Chapter 11

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I know the Yule Ball was between the first task and the second task but i decided it'd have more impact if it was between the second and third as like something to look forward before going through the hardest task. hope you don't mind, enjoy!


"wonder what business they have in the black lake," Ginny asked to no one in specific.

It was that time of the year where you and a couple of your female friends hang out and have a slumber party.

Usually it'd be you, Penny, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Cho; but since last year, as Penny got close to Pansy Parkinson, Penny begged to have her invited, so she was invited.

at first it was rather awkward as Hermione never really liked Slytherins in the first place and Pansy was quite stiff faced, but through out the night Pansy turned out to be a very fun person, even if sometimes her teasing does get a little out of hand. She was also trustable and she definitely can keep a secret.

"Maybe Penny was a good influence on Pansy." you thought as u saw her joking around with the others.

This year, you guys discussed more things than usual. The previous task of the tournament, the second task happening the next day, school works we haven't completed, the Yule Ball, and many more.

"who would have thought! a book worm and a national quidditch seeker," Pansy said. As much as Hermione would've been offended by that statement, she actually just laughed and let out a simple "i know, i myself find it rather interesting, though i'm not yet sure if i actually am attracted to him."

You tapped Penny's elbow, motioning her to get you your favorite chips that was lying next to her.

"this is gonna get interest.."

from there everyone was discussing who they were hopping to go with to the yule ball.

"do we really have to find dates? can't we just go with friends??" you asked letting out a sigh. "why don't you go with Mattheo?" Cho asked while brushing out your hair after undoing the tight braids you had for the day.

"The worst thing that could maybe happen is stares around the whole room, but what can you expect if you go to a school dance with the dark lord's son?" Hermione warned you.

"or maybe get chased and attacked by a crowd of jealous females that has been dying to be with him." Luna said lowering her quibbler. You all laughed at the thought of it knowing that could actually happen, "he doesn't really do school dances, he told me.." you said as everyone gave you a "you've got to be kidding me." look.

you all continued to have a fun night, gossiping and trying out hairstyles for the yule ball that's happening the same week.

"ooh ooh how about this hairpin on the braid?"
"that would actually look so good! hand it over."

"does pink nails suit me-?"

"okay but real talk, a big ass ball gown or a sexy champagne dress?"
"whichever one is easier to take off ;)"


you all wake up the next day and got ready together to go see the second task. while getting ready you realized 2 people missing, Cho and Hermione. "they were already gone when i woke up." Pansy said as she was the first to wake up. none of you thought much of it.

you all head to the middle of the black lake where the second task was being held. The second task of the Triwizard Tournament is to rescue something dear or important to the Champion which is being held by Merpeople deep in Hogwarts' lake. You and Penny soon figured out the "victims" that were captured.

Ron Weasley is Harry's hostage as he's Harry's best friend, Hermione Granger is Viktor's hostage as she was his love interest, Cho Chang was of course Cedric's hostage, and Fleur's hostage is her sister Gabrielle Delacour.

once the task started, everyone was anxious to see who would come out the water first. about 10 minutes in you saw something move in the water.


"Mattheo! you scared me." you flinched.

"I woke up late, what's the second task?" he asked. his hand was now on your waist though he seemed asif iit was nothing.

you explained to him about the task with butterflies rushing around your stomach trying not to stutter. Not long after, Cedric emerged out of the water with Cho.

everyone cheered and you quickly handed Cho a warm towel making sure she doesn't get sick,

oh and Cedric too of course.

Mattheo was still next to you, holding on to your wrist.

you were watching to see who would come up next and it was Krum and Hermione. "I thought you'd be dead!" you gave her a towel as she pinched your arm.

Then Fleur came up, but without her hostage, seems that she was attacked by the grindylows. she was very worried of her sister that she did not save.

Not long after her sister came up to the surface with Ron.

"but where's Harry?" Penny asked you. everyone went worry and hopped Harry was alright. right before the timer had end, Harry sprung out of the water and everyone cheered in relief.

The task ended and the results ended up with Cedric in 1st place, Harry in 2nd, Viktor in 3rd, and Fleur on 4th as she failed the task. walking back to the dock, Mattheo grabbed your arm and took you into the forest.

"Hey! where are we going?! is this even allowed?!" you asked trying to keep up with him pulling on you. he finally stopped and pushed away some vines, "I thought we could switch things up from the astronomy tower.." he said looking back at you smiling.

you were amazed as you saw a breath taking scenery. flowers and greens everywhere! a river stream that has such clear water! you took of your shoes and sat down by the edge, dipped your feet in the water that was warmed by the sun. Mattheo didn't hesitate and laid his head on your lap.

something felt different. yes, you still felt the butterflies, you always had whenever you're with him, but this time you felt something else, something you haven't felt in a while. you felt warm.. comfortable.., you felt like this was the feeling you were longing for.

"sing me a song would you?" he said crossing his arms. you sang a song that you both enjoyed, stroking his hair before he took your hand and interlocked it with his own.

And I know you said that we're not a thing
But you're here, that's the thing
And I'm not trying to give you a ring
Well, maybe on the phone if you let it sing
You're overcomplicating everything
When the lights go down, don't say I didn't warn ya
I don't think that's legal in the state of California

you both stayed there the whole afternoon singing, telling stories, laughing about, and went back before the sun set completely.

"where have you been?!" was the question at least 5 people had asked you, including Professor Sprout the head of your house. you got some house points taken off and you felt a little embarrassed..

"why do always wander off somewhere.." Cedric flicked your forehead lightly.

but you didn't regret staying with Mattheo, not even a bit.

You were more glad than anything that you went with him.


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