A surprise visit

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It's Monday now, and I'm back to teaching. I'm just glad that I don't have to be cooped up at the pack house anymore.

I didn't miss the Snickers here at school, from the pack members who knew about Jet and I. nor did I miss the remarks, either. It wasn't a secret anymore, but everyone knew to keep it to themselves so that the students and teachers here that aren't a part of the pack wouldn't know.

It's now lunch and Jet was in my office with me eating. He had a scowl on his face as he took tiny bites of the burger he had.

“What's wrong with you now?” I asked after a few minutes of silence. Gray wanted to know, so I had to ask. I wasn't used to Gray as yet, but I was getting there.

“Nothing I can't handle.” He replied, making me raise my eyebrow at him. I got up from the desk and walked up to him, thinking of ways I could punish him for not telling me.

“That's not the way this works. I asked you something, I expect you to tell me.” I said in a serious tone.

Once he realized that I wasn't joking around, he abandoned the burger so that he could focus on me.

“I've been having problems with these jocks here. I'm trying so hard not to get in a fight with them, but they can't seem to stay away from me. I almost beat the crap out of them the last time they tried something, but it seems as if they haven't learned their lesson.” I laughed while shaking my head. They were that stupid to go against Jet? The fuck is wrong with them?

“I don't even know what to say about that. If I tell you to just ignore them, you and your bad boy attitude would do the opposite.” I said, and he laughed.

It wasn't a bad day today, for me, that is. I drilled my students, and in return, they called me the devil.

It sucks that Jet and I couldn't drive in the same vehicle as yet, because of the rules here. So, I had to go home without him.

Once I arrived home, I laughed to myself once more as I recalled what Jet had told me. Those students might have a death wish going after him.

I opened my door and noticed something different about the place, but I couldn't put my finger on it. So I started looking around and growled when my eyes landed on the intruder sitting on my couch.

“What's with everyone coming here without asking me?” I snapped, and Samantha looks up at me from the magazine she was reading.

“Don't act like that, you know you miss me.” Samantha said, making me laugh.

“Miss you? I couldn't care less about you at this point.” I replied and she frowned.

“Look, I'm not here to make any problems. As much as I hate saying this, I miss you. Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow. They called me and said that I should try to work things out with you.” As if it were that fucking easy.

“That still won't change the type of person you are.” As much as I wanted to believe that my twin sister wanted to change, I can't. It wasn't like her to get up and talk to me as if nothing had happened before. We weren't that close.

“I get that I might say some things or done some things in the past, that affected our relationship. But I'm really going to change.” She said, trying her best to convince me. It was going to take a lot of convincing on her part.

“I will have to see that, I know that you have something up your sleeves, you don't listen to anyone, especially mom and dad. What's the real reason why you're here?” I asked. She was about to talk when the door opens and Jet walks in.

Samantha's mouth fell open, and her eyes became wide as she flirtatiously stared at him. I glared at her, getting ready to kill her with my bare hands so that she could stop looking at him.

“Wow, the two of you look exactly the same. The only difference is that you're a man, and she's a woman.” Jet said and I shook my head. As if I didn't know that.

“That was stupid. Go to our room, I'll be there in a minute.” I ordered Jet, who nodded his head. I had gotten so use to him kissing me, that when he did that in front of Samantha, I didn't care.

I heard her gasp and shot her a smug look, which had her rolling her eyes. After Jet left, the comments began.

“I forgot that you were gay.” How could she forget that?

“And I forgot that you existed.” Gray laughed at the look on her face. I don't know what to do anymore.

“He's your boyfriend? He's too good-looking to be gay. But then again, you know what they say about some guys who are too handsome.” She kept on talking nonsense after nonsense, irritating the hell out of me. Why did I have to deal with someone so annoying?

“If you're going to stay here, I want you to be on your best behavior. Drew also has a boyfriend, so yes, you'd be surrounded by gays.” I said, and she scoffed.

“Don't care, I'm only here because of Mom and Dad. I want to make sure that everything goes ok. So if I have to put up with you, I can do that.” She gets up and started looking around.

“Now, if you'd kindly show me where I'll be sleeping in this place you call a house, that would be fine.” Ugh, sometimes I just want to strangle her. I gestured for her to follow me, not knowing how I was going to deal with her for a week once my parents were here.

If I had any other way of leaving, I would. Just so I wouldn't be around her.

My teacher, my mate (mxm) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin