Chapter 17 || Potions and Power

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the next day you decided to practice brewing some potions as you already had the book you needed.

You decided to try a more complicated potion to challenge yourself.

You needed to go to Hogsmeade to gather your items, as you were sure Professor Snape wont be to fond of you taking items from the school.

"I'll come with. I want to see the shop the Weasley twins opened," Penny said grabbing a coat. "are you sure? it might be crowded." Penny nodded and you both went out together.

while walking in the hallway, you passed a familiar face, Riddle. You both are now complete strangers. Passing by each other just how your memories slowly slipped by off of your mind. You barely even realized you passed him.

at Hogsmeade, you collected all the things you needed before Penny dragged you to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. it was really crowded, good for them.

you looked around for a bit, exchange some 'congrats' to the twins, after that you asked Penny if you could go out for some fresh air. You didn't really bring that much money to buy anything either.

She told you to just meet up later at the astronomy tower to brew the potion together.

You walked out and took a deep breath in. you took out your inhaler as you felt short of breath.

During the holidays you were diagnosed with minor asthma, when you and Cedric were running about in the fields, you felt your chest tightening as it became harder to breathe.

Since then, you never went anywhere without your inhaler.

You then headed back to school grounds by yourself.

You then went to the library to look for your favorite book that you've read more than four times already. After grabbing your book, you head to the astronomy tower to wait for Penny. you sat on the railings while reading your book, swinging your leg back and forth. The astronomy tower was perfect for peace and quiet, a good view and great gushes of wind.

When Penny finally showed up, you both got to brewing. you opened the book and started reading the instructions. But you suddenly turned your focus to the notes stuck to the pages.

"wait Penny, mix the salamander blood with a drop of vinegar first," you said reading the notes. "what?? i don't remember vinegar being one of the ingredients, let me see that book!" Penny went behind you and read the notes you were reading.

"are you sure you want to believe those?" Penny seemed suspicious of the random notes that were hand written.

"Let's just try it, and if it doesn't work we can just start over." you both followed the notes and ended up with a promising looking potion.

You tested it out while Penny examined it closely, "yeah, it's perfect alright!" She said. You both high fived before cleaning everything up. after this, Penny excused herself as she had made plans with her friends.

you stayed at the astronomy tower, you wanted to think.

Did you actually had powers? That sounds rather silly out loud.

what was that burning sensation in your eyes that happened a lot, or the random teleportation you do, or the unexplainable burst of flames at the tournament?

you took a deep breath from your inhaler as you knew you needed to focus if you wanted to know what is actually happening.

you focused, and your eyes start to burn. you raised your hand to see if something would happen. your eyes burned so bad you closed them as they start to get watery.

you felt your hand tingle, before it having the same burning sensation. you really wanted to know what had happen so you forced your eyes to open.

you saw the entire palm of your hand was covered in a flame.

it burned at first, but as you were mesmerized by the flame, your hand had felt like it stopped hurting. your eyes were still watery but they didn't burn as much.

you were looking at the single flame on your palm. you then tried to figure out how to extinguish the fire. you calmed your tense body and think about the fire as a leaf drifting away with the wind from the palm of your hand.

you opened your eyes to see that it had worked! it was gone, no scars or marks, it was like nothing had ever happened.

from this day, you started to explore your power. you started with getting to know what you could do besides producing fire.

turns out you could do loads of things, like teleporting, move things around without touching them, creating a shield.

after knowing what you can do, the next hard thing to do is learning how to control it. you failed a lot, but you continued to practice everyday. creating flames was the easiest one you could do, the hardest was teleporting.

practice teleporting was definitely something. you've teleported to many places that wasn't your intention, like the janitors closet, the prefects bathroom, the middle of the black lake, and so on. you were so happy once you manage to teleport to the right place for the first time, you celebrated with butterbeer.

this has now become apart of your daily routine. Well in secret though.

usually you practiced after school or at night after the caretakers finish checking school grounds. it was better to practice at night, especially practicing teleporting, it would be risky as someone could see you.

you practiced everyday for almost two months. now, you could control your flames on how big you want it to be based on your emotions, you could move things around without making it fly across the room, you could teleport to the right places, you could hold your shield for about three to five seconds.

you were very proud of yourself [as you should!!]

after those 2 months of practicing, you decided to tell Penny about it. She was your best friend, it didn't feel right to keep something so big from her.

"Hey penny, i brought home some butterbeer!" you sat down on your bed after pouring out some butterbeer for both you and her. "and on what occasion is this?" she asked, getting excided.

"i actually wanted to show you something i haven't told you." you said putting down your mug after taking a few sips.

Penny looked anxious but also curious. you then proceed to show her all these things you could do. she was shocked, but really proud of you for being able to control it.

"Y/n! That's so cool! I've heard of wizards and witches having wand-less magic, but never like this!" You quickly put out your flame as she hugged you tightly.


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