Friend and Foe

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           Eden is talking to agent 003 when someone knocked she became afraid. She thought someone has overheard her conversation again someone knocked then she came back to the senses and went towards the door and opened the slowly being nervous but when she looked at the person she felt relief. It was Mike she sighed and said, " Come in fast. You almost gave me a heart attack I thought someone heard me talking. Why are you here?" Mike said, " With whom you were talking to and also I came here because I want to tell you something. I don't know but I think Min hoo feels for you. " She got shocked and said, "I was talking to agent 003 and What are you saying? It's not like he see me as a friend. " He said, " When you went to comfort him Carla saw you both and she said to us that you hugged him and she also planning to make set you both with each other . So I thought about it and I have plan." She said, " What? I hugged him because he was not feeling good and what plan are you talking about. He doesn't like me you should know that. He considered me as a friend only. I kn-" . Mike said something which made her stopped. He asked her to think about it tell him later then he went back to his room.
Min hoo going towards her room. He stopped in front of the door and then knocked the door but no one opened he again knocked then the door opened revealing Carla with sleepy eyes which is half closed. She asked him in sleepy voice, " What happened to you? I was sleeping. You know I don't like when someone wakes me up from my dream unnecessary. " He said, " Yes I know but it's urgent and I want to clear something. Can we talk. Come to terrace. Please, only you can help me. " She nodded and closed the door she washed her face before going to terrace. She went to the terrace where she saw Lee min hoo waiting for her. She sat on the chair near him and said , " I don't know what are you going to ask but go on let's see if I can help you or not. " He asked, " Do you remember when you told me that never subdued you feelings just for the mission. That time I didn't understand what were you talking about but now I know. " She smirked as she knows what he is talking about and she said, " Can you be more clear. I remember that I asked but what? " He said, " I don't know but whenever she is with me I feel secure and the way she smiled I never wanted that smile to fade away ever. I want to ask you what is happening to me? I am so confused." She said, " Just like I said before you feel something for her and now your feelings towards her is getting more and more. Again I would say don't let her go this time because of the mission. I know this mission is very important to you. You have been preparing yourself from your childhood. You have already sacrificed you childhood because of your parent's killer but now do not sacrifice anything. Not now not tomorrow but one day when you'll find him and kill him what will you do after that. If you think you want to live like this forever then it's your choice but remember one think no matter how successful you are you will be sad if you are alone. I have seen you till now you never smiled I couldn't remember last time when you smiled. If you think being with her you are strong then go ahead but if you feel she is making you weak then for now don't. If you love her then I would be so happy for you. All I want to see you is happy. You have suffered a lot and I know even when you are acting cold your heart is warm. All I want to say is think if you like her or love her wanted to protect her or let her go far from you. "
   She said that and went to her room as for Lee min hoo he is frozen in his spot thinking about what Carla said before. He rest on his back and he decided he will focus on his mission but also will make himself clear about how he feels is this a care or more than that he will find out and when he does that,he will tell her.
Jessica and a man is waiting for someone. He arrived there and asked both of them, " Why are you here?  I told you not to come here until you bring me something. " Jessica said, " We wanted to tell you something which will make you happy we have bad news and good news . " He said, " Let's see. " She said, " I think the plan we made is failed. Lee min hoo will never fall for me no matter how much I try. " He slammed his hand on the table and said, " What? How do you know that? Do you have a death wish? To come in front of me and telling me my plan is a failure. " She said, " Forgive me but listen I think he likes someone else. " He asked," And how can you say that? " She said, " I have seen with my eyes. In the party when she was dancing with other man his face was little irritated and I could see he wan-" Her words were cutted by him when he said, " I don't believe you first bring me proof last time you said that he has feelings for Carla and you know what happened after that so GET OUT." She flinched and left the building. The man who came with her said, " Why you are always harsh on her? She almost cried. You should be polite. " He laughed and said," You know that if I don't shout at her she will never fear of me and I can't use her. And you are manipulated her last time very well otherwise she would have gone with him only. But how long will you act. " He said, " You know until he is dead. I don't know why he is coming between our deals. But because of her I could steal his deal this time. Jessica is just our path and when we reached are destination I will kill her. For Lee min hoo she is his friend but for her he is her enemy.The other man said, " You are really smart, my boy. " He said, " No, now I am a man and all this smartness is because of you only. DAD. " " Yes son, but where is your brother he is just opposite of you. He never listen to me. Just call him and tell him I want to meet him. Now you can go. EREN. " He said to his son while going to his room and Eren called his brother and went out.

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