

"Well, what now?" 

"Your first task would be to head to none other than Diagon Alley," grandfather said patting you on the back. 

Knowing your grandparents aren't used to going out of the house, you felt bad and decided you'll go on your own to look for the listed items. "Oh, alright then. I'll hand you a list of directions and enough money. and please Y/n, be careful of your surroundings," grandmother gave you a list of all the items you need to buy and a pouch of money.

with that you all stood in front of an empty fire place. "I'll be back soon!" you said giving your grandparents a hug, then grabbing a hand full of floo powder. your grandparents waved goodbye as you turned into a burst of green flame.


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