Never Give Up

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                The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey. Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold colour of the sun.
  People ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and it sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.
    Eden is breathing heavily and groaning in pain while riding a bike as one of the bodyguards kicked her on the stomach. She doesn't know where to go then unfortunately her bike stopped. She is totally drenched in rain. She park the bike on the roadside and she looked here and there then she thought to walk to avoid the rain. She walked and walked but couldn't find anything.
           Then she looked back and saw some car coming. The car stopped in front of her and three men came out of it. She step back and turn around as she knew they must be his bodyguard. But when she turn back a men hold her shoulder. She instantly hold his arm and throw him on the ground, she turn around then a man came to punch her but she Dodge it then punch the other man and kick the man from whom she dogged.
The rain stopped. She started searching the pockets of the men who were lying unconsciously on the ground. She found a card in which his name was written , she found some cash and a business card. She stand up saw many cars were coming towards her she quickly sit inside the and starts driving.
Their boss ordered them to catch her and bring her to their secret place. His men nodded and went behind her. He said in his deep voice looking at his son in anger, " Eren, I am leaving her to you. I want that girl no matter what. You better catch her as soon as possible otherwise you know . " He nodded. No matter how powerful he is but in front of his father he couldn't say a word. He is afraid of him unlike his brother who doesn't care about anything and has no fear to die.
   Eren step out of the car and told his father to rest and not to worry about the girl. His father drove off with many cars behind him. He is now alone there actually he never wanted to be a puppet of his father but he is  afraid that his father might kill him. He looked up at the sky and wish that he could turn back time when his father and brother used to play with him. The happiest memories always hurt him but his father has cleared his mind by saying that power is everything and without that
everyone will treat you as a slave. Well it's true though.
      He wanted to cry loud but his tears were not falling, he had became a man just like his father. Who doesn't care about anything.He sit inside the car and drove off.
Eden is driving her car in full speed followed by his men. She saw them that they are coming near so she took the gun and shoot one of the car's driver which made that car flip . Then they also started firing, one of them shoot due to which Eden's car flipped in air and fall on the road . The car is upside down Eden head, arm, leg were bleeding. She tried to free herself but failed. Then they stopped the car started to come towards her. She looked at them then towards her leg which was stuck. She tried many time to free her leg but failed. The  she thought that now she can't escape. But she never loose her hope and tried again and again then she came up with another plan to escape when many of them fall down she looked to other side and saw the men who were continuously firing at them.
    They left Eden there and ran from there. She thought who might they be then she saw a hand and then at the man she smile by looking at the person. She said, " Boss. " Then he helped her to come out and hold her close to his chest by the shoulders  as she couldn't stand properly. She looked at him , he asked her, " Are you okay? Well you are not looking but first let's treat your wounds and then talk okay. " She nodded and started to feel dizzy. He looked at her and said her name but she didn't respond as she faint. He pick her in bridal style and made her sit in the car told his men to take care of the bodies.
    He reached villa holding her everyone looked at him shocked and started to ask so many questions. He told everyone that she has just fainted and first to treat her then talk everyone nodded. He take her to her room and called the doctor.
  Doctor told him that not to worry as she will be fine in three days and the wounds are not that deep. They all sigh in relief. Lee min told them everything that happened. After that lee min hoo ordered everyone not to meet her and after she wakes up not to ask her unnecessary questions.
  He then went to her room and saw her laying on the bed. Seeing her in this state his heart break and said by siting beside her and her hands, " It's my fault. I should have protected you now see, I have imagined to see you in this state. Just wake up fast. I can't handle this more. I promise you whoever done this to you I will kill him. " He slept there while holding her hands.
Emily asked, " Call the boss to come and eat the dinner. Fine! I will go. " Carla stopped and told her to not to disturb him as now he must be really angry. She nodded and everyone went to their room.
   Eren got the call he picked it up and asked, " What happened did you get her." He shouted at him hearing that someone suddenly came and started firing towards them. He decline the call and stayed calm as now he doesn't want to take any wrong step which can put him in the danger. He called someone and told him to bring the cctv footage. He got the call from Jessica he pich it up, she said, " I got some information but it's to hard to get more information. For now listen, she was a part timer in cafe before joining the gang and then she left it but I couldn't find why she left it. Then she was disappeared for some months and was seen in Châtelet Les Halles then Jackson chose her to be in his gang. I will sent you the footage I have found of that night." He said okay and she decline the call. He smiled as something went as he want.
The place about which no one knows. People see it as a normal place but no one knows the most dangerous darkest secret of that place. The man enter which made everyone goes alert. The fear were clear on there face as they have never seen him this much anger as well as fear on his face. They all bow to him as he enter, he could hear the sounds of man fighting. When they saw him they stopped fighting and bow to him. He said, " Be alert, I got to know that someone is spying on me. So even if someone came I don't want him to return. " They all said, " Yes, boss. "
  He the went inside and asked his man that he want to see them. He nodded and take him there. As he going near that room he could hear the sounds which made him smirk. His man opened the door making everyone flinch inside the room. The room is dark and one broken window through which light id passing through. He turned on the light making everyone there gulping in fear. He said, " Hello, children long time no see. Huh! Just wait here for one week more than you will be free. " One of the kid stand up and asked being excited, " Really, You will let us go from here. " He nodded. Making everyone smile brightly but which he said made their smile fade which he enjoyed. They started crying but stopped when he shouted at them and said, " Bye, you better learn how to keep your mouth shut. " He went out from there.
  There is a boy about 7 years old who asked, " We are trapped here forever. Why they are doing this to us? " Then the boy said, " Kid, don't need to worry okay. Someone will surely come and save us. Let's not loose hope. We will fight if no one came. We all are strong. We will find the way to escape." Then the girl stand and said, " Yes, we can do it. But we can only succeed when we all work together. " Everyone clapped then there is a bang in the door warning them to stop then everyone laughed and shared a happy moment forgetting about the situation.
This encourage them a little but somewhere they knew that this will never happen. No one knows that they are here. They got kidnapped by them two weeks ago. They all prayed to God to save them.

    " Sometimes you give, thinking there is no way but that one hope keeps you going. That hope can make you succeed in life even if it's hard. "
             " Never give up even if there is no way, make your own way and just say to impossible things that I AM POSSIBLE. "

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