Chapter 232: The Grand Feast

Start from the beginning

Everything done and settled, Grey and Yuna slowly headed out the cavern, only to be greeted by the beautiful sky of amber as the sun slowly set over the horizon, a lone, young lady gazing off to the distance, her eyes bright as the sunー or maybe not.

Rather than a mesmerized face, there was only a pale expression on Marika's face as she watched the sunset. She was so pale, it was as if she had seen a ghost, not able to utter a single word.

"Is something wrong, Marika?" [Grey]

"B-Big Brother Grey! Big Sister Yuna! Th-The sun it's setting!" [Marika]

"Yes, we can see that, but that's just natural, isn't it?" [Grey]

"N-No! Not that! The feast! We're going to be late for the feast!" [Marika]

Like lightning striking the ground, a realization suddenly hit Grey and Yuna. They were so excited about exploring the island and poking around things that they had completely forgotten about the feast the whole village had been working on.

Not only did they say that they'll be looking forward to it, everyone put a lot of effort into it as well. Only guilt remained inside their hearts as they realized how thoughtless they were being. They were a little speechless about themselves.

"Big Brother Grey... Big Sister Yuna... What should we do...?" [Marika]

Even then, compared to the worried Marika who is now mumbling incomprehensible words, the two still remained calm. They only watched the sunset for a couple moments before sighing a short sigh.

"Hahaha. Don't worry too much. We have our ways." [Grey]

"Un! Just trust in us, okay?" [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna simply comforted Marika by patting her on the head. And without a single trace of urgency, Grey simply walked a couple steps, stretching his arms out soon after. And voila! A blue gate has appeared!

Though Grey was planning to not reveal his cards to just anyone, Marika wasn't just anyone. They might have met, but they already knew she was a trustworthy person. Letting her keep a secret or two was no big deal.

"B-Big Brother Grey, w-what is this?!" [Marika]

"Nothing much. Just a little bit of magic... Well, don't worry, it won't harm you. Just follow my lead, alright?" [Grey]

Not wasting any more time, Grey simply stuck one of his feet in and soon, his whole body followed, swallowed by the gentle light. Marika was a little afraid at first, but seeing Yuna smile reassuringly beside her, she gathered her courage and followed suit. Yuna soon followed after.

To the light, Marika closed her eyes, gentle warmth embracing her. The moment she opened them again, she was greeted by a familiar sight. Having seen it since she was a child, there was no way she could be mistaken.

"Is... Isn't this... Wait! Isn't this the village entrance?!" [Marika]

A surprised shout echoed in the air, Marika puzzled as one can be. She tried looking left and right, but no matter how she looked, all she could see were familiar sights. She really was at the village entrance, no doubt.

"Am... Am I dreaming...?" [Marika]

"Fufufu! You're not, silly!" [Yuna]

Though it was a little hard to wrap her head around it, Marika had no choice but to accept the truth. She simply attached it to the fact that Grey and Yuna were the "Emissaries of God". They were simply amazing to her eyes.

Well, Marika's puzzled and flustered expression was not the only interesting sight to see. Just on the corner of Grey's eyes, he could already see a large crowd of people gathering by the village center, with tables, chairs, fires, and food everywhere. It was an exciting sight to see.

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