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     It's midnight  and Lee min hoo couldn't sleep so he went to see if Eden is asleep or not. He slowly opened the door of Eden's room but she was not there, he called her name but no reply. He panicked and went downstairs to see if she is in the kitchen. She was also not there then he heard sobbing sound he followed that sound.
He saw Eden there looking up in the sky and crying. His heart broke to see her . He was about to go but stopped when she start speaking.
" Why I have to be in this situation? Mom, Dad you are watching me right, I can't handle this anymore I am tired to always act that I am strong. But now it's feel like giving up. I - " She couldn't speak when Lee min said, " Then don't act strong, sometimes it's okay to be not okay. It's okay to be hurt, to cry. You should let out everything that is inside you. Never bottle it up otherwise one day it will burst out in any manner. Maybe in anger or anything else so better to cry rather then always act strong. "
She hugged him and cried. She didn't said anything but just cried and cried. She shed all the tears she is holding back these years. Lee min hoo made her sit on his lap and he sit on the chair there. After sometime she slept while crying. He smile to see her, he picked her and layed on the bed. He also slept with her there only hugging her under the blanket.
Next morning Eden felt someone is hugging her, she open her eyes then she realise that she is hugging Lee min hoo. She look at him who is sleeping peacefully while hugging her. Watching him sleeping like a baby made her heart flutter. She slowly removed hands and went to washroom.
After sometime when she came out of the washroom.
" Lee min hoo is not here. Thank god. How am I going to face him? " She said to herself . She sit in front of the mirror just then his sleeping face appear in her mind. Her face turned red, then someone  call her she came out of her thoughts and look at her phone screen to see who is calling her.
" Jessica, Why is she calling me? " Eden exclaimed and pick up the call.
   On the phone.....
" Hello, Jessica how are you ? And you are calling me? " She asked 
" Hold on, let me speak first. Actually I called you because Min hoo's birthday is coming and I want to surprise him. So I am planning something and I need your help. Will you help me? " Jessica asked.
" Of course, why not? By the way what are you planning? " Eden asked.
" Something that he will never forget in his life time. It's going to be memorable for him . " Jessica said while smirking.
" Okay, done, I am in then let's meet somewhere. " Eden said while getting excited.
" Yeah! But wait don't tell him about it okay. It's a surprise. I will send you the location. Okay " Jessica said.
" Yes, I will not ruin your plan. " Eden said and hung up the call and put her phone aside.
She again look in the mirror and asked herself, " I should also give him something. But what? I don't even know what kind of gifts he like."
" If you are done thinking then shall we eat? Today I have made the breakfast. " Lee min hoo said while entering.
She turn around and said without looking at him.
" Yes, let's go. I am really hungry. " She ran downstairs.
" She is so dumb. She thinks I don't know how she is
feeling. " He thought.
" Are you coming or not? " Eden shout from downstairs.
After eating she asked Min hoo that she wants to go out alone but Min hoo disagree. Then she told him that she is going to meet Jessica. After hearing her name he is still not convince but Eden pleads him. He got no choice so he agreed.
Eden got ready and was about to go when Lee min hoo stop her and said," Be careful and call me. " She nodded. He hugged her tightly not wanting to leave her because of what happened to her in past. He think that if again something wrong happen to her. He is not feeling good to let her go outside. He drop her at the location .
" See you " Eden said with big smile on her face. He nodded and drove off.
She enter the restaurant.
" Eden" A voice called her.
Eden look who is calling her the she saw Jessica waving at her. Eden went and sit in front of her.
" So tell me. " Eden asked.
" Calm down, first lets order something. What do you want? I have already ordered mine." Jessica said.
Then she order and after some time it arrived.
Just then someone accidentally spilled water on her.
" I am really sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I really sorry. Please forgive me. I-" He apologize to her but stop when she said, " It's okay, you didn't do it intentionally. " He nodded and went.
