The First Meeting

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  Police sirens are echoing all over the city.The police is chasing a thief who has a very important information, he is not just a thief but a member of a mafia gang. He is driving the bike fast but the police car surrounded him, he stopped his bike , sitting on the ground, his hand behind the head, as the police were going to him, suddenly he was shot on the head and he died there.Everyone gets shocked, this was their last chance to know the information about the mafia, which was only with this person who got killed by his own boss.
              To get the information about the mafia government formed a special team . This team was given a mission that they had to go underground and get information about the underworld gangs. There were all trained agents in that team, there are five people in their team:
Daniel-agent 003 , John- agent 005, Mike- agent 007, Mia-agent 009, Eden- agent 020. They called everyone to headquarters for the meeting. When Eden reached there, she started thinking why she is chosen in this mission. She is not that trained officers like other. Then the head of this mission arrived there, he told everyone that,"You all have been selected in this mission for some special reason, do not think that the people with you are better than you, you are all expert in your own field, that's why you have been chosen for this mission.First you have to make your place in this underworld then you have to become a part of any gang and get as much information about the underworld as possible. Then when the right time comes, we will end the illegal works going on in the underworld.You may take this mission not only a few months but also a whole life because we have to catch the ones who are doing all this, not just the work. Our main motive is to destroy the underworld.Your identities should be hidden even with your teammates.Get ready for the new beginning of your life.Good luck." After saying that he went out.
           They all introduced themselves. Eden make good friends with them. Soon, thier fake identities were handed to them. Eden was not trained fighter so Mike and Mia helped Eden to learn some fighting skills and how to manage if you are in trouble, they helped her a lot and she also learnt them in a very short period of time.
       They all are now in their secret place. Daniel is going to lead. Daniel spoke,"so, as you all know why we are here I am going to come straight to the point. We have to be a part of a gang  so we are going to execute our plan today." Everyone was shocked that how and what he's talking about they all were giving wierd looks to him. He than said, "it's an order they told us to execute our plan. Then Mike said, " We don't have any plan. " Then again Daniel said, " There's no point to have one cause if any of us gets in trouble our plan will not going to work, so here's a thing today we are going somewhere. To be the part of an street fight , but there will not be only fighters but mafia gang's right hand." John asked him, "Then why are we going there? To fight only and get ourselves injuries plus we don't have any plan not even backup plan. " Mia suddenly spoke, "No, we actually have a plan like agent 003 said we are going to execute our plan today ,and we are going to be part of the street fight thing we actually can be the part of the gang if they are impressed by us, we can actually make them desperate to have us in their gang so what's says." Everyone was shocked after hearing her than Daniel spoke, "Oh! I was going to say this but you are literally smart, now I know why they choose you. So we are going to fight there if they choose us they will take us with them right then only to meet their boss. They will ask many questions from you if you pass and prove them that you will be loyal to your boss then you will be part of that gang." Then Eden ask, how they will they get to know that we will not betray them, and if we will not be able to prove them what will happen? " Everyone looked at Daniel but Mike spoke, "If you will not succeed to prove yourself they might kill you . And to prove yourself ,they will give you a task to do." Eden looked at Mike shocked and scared. Then Daniel spoke, "stop scaring them, there's nothing to be afraid of. Okay, now let me speak and let me make it small and simple, we all are going somewhere around Châtelet Les Halles. We will fight there if we are able to impress them they gonna take us if not then we have to try try and try, if we are selected make sure to give your best and join the group take information and give it to the government. We all have a chip through which we can listen to each others conversation if you successfully get into the gang they will give you a apartment under their area you will get time to get your things in the mean time you will tell us the location. After that you can only tell us the information when you are not under their system cause their system is very strong they will know if any other system entered , so before reaching there you have to destroy your chip. Is that clear? " Everyone said yes. Now they are ready for their mission.
                          They all reached there separately. They started there mission. As they planned everyone is fighting they also got someone to fight they all started their fight hoping to be selected by the gang. Eden, Daniel, Mike, Mia was fighting but John was just there to observe people he is going to track the location. Eden was fighting with a guy at first the guy laughed at her cause she is a girl but she was giving him a tough fight. He was injured so badly but Eden was not that injured  her hand,mouth was bleeding. She was hoping someone find her useful for their team later she manage to defeat him he is now unconscious. Then two man approach her asked her to come with them, she smirked ,"finally they called me now calm down and give your best if not now then never it's an do and die situation Eden good luck. " She thought. There was a man who asked who was sitting on the chair. He asked her name and ask her have she been in the gang before or not Eden just told him her name and told them that she is new in the underworld but her uncle was one of the gangster, she lied. The man nodded and took her with him. She was nervous she destroy her chip while getting inside the car. Later she reached there, she asked the man his name he first didn't reply but later when they were heading to meet their boss he told her that his name is Jackson. Jackson told Eden to wait in the hall as he went up through the lift she was sitting on the sofa later she saw one bodyguard  ask her to come with him she than went with him. She finally reached she was now walking her heart was beating so fast, she had a mixed feelings while walking she was observing her surroundings. Before she could knock the door the door opened by a bodyguard she than entered inside and saw a man sitting on the chair backfacing her she said hello to him he didn't turn around he just asked her why do you want to be a gangster, and what is the main motive of her to enter this dangerous world. She confidently answer, " Actually I always wanted to be a gangster cause I love villains more than heroes so it's my obsession to be at the place where you are now. I want to control this world." The boss laughed even though he was not looking at her he can see the desperation, how badly she wants it . He asked her, "You wanted to be at my place so that's mean you can betray me in future, you can kill me so that you can be at my place." She chuckled and said, "Sir, even though I want to be at your place but I never betray  my master. There are three principles in my life : 1.Trust 2.Words  3. Never betray. If you let me be in your gang I promise you will never be disappointed by me." He was impressed by Eden. He turned around and see her standing in front of him,he smirked and said, " Welcome, to the new family Ms. Eden. Since you are new let me introduce you my name is Lee Min Hoo, your new boss. Nice to meet you. " They both shook hand, Eden was happy because she made it.

To be continued.........

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