The secret meeting

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       There are four men in the car, they are going to their boss. The man said, " You are a narrow survivor, you should have been careful. If they hadn't told the boss that he is behind you, you wouldn't have survived. How will you face boss? "
Other man whom they have saved said, " No problem, everyone does mistakes. You just wait and watch our boss will be proud of me. " He said while smiling while others are confused. They look at him with ' are you serious ' expression. But in reality he is telling a lei, his pride is hurt inside he is thinking how will he face his boss. He is scared but never showed on his face.
Few minutes before..
            Eden is after that car. When Lee min was behind that man she took another route to catch him. When she reached there she saw man going inside the car. She looked here and there and then saw a bike she was lucky that the bike engine was on and his driver was busy on the phone. She sat on that bike and followed them without even knowing them.
    After following them she saw that they are entering a  warehouse. She hide her bike somewhere and she jump over the wall and went inside without being seen. She slowly moved inside while scanning the place carefully. She wanted to call Min hoo but she dropped her phone somewhere.
She is carefully going inside but instantly hide under the stairs when she heard the footsteps. Four men were going upstairs she followed them. She hide behind the pillar and saw them bowing to a man who is sitting on the chair. She saw the man she was following she assumed that he is here to meet his boss.
   He said while kneeling in front of his boss and his head is low because of fear, " I am sorry boss I couldn't recognise him. B-" . He stopped when his boss bend to his level. He is shivering in fear he knew he had made mistake and now his boss will not spare his life. He begged to spare his life. His boss said in his deep scary voice while moving the gun on his face, " You know, if my dad get to know that he will kill me. How can you be so careless? If you are willing to get caught then go but don't need to keep things that can put me in danger. Next time you did same... " He paused and slide his gun to that man's neck and said, " I will not just kill you but will give you most painful death. Understand. " The man nodded then he said, " WORDS " . The man said, " Yes, boss. Next time I won't let you down. "
His boss stand up and asked, " When will they arrive? " . One of his bodyguard said, " They have arrived boss, your dad is also on the way. " He nodded and they all left the warehouse. She followed them but she couldn't she his face. She ask to herself, " Who is he?"
           They reached Lyon Bron Airport. She saw  bodyguards everywhere guarding the area she hide behind the big container and saw one man standing in front then the man she followed went towards him and they were talking about something but she couldn't hear them as she is watching this from very far. She thought that what is the for them to come here, maybe they are going but she recall that before the man was talking about someone coming.
  After some time, the wind is blowing as helicopter is landing on the helipad.  When it landed some men  came out of it and open the door for someone. One man and a woman came outside. He hugged the man and they were talking about something. They went inside. She followed them from behind but the security is too tight that she is not able to find any way to go inside.
     She saw the window far from her and no one is there and ran towards the window and slowly opened it while entering inside. She hide behind the big blocks.

      Lee min hoo is searching for Eden. Then one of his man called him he picked his call and he said, " Boss, we couldn't find her anywhere but we are trying to get the footage but boss you should come back it's not safe for you to stay alone." Lee min hoo yelled at him saying, " DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. JUST FIND HER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. " He sighed and take a reverse turn to go back. He knew in this state he is not going to find her. He have to handle it calmly and patiently.
He reached there asked them about the  footage. They told them that some footage are yet to come. Then Carla came holding a glass of a water. She gave it to Min hoo while sitting beside him. She patted his shoulder and said, " Don't worry. You know who is she, she can handle it and I am sure she is safe. She will be back soon. Now drink this." He said, " You know why I am afraid then how can I stay still. I don't want to drink this. Nothing is feeling right. Knowing that someone wants to kill her how can sit relax." She smile and said, " She is safe no one can kidnap her. You also know how strong she is?" He nodded and drink the water. He know Eden is strong and can take care of herself. But then also he is afraid now all could he do is wait for her. Then one of the man told him that he saw Eden in the footage. He quickly got up and looked at the screen. The man said, " Boss, I think she is following someone. Look she is behind this car." Lee min hoo asked him where they are going but he said that it is the last footage after that there are no security cameras.
  He said, " There are so many routes ahead. It will take forever for us to find from which they have gone and where as there are so many places like, Castorama, Botanic St. Priest, Lyon Bron Airport, Eurexpo Lyon and many more. What should we do? "
Lee min hoo said, " Search for those places which is empty. If she is following them then they must have gone somewhere to deal. They must have taken the whole place for today. Search the places fast. I want every single information even if it is small.
He asked Carla, " Have you done you task that I have told you? " She nodded and asked him to come with her as she wanted to talk to him. They went outside and sit in one of the benches.
She said, " He told me that, it was a fake news that Eden's life is in danger. The man who told him worked for someone else but he didn't reveal his name even after getting torture but just told him that the real storm is about come. This was just the beginning. He didn't know who does that but I told him to let that man go.   After following him I saw him going to a warehouse. I followed him inside and saw him laying on the ground maybe because of torture he was unconscious after some time there were guards taking there position. Then someone came inside and asked the other man that why is he here? Boss will arrive here at any time. I thought he is just unconscious but he was dead. Then their boss arrived there and sat on the chair. He asked them about some transport. I couldn't stay there for long as they all started to take their position for his safety. When I was coming out I saw a car entering there. Then I got the call from your bodyguards that Eden in missing so I came here. "
She told him she doesn't know about which transportation they were talking she predict that it might be about transporting the weapons. Lee min hoo is carefully listening to her.

             Eden is carefully listening to them. They were talking about their deal they made before. The man asked in firm voice , " This is your money you asked for but before giving you this I want you to know that if I didn't get those children on time then you know what can I do. This time it is more dangerous as government are trying there best to find them. I don't want any mistake." Then the other man said while chuckling, " Don't worry. I won't let you down. They are almost ready only SOS Children's villages international is left. " He nodded and they shook hands and they started to move out. She carefully peek to see the dealers, she couldn't see their face as they were moving out back facing her. She sit down to wait for them to go so that she can also go from here. But suddenly one man came there for picking something and saw her he quickly grabbed her and bring her to the middle. They were five of them present as rest of them were outside. One of them said, " She might be a spy. Keep an eye on her. Let me go and inform the boss about her. He went outside and the other man kept his gun on her head.
The man went outside to contact others through his earpiece. He is telling him about Eden but because of sound of the helicopter he is not able to hear. The man ran towards them. He reached there breathing heavily and said, " Boss, we caught a girl. I think she is a spy. She heard all your conversation and might have seen him."
His boss eyed widen and yelled while walking fast  " HOW CAN SOMEONE ENTER HERE? HOW CARELESS YOU ARE I TOLD YOU . IS SHE ALONE? " He nodded. Then other man said, " Father, calm down she cannot inform anyone as we have fit the jammers here and if she is not alone then no matter how many they are , they will not return. " He said, " Eren, I know but you also know that it was a secret meeting. I don't want to take any risk." They quickly went inside and what they saw made Eren's father laugh.

To be continue..

DESTINY:The Life Changerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن