Chapter 22

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The figure stopped..

right when he turned around you were already crashing your body into him.


you were drunk and couldn't control your emotions. tears rolling down as you continuously shoved Mattheo back with any strength you have left. your body was burning cause of the alcohol, but your head was burning cause of anger and frustration.

He seemed shock to see you at first, but he stayed silent.


"i did.." he finally spoke


"i did.."


"i did.."


"i know.."


that's when he finally looked you straight in your glossy eyes as he held your wrist firmly, stopping you from pushing him again.

"I do."

you then stopped trying to push him away. you kept your head down not wanting to face him. yet you still couldn't stop the tears.

he sighed under his breath as he pulled you closer, he stroked your hair so comfortingly. You hear his heart beating fast but his breathing was still steady.

"we'll talk when you're sober, alright?"

God, how you've missed his voice.

He picked you up and carried you to your dorm. Penny was no where to be found as she was crashing in Pansy's dorm.

he laid you on your bed. he sat down next to you moving your hair out of your face as he scanned it. as he was about to stand up, you held on to his arm wanting him to stay with you.

He took the invitation and laid next to you, kissing you on the forehead as you fell asleep.

"It's okay darling, I'm not going anywhere."


The next day, you woke up from the sun shining through the window.

with dark circles under your eyes, you rub them and sat up. you then saw Mattheo bringing you hot tea, "drink, you'll feel better." you nodded lightly and did as he said.

after you finished drinking, you put the mug down.

"Listen Mattheo, about last night i-" before you finished Mattheo hugged you tight.

"You're right, I did do all those things. I'm really, really sorry Y/n," he said softly. he then placed his forehead on yours,

"But i never, and never will stop loving you. That's one promise I will never break."

you then felt more tears forming once again, but this time not out of anger, Out of relieve.

he then wiped your tears away. You looked straight into his eyes, looking at them the way you always did before.

as your head was rushing with past memories, you unintentionally teleported you both to your lake spot.

Mattheo stood up and looked around, "You visit this place often?" he chuckled. oh how you missed that cheeky smile.

"no.. i was too scared i'd face you.. well more like i was scared to face my emotions towards you." you smiled lightly.

you then sat close to the tree and looked up to see the same piece of parchment paper that had was tied with the same red string. You continued to wondered how it was still there, "Mattheo, remember that paper we tied on the tree branch a few years back?" Mattheo looked at you and smiled nodding.

"did you do anything to it? say maybe enchanted it?" Your question made him visibly confused. But told you he did nothing to it.

you then stood up and pointed to it to show him it was still there. he then came behind you.

his closeness still gave you the same butterflies, it felt like you've been dead these past months without him and now you felt reborn. the tired feeling you felt from last nights party was just gone. you felt more alive than the past few months.

He took a closer look and saw it was the same exact one a few years back. He was confused, but happy at the same time.

"Never knew how it didn't get wet from rain or all the snow," you said. He then took your hand and swept his other hand on your jaw, motioning you to look at him. the morning sun hit you both through the tree leaves. his eyes shine a brown with a more red undertone instead of a gold, while yours shine a lovely shade of violet , just like your mothers.

"I didn't enchant the paper, maybe it was just meant to be."

he then pulled you closer and gave you a long kiss, something you both have been wanting for so long.

You melted instantly in the kiss as he grabbed your waist to pull you in closer.



a few months have passed since then, it was now the last feast you guys are having before graduating.

"So, this is it? our last feast together before we graduate and go our separate ways?" Penny looked super sad that it was your last night in Hogwarts.

"I'm sad too, Hogwarts will forever be my home."

"But, i do still have one more adventure for us. That is if you wanna join."

Penny's face then lit up once more, "Of course i'll help!"

after dinner you, Mattheo, Harry, Hermione, and Ron hung out in the place you all had that picnic.

sharing the last sight of Hogwarts together made you all wanna cry. You all then shared a good amount of 'Remember when..'s and embarrassing moments together as you all just lay down on the grass. a couple of 'i'll miss you's were thrown back and fourth.

"This might be our last journey in Hogwarts, but i still have one more adventure i'd like to share with you guys."

They all looked at each other in confusion but excitement.

"This might be an excuse to have a few more memories with you guys, but there might be just one more thing i would like to reach."

you stayed silent for a bit before staring at the sky, making sure you did want to tell them. you took a deep breath and smiled softly.


"I would like to know who i really am, and who my parents are.."


𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮 || Mattheo Riddle x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя