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     " What happened? Are you feeling bad for him? Or maybe you still see him as a friend? Tell me JESSICA. " Jessica looked at him and said, " No, it's not like that. I was actually thinking about someone. " He asked, "who Lee min hoo?. She said, " No, about the new girl in his gang." He asked, " Who? The girl who was dancing? " She nodded. " Why are you thinking about her? " He asked while sipping tea. She said, " I have a feeling that in future she will create trouble for us and also I know Lee min hoo . I have noticed his behaviour and I think somewhere he feel something for her. The way he looked at her is always different from others. If this continues then I will not be able to make him fall for me and I know him , if he love someone he can do anything. That's why I planned that but I think it will not work as he is already getting attracted to someone else. I think we should think about other plan. " He said, " Actually that is good news if he love her, like or whatever it is then we can use her against him and she will have no idea about it that we are using her. " They finished their lunch and decided to meet someone.
Lee min hoo told everyone that they will not go back to Paris until his work is done. But for now he wanted to fresh his mind as after what he saw in the party yesterday made him very disturbed. He is walking through streets admiring everyone and also ecounter many families which made him happy and sad also. He is now in the park sitting on one of the benches.
         Eden, Carla and Emily were talking about random stuffs while coming back from shopping as they thought  they should buy something from here as a memory.  Mike and Jackson also went outside to have some fun. Now Eden, Carla is in Emily's room as she wanted to show them something. Carla asked, " Emily how much time left? Are you going to stay inside forever? " Eden chuckled. Emily replied that she is coming. Emily came out of the room showing her new outfit. Eden asked, " You are looking so gorgeous. I can't take eyes off you. " Emily blushed a little and Carla asked, " More than that it is looking like a date outfit. Whom are you going out with? Tell us also? " Emily said, " Actually, I wanted to tell you something. At the party my task was to get people  information ,my strategy was that first I will talk to them and when right time come I will take all the information through their phones, smart watch. So I met a guy there and we became friends also and he asked me to meet him again if I wanted because he wanted to know more about me. So I will meet him got to know him and who knows if he is a boss then our gangs can be friends and we can help each other only if he is good person like our boss. " Eden asked, " What do you mean our boss? He is also mafia and as far as I know is mafia are those who can kill anyone without any reasons also. He is a good person I am not saying he is not but mafias ,gangsters are only nice to those only who are in their gang. Am I right? " Carla and Emily laughed and Carla said, " It's not like that. Not everyone is same. Yes it is a truth that they kill everyone without reason and are bad person. But I think you don't know. Lee min hoo is here only because of his personal reasons otherwise he would have became a secret agent. And also whom ever he have killed till now was a bad person. He never killed anyone who is not bad. Even whenever his deal get successful he donates 50% of that money to the orphanage and he even built a building in Paris not only for orphanage children but for those who doesn't have house to stay in." Eden get shocked she asked her, " Then why police is after him also. If he is doing such a great thing. " Carla said, " Because he not always get money through deals but also killing means he does good thing but the way he choose is illegal that's why." Eden nodded. After some time Eden went upstairs Carla and Emily went outside. Eden kept thinking about what Carla said earlier.
      Eden said to herself, " What is happening to me? What should I do now? Wait it is a truth he does good things but instead of supporting him they want me to get proof against him. How am I suppose to get that when he is clear he is not doing anything illegal. Killing other leaders means he is helping the government. Ahhh!!!! Just a moment I have those files which I have taken from Jackson's office that day. Let me check those file carefully. " She quickly went to her room and take out the laptop and pendrive and open it. She opened a filed and could find nothing but only about the people he took money or killed them and where he invested those money and also about other gangs with whom his deal is pending. She said to herself, " I should have checked before. There is nothing but from this one thing is clear. We both are after same person. She closed her laptop and just then Mike came there and she told him everything about earlier. Mike said, " So, even if we wanted we can't go against the orders. We have to hand over them to the government and after that they will decide what to do with them. But tell me one think who was that man. " Eden asked him about whom he is asking about he said that yesterday at the party he saw you going with someone. Eden stared at him for a minute ad she doesn't know what to say she can't tell him about him.
" Excuse me sir, I think you have mistaken I am not your partner. " She removed his hand and back faced him to move but she stopped when she heard his voice, " I may be mistaken but I think you are not in the stage to let go your parents killer. Don't you? "
         She turned around and asked him, " Who are you? And what are you talking about? I think you have mistaken I am not the one you are looking for. I am sorry. " She again started to move but he showed her a picture of his mother and father. The same picture she has for years. The day her mother gave her to orphanage from that day she had that picture. He said, " If you want to know more meet me in the terrace. "    He walked in the crowd and Eden also followed him which he noticed and smirked. They both went to the terrace . He asked her, " So, you are that much curious about your parents killer. Don't you think this is dangerous for you to rome here and there without security. Do you even know if they got to know that you are alive they will not waste any time to kill you. " Eden asked in confusion, " Sir, please talk clearly. I can't understand what you are trying to say. Please tell me from the start." He said, " I will tell you from the start but I don't know the full truth so I can only tell you what I know. So listen first of all I was your parents friends and we were like family. One day I don't know what happened your father came to me told me to take you somewhere safe. I asked him why but he told me that he will tell me about it later. So I took you and your mother to somewhere safe . After three days he came to us injured . Your mother and I were shocked and worried as he have fought many fights but never get injured like this. We treated him and asked him. He told us that his big brother is trying to kill him and your mother. They didn't know abou you cause your parents never revealed that they had a child. I asked him what does he want from him he said that his position because at that time they were one of the most powerful mafia couple everyone feared of so he want to kill them and take their position.
    Then I don't know how but they got to know about where were we hiding. Lee min hoo told your mother to run with you she refused at once but later she run when she heard gunshot people fighting. She ran through forest  with you. Me and your father was fighting but then his brother came and killed him. When your mother was running his man saw her running and went after her. They saw a child in her hand  and they thought to tell this to their boss but before they could your mother killed them and for your safety she gave you to the orphanage she saw while running from them. She took a baby doll and started running from them and while running she slipped and the baby fell down in the river. She acted like it was a real child and they held her but she was able to run from their grib and when she came back she saw that your father is dead. She told me about you where you are . We used to visit you but that was not that long later they found her and killed her when I was out and when I came back I saw her dead. And after that everyone thought that you are dead. But I don't know how but your uncle still thinks that you are alive and also you have same mole on your face as your father. But because of this mask it is not clear but I noticed you when I saw your necklace. You still wear this necklace. So I want to warn you. Escape from here before he got to know about you. They didn't know if you are a girl or a boy but they think it's a boy. " Eden said, " Who is my uncle? What is his name and what is my parents name?" He said, " Your parents name is-. " " Abort, wherever you are come back to the hall. It's an order from boss. " His words cutted by Jae. That man said her to leave . Eden wanted to know her parents name but couldn't. She went back to the party. "
          " Eden, Eden hello, you are spacing out." Mike said while shaking her slightly. Eden flinched and said, " Nothing, where were I? " Mike said, " You didn't even started. " Eden said, "Oh! Sorry. That man,  I don't know him but he told me that he will help me in my mission. I was confused about which mission he is talking about than I asked how he know me than he answered. He was confused and mistaken me by thinking someone else." Mike nodded.

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