The Beginning

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The Beginning

This story is about a little girl who lives in SOS Children's village international in France . It is a children orphanage. Her name is Eden.

She was abandoned by her family when she was two years old. From then she used to live there only. She is very quite and shy around people, the only person she talks to was Mrs. Johnson who was one of the caretaker in that orphanage.
Eden is now six years old. She is very smart and clever. She wants to make friends but she was too shy to ask them to be her friend neither she talks to them nor they . Everyday she looks at others playing with their friends and having fun, she also wanted to play but she was alone.
Year passes she now turned ten, but she still have no friends. She was all alone no friends and no one to talk,mrs.Johnson is busy these days so she can't see her . She loves drawing , one day she was sitting under the tree and making the picture of sky, ground and herself. While, she was drawing some girls came near her and ask her, "hey, what are you doing? " She was amazed, cause know one talks to her . She replied, " I am drawing. " Then the girl ask her if she wants to play with her or not Eden said, yes. She leave her drawing and went to play with them. She was happy, now she will also have a lot of friends with whom she will play .
She started playing with them, she started to be friends with them without shying. They were playing football.She was good in playing football, everyone was talking about her only she was the star of the match. But, the girl named Jessica got jealous about it cause she wants all attention but no one was looking at her, everyone was looking at Eden only. While playing she pushed Eden knowingly so that she could hurt herself and could not play. Eden legs was bleeding the caretaker took her to nurse. After treating her wound nurse ask her not to play for a week. Eden was not happy after knowing that see couldn't play for one week.
Next day, she was sitting under that same tree watching them(kids) playing, she also wanted to play but couldn't. Jessica was happy to see her sitting alone, then see saw some of her friends was heading towards her, her smile fades away she saw them talking to each other. She thought, "she is now taking my friends away now, I hate her soo much". After that see saw her friends was heading towards her so she asked them why they're talking to Eden then replied that, " She is also our friend now".
That makes Jessica more jealous. After talking to her friends, she saw Eden alone no one was there at that time Jesica head towards her and ruined her drawing.
Eden looked at her surprisingly and asked her, "why did you do that? ". Jessica replied, " Stay away from my friends otherwise, I will make your life hell". Eden was so shocked that what is she talking about and why is she saying her to stay away from her friends. Eden said, "why are you saying that to me? They are also my friends". Jessica replied annoyingly, " No, I don't want you to be friend with my friends, that's it". Eden asked her why then Jessica replied, "CAUSE I HATE YOU". Eden was surprised that why she hate her Eden said nothing but just got up went inside, cause she knew there is no point to stay there and have a argue, she left Jessica dumbfounded.
Today is Jessica's birthday so she is very happy. Jessica don't like eden ,she wants her to suffer in many ways but,she was waiting for the right opportunity.Everyone was wishing her then Eden also wish her happy birthday Jessica faked smile and said, "thank you". Later, at night Eden was in her room writing dairy. Her roommate was asleep but she couldn't sleep that's why she thought to start writing diaries so she was thinking hard what to write.

Later, she knew what to write. She thought she is going to write about herself in the dairy and also her imagination and everything that comes to her mind. So, she started with decorating the it with butterflies, glitters etc and wrote *My Diary * on it. She started to write about herself, friends and what she did today while writing she fall asleep.
In the morning she was eating her breakfast with her friends but her mind was only thinking about what else should she write in her diary. After eating breakfast mrs. Johnson called her and take her to the head of the Orphanage . She was confused why she called her, she asked mrs. Johnson but she didn't reply. When they reach there she saw other kids were also there than they made all of them stand together. Everyone was confused why they have been called here, then the head of that orphanage said, "Children, we are shifting you to other Orphanage, where you will learn new things and there your studies will continue from there and I hope you'll find a nice family there. Be nice there and good luck".
Everyone was shocked that they are going somewhere else. She was too sad, she don't want to leave her friends her friends was shifted to other orphanage also. They bid there goodbyes and left . She was happy and also sad. -------------
On the other hand this story is about a boy named "Lee Min Hoo". He lives in South Korea with his family in Busan . His father " Lee jang wook" is the member of one of the most dangerous gang in South Korea . He doesn't know anything about his father. His mother is a doctor "Lee Min Soo". They were living a normal life like others. But one day his father has to go somewhere for his mission. Min hoo ask his father where he is going, his father replied, " I am going for an important meeting, until I return promise me that you will take care of your eomma (mother). I will return soon ,my son". " Min hoo said, " Yes,appa (father)". His father bid his byes and he left for his flight.
Min Hoo always checks whether his father has come back or not. He ask his mother when he'll return she always says soon. He always wait for him on stairs his father was neither returning nor calling him.

Two weeks has past but his father haven't come back yet. He asked his mother where is he ,when will he return, why he is not coming back? So many questions were roaming in his mind. His mother knew that he has gone for a gang mission, but she can't tell her son about his father so she caution that his father will be back soon. One day he was playing in his room when suddenly he heard someone talking in the living room so he opened his door and saw his father, talking to his mother he ran and hugged his father. He asked his father, "when did you come and why are you so nervous". His father told him that they are going to live somewhere else now, but Min soo, her mother didn't want to leave that place. But they had no choice left, they had to leave that place for their own safety. Jang wook was in big trouble, his enemies had come to know about his family, they were going to kill his wife and son but he manage to save them by taking them to somewhere else. Little min hoo, who was confused about the whole situation that what's going on. They left Busan as soon as possible , they were going to Daejeon.
They finally reached daejeon. Min soo was worried about the whole situation but jang wook calm her down saying that everything is fine now ,we are safe. But little did they know someone was following them throughout their journey.
At night when they were sleeping jang wook heard a sound he quickly grab his gun and slowly opened the door and saw someone was going to his son's room, he quickly but quietly knock that person down his wife woke up and saw the man's body lying. She quickly rush inside min hoo's room to check if he is alright or not she saw him sleeping and closed the door but he was awake he slowly opened the door and overhead all the conversation between his father and mother. While they were arguing the bullet hits his mother's head and she died on the spot min hoo ran towards her and started crying. His father grab him and take him to other room and ask him not to show himself, he said, "Whatever you hear, you will not come out, unless I told you to come out".Min hoo was crying so badly he nodded and ask her father to come back quickly. He promised him that he will be back after that he left him.

Min hoo heard someone arguing then there was silence for a second then he heard a gunshot he got scared, and never showed himself for half and hour there was silence he thought everyone has gone but he still stayed there cause his father told him to stay there. His father was injured badly he slowly went towards his son and called him , min hoo showed himself and saw his father injured badly he started crying his father told him that, "Son, I am sorry I can't keep my promise I have to go". This was his last words and he also passed away little Min hoo, at the age of 12 he had to see so much. He was heartbroken and angry "why he killed my father" He thought. He saw the killer who killed his father but not face he just saw the tattoo in his left arm . He was angry, he wanted to know why he killed his father.

" This was my first chapter , I hope you like it. And sorry for my grammar 😅 . Have a nice time.

Thank you for reading.

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