"So when do we start writing?" Luke asks. 

"Very keen, I like that!" James smiles, "We can't do it today because I'm meeting up with some people, but tomorrow as soon as you get in the studio" 

"Sweet" Calum and I say at the exact same time. 

"So what are you all thinking of doing today?" James sits back in his chair. 

"Go get some shopping done, a bit of site seeing just to get a bit more familiar to the place" Adam says. 

"Good idea, well if you guys get lost, I installed this map on your phone, you tell it where you need to go and it will bring you there" James holds up Michael's phone. 

"Thanks man" Michael smiles. 

We all got to know eachother a little bit more before James had to go meet up with the people he was talking about and we had to familiarise ourselves with London. We take a train to a stop that James said was a place where there would be grocery stores nearby and he was right! 

We enter a store called 'Tesco' and head straight to the food. 

"Okay so what's on the menu for the week boys?" I ask walking through the vegetable aisle. 

"Let's just grab random shit that looks good" Luke suggests, pushing a trolley. 

"Agreed" We all nod before walking through aisles and taking different food items off the shelves. 

"Andie!" Calum calls me over. 

"Yeeees?" I walk over to a crouching Calum. 

"Nananananananananananananananana BATMANNNNN" Calum jumps and faces me, with a batman mask attached to his face. 

"Oh my god!" I fall into a fit of laughter. 

"Come at me" Luke jumps out in a spiderman mask. 

They start to 'battle' or more like look tribal dancing idiots as I look on and laugh at peoples reactions. A little boy that looks about 3 years old comes up and tugs on Calum's jacket. 

"What can batman do for you?" Calum bends down to his level. 

"Hi batman" The insanely cute little boy smiles and giggles. 

Calum starts talking about random things in his batman voice.

A woman, I'm guessing is his mother comes up to me, "Sorry about this" She says to me. 

"It's fine, Calum finally has a place to use his batman voice" I chuckle, "You're little boy is the cutest!"

"Thankyou I try my best, you're boyfriend is really nice" She laughs, "What's his name again?" 

"Well you know" I smile, "Oh yeah his name's Calum" 

"That's a really familiar name, Calum?" She walks closer to him. 

Calum lowers his mask, "Woah! Melanie!" 

"Calum!" They hug eachother. 

"Oh Andie this is my Mum's bestfriend, they moved here about 8 years ago" 

"Nice to meet you! I'm Andie" I say as she pulls me in for a hug. 

"Hi Andie I'm Beatrice" She smiles, "Calum's mum has told me all about you, you're a very special man Cal" Beatrice nudges Calum.

"Oh I know" He puts his arm around my waist. 

"So when did you arrive?! You're mum called me last week and told me you were coming" 

"We just arrived yesterday, Luke, Michael and Ashton are somewhere around here" Calum looks around. 

"Oh that's right you're band mates" Beatrice says, "Hey Jack come here" 

The little boy that was playing with Calum walks over to her. 

"Jack this is Calum, he's all the way from Australia" Beatrice says to Jack. 

"Hey Jack" Calum gives him a hi 5 which Jack accepts, "Where's Vanessa?" 

"She's right here" A girl comes from behind Beatrice. 

She was very pretty, long brown hair falling down her back with pale green eyes. 

"Vanessa!" Calum hugs her. 

"It's been what 8 years?!" Vanessa exclaims. 

"Correct" Calum smiles, "Vanessa this is my girlfriend slash band ass kicker, Andie" He puts his arm around me. 

"Hi!" I say very happily giving her a hug. 

"Nice to meet you! You picked an amazing one Cal" Vanessa obviously whispers to Calum. 

"Well ya' know" Calum pops his collar. 

"So you said band ass kicker?" Vanessa raises an eyebrow. 

"Oh yeah I'm in a band, we're making an album that's why we're here" Calum explains. 

"And by ass kicker he just means that I make them actually practise" I chuckle. 

I can hear Michael, Ashton and Luke's voices behind me. 

"And this is the band!" Calum says, as we push them in front of us, "Guys this is Vanessa my childhood friend, that's her little brother Jack and this is Beatrice which is my Mum's best friend" 

Each of the boys introduce themselves with a quirky little message, Vanessa laughing at their weirdness. 

"So what are you guys doing now?" Vanessa asks. 

"We're just grocery shopping" Calum replies. 

"Then we're going to walk around London and stuff" I say. 

"Well, I wouldn't want you guys getting lost!" Beatrice says, "Vanessa go ahead and show them around, I've gotta go to the doctor with Jack" 

"Do you guys mind?" Vanessa asks. 

"Not at all!" Luke smiles. 

"Cool, I'll help you guys with your grocery shopping while I'm at it" Vanessa offers, we all nod and walk through the aisles. 

I have learnt that Vanessa was 16 and plays the saxaphone, she also likes Michael Buble a lot. I could already feel Vanessa and I becoming great friends, but Luke on the other hand can't stop smiling at her. 



I love her. 

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