Chapter 13

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The next day rolls along,
you were up pretty early, ready to take on your usual classes. the feeling from yesterday night still lingered and you still couldn't believe it happened.

you smilled to yourself in the mirror but got super embarrassed looking at yourself that you tried to tug on the corners of your lips down.

Mattheo did clarify that the kiss was an invitation to make things official between you both. Which you obviously accepted.

still smiling, you walked up to exit your dorm, but before you could get any closer to the door Penny stopped you. she held you by the shoulders.

"Y/n.. Please, be careful today. I had a feeling something like this could've happen. " Penny looked at you dead in the eyes.

you were very confused by this, Penny later told you how the news on what happened between you and Riddle yesterday was spread out through the school like wildfire.

of course the teachers were trying anything they can to make sure word doesn't travel outside of school. The headlines of the Dark Lord's son having a romantic relationship would cause a total ruckus.

especially during these times when Rita Skeeters visited often. She writes for the wizards news paper, but her stories only sell cause they're hardly ever true. if the word escapes out of school, it won't just be dangerous for the school, but also to you and Riddle.

"We have diffrent classes today, but we'll meet up on our last class! let me know if anything happens, please just be careful, i know this is Hogwarts but some here are twisted in the head when it comes to Riddle. i suppose you'll be facing both the people who hate Riddle, and people who are madly in love with him."

as you realize that you'll be facing a lot of stares and opinions, you thanked Penny for the warning before heading out with a deep breath.

can't be that bad now can it..?

just as you expected, the crowded hall instantly became all stares and whispers as you walk pass. you try to walk at a normal pace cause of course, you didn't want to appear vulnerable as that'll make the situation even worse.

"are you joking me?! a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin?!"

"is she really that hungry for attention?"

"does she have a brain the size of a gold fish? she must've gone mad."

"he's the son of the dark lord, does she know what she's gotten herself into?"

"why would he want to be with her? is this some sick joke?! i heard she's not even human."

"i bet she put something in his drink."

all different whispers from different people, yet still have something in common, neither of them want you two together.

you walked in and out of your classes with the same stares and whispers that you try to ignore. Even when some of then really really stung.

"an orphan with another? wow family gatherings must be crowded."

at last it was finally lunch, you and Penny had agreed this morning, that at lunch you, Penny and your other friends will meet up so you can all discuss a way to cool things down. as you were walking to your meet up spot, Cedric came by.


"you're going to ask if what everyone else says is true or not, aren't you?" your back facing him.

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