Chapter 5 || Classes

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Last chapter of introductions of Y/n's new environment.


The sun has barely rose. 

It was your first day here at Hogwarts as an official student. Of course you didn't want to be late so you got up, chugged down some water, and got ready. 

You wore your robes and made sure your yellow tie was laid nicely.

Looking over, you see your roommate still fast asleep. You hurriedly ran to her bed and pounced on her.

"Penny.. PENNY!! wake up, it's our first day at Hogwarts, hurry and get out of bed already!" you said shaking her to wake her up. Penny refused to wake up and turned her face to her pillow, "10 more minutes pleaseee," She begged.

Penny finally got up and you help her do her hair to make sure it wont be in the way during day activities.

You guys were finally done getting ready and rushed to the great hall to have breakfast. You were eating while reading the time table you got the night before.

"Mind if I have a look?" Penny asked pointing to the sheet of paper in your hand. You handed it to her and she starts matching up your time table with hers. "Blow! we only have potions together today." She handed back your time table. You had transfiguration for the first class, she had the history of magic.

You were quite sad you'd have to separate with her. You already got used to having her bubbly and friendly aura around you. "I guess I'll see you later, Penny. " You waved her goodbye.

You both parted ways and you started walking to your classroom. 

You weren't the first one there, but you're surely not late. You scanned the room seeing no one you knew besides a boy who was flashing that same toothy smile at you.

As you were walking up to Riddle, someone grabbed you by your arm and dragged you to an empty seat at the back.

"Are you mental?! were you really trying to sit next to THE Mattheo Riddle??" the voice of the know it all, who you met at the ever so crowded Diagon Alley.

"A good morning to you too Granger," you say with a shocked face. 

"I suggest you be careful around him Y/n. with a reputation like that, you don't know what he's capable of!" she looked at you with slight concern.

"And that is because? " You raised an eyebrow at her. "God, Y/n, have you been living under a rock?? Do you not know who his father is?! " She shook you by the shoulders. "Oh c'mon, just cause his father avada kedavrad a lot of people, doesn't mean he will too, besidesss he's 12.. "

You heard her sigh in concern.

"But if it does make you feel better, I'll be sure to be slightly more aware when I'm around him," you say, reassuring her.

"Good morning class, I am Professor McGonagall and I'll be your transfiguration professor. Now.. let's get started shall we?"

and with that, you've started your journey at Hogwarts. 

Transfiguration was very lowkey. Learned some basic hand movements and practice saying spells for the next lesson, where we will be actually transfiguring something.

Hermione helped you a lot with the pronunciation as you found it a little difficult. Though when she tried teaching you, you couldn't help but try your best at keeping your laughter in. The way she said it was so extra that it sounded a little silly. But of course, you kept your cool and repeated after her, 

slightly mocking her at times though.

You manage to go through almost all of your classes for the day without any hiccups. Finally the last class you had was potions. You were quite, no actually you were VERY excited since you were going to finally see Penny.

Walking to the dungeons for potions with Professor Snape, you walk slowly enjoying every step you take. The dungeons were very different from the rest of the castle. It was gloomy yet pleasing to the eyes.

 You stopped to see the carvings on the wall that had caught your attention. Admiring it as you gently swiped your finger on the small details, you suddenly hear a voice a few feet in front of you.

"interesting, aren't they?" you look up to see none other than Mattheo Riddle. "it's very different compare to the rest of the castle, really. Especially my dorm," you said to him.

"Yes, I agree. Heading to potions? " You nodded in response and walked with him to the classroom.

he opened the door to the potions classroom, and motioned you to go in. You raised your eyebrows and let out a little chuckle, "Thank you, sir." you say to him in a fake fancy manner, receiving a giggle from him back.

You entered the room and immediately saw Penny. 

You waved a small goodbye to Mattheo before taking a seat next to Penny. She looked at you while flashing her eyebrows up and down, "why are you looking at me like that?" you asked in confusion and slightly concerned. "Nothing, it's not like I just watched you enter the class with Riddle," she rolled her eyes, teasing you.

"Penny whatever is going on in that head of yours? Mattheo's my friend! it was just a coincidence that I saw him on the way here, " you said trying to redeem yourself. "But do you think he's cute? " She said flashing her eyebrows up and down once again. 

"First of all, Penny for dear lord we are in the first form. second, he's the son of the dark lord, " You said furrowing your eyebrows. "Hey now, I was told that even the dark lord was once super attractive, " She said giggling.

"he maybe the son of THE lord voldemort, but I can tell he's going to have fan girls flooding him when he's older," Penny said as if asking you to reconsider your words.

You nudged her with your elbow and shook your head in disbelief before Professor Snape started the class. 

"Today you will be learning and executing a Boil Cure," the Professor started of. once Professor Snape listed the ingredients and the steps you needed, you were told to collect the ingredients lying around the classroom and pair up with whoever you were sitting with.

lucky for you, Penny was your partner and she was really good with potions. Penny basically carried the team. "no, not that one, the other jar Y/n." she pointed to a jar with sandy looking powder in it.

You heard a chuckle and you look over the other table to see Mattheo laughing at you for almost blowing up the whole classroom. "what are you laughing at?" you mouthed to him in annoyance yet still smiling.

"Oh will you just hand me the jar," Penny said while rolling her eyes. You both finally finished the potion and got 10 points awarded to your house since you two were the first to finish.

You both were dismissed from the class so you both left and head to the library. Finishing up some homework, you spent the rest of the day hanging out with Penny or even Harry, Ron, and Hermione. And that was your usual everyday routine from now on. waking up, getting ready, rushing to class, meeting with Mattheo, hanging with friends. it was all good, all great, for the time being.


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