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Mike and Emily were return from Lyon. They reached office and their friends asking them about what happened and many questions. Mike said they had fun but also it was dangerous. They asked about Lee min hoo, Emily told them he is still their as he want to complete his work. Everyone agreed making both of them sigh in relief.
         Emily asked about Jackson someone told her that he has gone somewhere. He came here when he return  but after that they hardly saw him coming. Emily is little worried as boss must have given him some work to do and there he goes obeying his master without thinking about himself.
           She sit on chair drinking coffee and looking at her phone she doesn't realise but she was smiling just then Mike approach her while holding a cup of black tea asking her why is she smiling. She didn't heard Mike sit in front of her then asked again, she quickly put her phone back and said, " Nothing, its just-" Her words got stuck don't know what to say. But she said, " Wait, do I have to tell you about everything." Mike chuckle and said, " Calm down. If you don't want to then don't but don't overreact I just asked. " She glared at him and asked, " What do you think about Eden? " He said, " Why? I mean she is a good friend of mine. She is smart, fast learner and sometimes cold too but she has changed when I first saw her she had a straight face with no expression. Now she has became comfortable. " Emily asked, " Actually, I didn't mean that I was asking what do you think about Eden? How is she now? Will she be alright after what happened to her? " Mike smile awkwardly and said, " Oh! She will be alright don't worry. I know her she is a fighter."
Emily asked, " How came you know about her this much more than us?" He said, " No, but as you know newbies always get task to do , at that time  we became friends. " Emily just nodded.
  Mike asked, " What happened to you? Just a moment ago you were smiling an idiot looking at your phone and now look at your face. Is something bothering you. I told you don't worry for her she will be alright. " He said looking at her but she didn't said anything so he hold her hand which made her look at him with wide eyes. He asked her to come with him, she didn't said anything just went with him. He still holding her hand taking her somewhere. He made her inside the car. The whole ride was quite, Emily was looking down all the time playing with her finger.
      He stopped the car she looked up and gasped seeing such a beautiful view in front of her. She smile wide and quickly went outside  to see the view more clearly. She could see the city. The lights were making it more beautiful it was dark that making it more beautiful. She turned around and hugged Mike and asked while breaking the hug , " How did you know that I love this place? " He turned and said, " I have my ways." She smile wide. They spent a night there making it memorable.


         Eren called Jessica and asked her about how much she is able to find about Eden till now. Jessica didn't told him the whole truth just told him that she is an orphan before working in the cafe she lived in the orphanage. Eren is disappointed as he wanted to blackmail her by using her family but she got none so he told Jessica to not look further into the matter. She said yes but somewhere she doesn't want to let it go until she find about her everything.
She is curious to know about Eden as Jessica know he likes her. She want to know about her what make him fall for her that she was not able to. She know how to play the game if she got anything against her. The game of love where you will lose your everything.
Jessica still hates Lee min hoo as she is just acting that he has convinced her.
2 years ago....
       Jessica was so happy that today as it was the day she was going to meet Lee min hoo after so many years. She went to his house but saw that it is locked so she returned back with sad face. She didn't know about his parents death and what happened in those years.
    She somehow was able to know about the truth which made her sad. She got to know that his training is going to be end soon. So she waited for him. After two weeks Min hoo's training was over so he was given a mission. If  he will be successful then he can work in a gang and if not then he will be sent back for training. He didn't know that Jessica has returned. He just talked to her once and told her about his training she didn't told him that she has returned. As he was busy with his mission he didn't get time to contact her. After completing his mission he was given a gang where he worked as a gang member.
One day Jessica got to know about something that made her angry she moved out if that place as Min hoo always tried to talk to her. She didn't want to see his face.
After that day she met him when Dong hwan planned to kill him and want Eden to work for him. Lee min hoo told Eden to accept his proposal as he already convinced Jessica to help him. Jessica was working for Kim Dong hwan and Lee min hoo got to know that when he saw her with him one day.
             He thought she might be the one who told Dong hwan about him. So he met Jessica and asked her how she came here. At first she said she doesn't want to see him and also said that he betray her. Then he somehow manages to  her that Dong hwan is just using her for his own profit. After killing him he will forget what he had promised you.
                Then  Lee min hoo told her that she can do whatever she wants but first to help. So she agreed to help him as she aslo want to see how far can he go.
After helping him she is just acting that she has forgiven him but she never. She hate him from bottom of her heart.
        A tear escaped from her eyes as she is thinking how they used to be always there for each other. But now there is nothing but only hate that she has for him. She somewhere feels bad but her mind is already manipulated that he is wrong. She wiped her tears and call Lee min hoo. He soon picked it up and asked, " How are you? " She said that she is fine. Then she asked him, " When will you return here? " He answered, " I don't think I am able to because something happened here so I can't come. " Jessica asked immediately, " What happened? Are you hurt? Someone attacked you? " He said, " Hold on, let me tell you. Actually, Eden had an accident and now she is not well so me and Carla are staying here only. " She asked him if she is okay. He replied, " Yes, she is totally fine but unconscious for two days. Doctor came here this morning and told me that she will be fine like before . " She said, " Alright then see you soon. I have to go for an important work. " He said okay and decline the call.


     Lee min hoo went to see Eden. She asked, " Who called? " Lee min hoo told that it was Jessica. She nodded. He sat on the chair little away from her. There was silence in the room no one was talking. She cleared her throat and asked him, " You were saying something. " Lee min hoo looked at her asked, " Huh! What? No. " She chuckle and asked, " Alright then I was asking something maybe you didn't heard so I am repeating it . Why were you here all night and also were you crying cause my hands were wet when I opened my eye?  " He chocked and said, " No, Why would I? It was just sweat and also I was worried that's why I was here? "
    He said looking at her she looked at him more like staring and asked, "  Then what were you saying last night. Let me guess you were saying- " Just then Carla enter with a tray and asked, " You were saying something?" Eden nodded and said making Lee min hoo shocked, " I was saying last night I wake and heard someone talking and he was saying that he will find who has done this to me and he will make them pay this . " Carla chuckle as she knew who is he to say this while Lee min hoo felt releif that she didn't heard everything. But Eden said when Carla went outside to bring water while looking at Lee min hoo that she heard everything that made Min hoo lower his head in embarrassment.

To be continue.......

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