Eden excuse herself and went to washroom. Jessica smirked and when she went from there she put something in her juice and mixed it well.
After sometime she came back and sit on the chair. Jessica tells her about everything but between her explanation she notice that Eden is not drinking her juice. So she asked, " Why are you not drinking juice?"
Eden raise her eyebrows and asked, " Why? You are asking like you mixed something in it. Do you? "
Jessica chocked and said, " No, why would I mix something in your juice? "
Eden said while laughing, " Calm down, I am just joking. Don't take it seriously. "
Eden said it but she knew something is wrong. As a trained officer she somewhere caught her by her expression and the way her moves when she said she didn't put something in it. She observed her. Eden kept focus and careful from her.
" She is so clever. Why I always forget that this is the only reason Lee min hoo choose her in her gang and more than that in her team as usually the newbies get other team not directly into the boss's team. " Jessica thought.
" Please, continue " Eden said making her flinch a little.
" Oh yes! " She continued to tell her. After that they both came out of the restaurant . Eden call Min hoo and Jessica message Eren that plan is failed.
" Okay, then see you tomorrow. " Eden said while smiling.
Jessica waved at her. Just then Lee min hoo also came there. He asked Jessica to come as he will drop her. She nodded and enter. She was about to sit in front seat when she saw Eden already sitting there. She asked, " Eden, would you mind if I ask you to sit back? " Eden said while smiling , " Yes I would , I think you should sit back. I love this seat. I am sorry. "
Lee min hoo chuckled and ask her to sit behind. Jessica sit behind. During the ride Eden and Lee min hoo were talking to each other about random stuffs forgetting about Jessica's existence. Jessica is just watching both of them then she clear her throat and said, " Guys, I am also here. " They laughed and said sorry.
Jessica saw that Lee min hoo didn't stop the car so she asked, " Min hoo,  Eden's stop was behind. Why didn't you stop? " Lee min hoo said, " Not anymore. She is living in my house. "
" What? Why? How? " She ask shockingly.
" Calm down, its only because of her safety. She is not safe. Her life is in danger. Before also someone tried to kill her and their plan was really. " He said.
She just nodded and they reached at her apartment. She said, " Bye guys. " They both wave their hands and drove off.
Jessica scoffed and called Eren and told him everything.
For some days, Jessica and Eden were meeting each other and preparing for Min hoo's birthday. Eden is super careful when she is with Jessica. She doesn't believe anyone except Min hoo. She also found her little suspicious these days. She didn't tell Min hoo about what she thinks as he believe her and she doesn't want to break their friendship. She just told him that she is preparing the surprise for him for his birthday.
Tomorrow is Min hoo's birthday and Eden is really excited. These days their bond also increased. They are now comfortable with each other. Now they know each other's likes and dislikes.
Lee min hoo told her everything about himself but Eden couldn't she told him about her family but she couldn't  tell him about the mission. She told him that she works in the cafe but hey bullied so she learnt fighting to protect herself and and up in underworld.
Eden felt very bad for not telling him the truth. She can't tell him that she is an agent and the main reason she came here is something else. She wants to tell him but can't, she can't even say that she loves him if she does then government who sent her for a mission can take any action against it and she doesn't want it as she loves her job also. When Mike asked her if she love him, she wanted to tell him that yes she does but she lied.
People lie not because they want to but situation made them and they got no choice but to lie. Perhaps the most obvious reason why we lie is thinking that we can avoid hurting others.We tend to do it anyway, because we are afraid of the other person will no longer see us the way he or she used to, so we prefer not to take their chances.
But they don't know the consequences in order to hide the truth they are digging their own grave. Not now but someday they  have to tell the truth and that will be hurting, it can mentally break them.
Everyone is telling lies but let's see for how long they will lie to others. Eden told him everything but the one thing that why she is here? She hide it. She has fought with herself before accepting him. Now let's see what is written in their destiny.

To be continue....

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