Giving my support

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I couldn't wait for class to be over with. Why? Because of Jet Harrington. I hated the way he was constantly staring at me, as if I was a piece of meat he wanted to devour. Somewhere deep down inside me, I actually like the idea. I shook my thoughts away as I continued to pass the test papers out. Once I got to his desk, I knew that his touch wasn't accidentally because he seemed to be playing with me. I couldn't stop myself from shivering as lust filled my entire body. My dick became too hard for me to even control. What the Fuck is wrong with me?

I felt my feet wobbled a bit as I made my way towards my desk, I just had to sit down for a minute, then I'll be alright. I don't even know why I was suddenly craving his touch. Why was I thinking of him being my sub. He didn't seem to have a submissive bone in his body, though, he's more like the take charge kind of a guy.

Who knows? Maybe that's just what he wanted people to view him as. I bet he would want me to control him…no he's my student. I shouldn't be thinking about my student like this, no matter how handsome he is. At the end of class, his friend started pulling him with him, and I would lie if I said I wasn't jealous.

I could already feel my possessiveness towards him, I seriously didn't want anyone else to touch him. He's mine and only mine. What the hell is wrong with me?

“ Maybe I didn't drink enough coffee.” I murmured as I gathered the test papers that were on my desk. One girl stayed back, I believe her name is Chrystal, saying she wanted to talk to me about something important. I gestured for her to go on, but it seemed as if she was nervous, so I'll let it go this time.

“ I um I wanted to um know if you were um single by any chance?” Really? That's what she wanted to ask me?

“ That's a really inappropriate question, ms.barlowe. I would appreciate it if you would stick to math questions only.” She blushed at my reply and nodded her head before leaving. I knew that there were going to be too many hormonal teenagers attending this school, I wonder if jet is like that.

The day went by quicker than expected, and now it was time to go home. Drew didn't want to cook, so he asked me to bring home takeout, which I did. I stopped at a Chinese restaurant and ordered my favorite Sesame chicken and fried rice, and I got him sweet and sour chicken. I was well known in that restaurant because I'm a sucker for sesame chicken.

I still had to talk to drew about wanting to work. It was my responsibility to take care of him, so why couldn't he see that? I know that he felt bad, but he should know by now that I would do anything for him. He's that fragile. Drew is a 5'7 blond hair, green eye man who could be with anyone he wanted because he wasn't ugly.

His personality sucks though, he's always hiding away in his shell and wouldn't talk unless spoken to. Most of the time I would check up on him just to make sure he's in the house. See why I'm so protective of him?

Soon after that, I drove up to my parking lot and spotted drew there waiting for me with a grin on his face. I wonder why he's so happy. I parked the car and got out, with his help, we carried everything inside with no problem. We headed to the kitchen and I set the bag on the counter, which he immediately started searching.

“ What are you so happy about?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. He stops and looks at me with wide eyes before jumping up and down. I forgot to say that he's a bit hyperactive too.

“ I got a job, can you believe it? I'm going to start working tomorrow and for my salary I have a chance to make up to two thousand dollars a week.” I didn't like it, but seeing him so excited, all I could do was nod.

“ What kind of job is it?” I asked, wanting to find out if it would be good or bad. That way, I can easily stop him from working.

“ It's an inbound sales job. I'll be selling items for the company, such as jewelries, clothes, etc. the more sales I make, the easiest way for me to earn more. Plus it's right up my alley since I have a certificate in sales rep and all.” I sighed because I didn't know what else to say. It seems as if I have to let him do this even though I didn't like it.

“ Ok, as long as this is something you can do, that's fine. I'll support you even though I don't like it.” He squeals, before crashing into me for a hug. I returned the hug, giving him as much comfort as I can.

Letting go of me, he went back to searching the bag. Excited to see that I had gotten his favorite.

“ How was your first day teaching?” Drew asked out of curiosity and I sighed. I really didn't want to be reminded of that.

“ It went well, I suppose. I have plenty of papers to grade though, so as soon as I'm done eating, I'll jump right on it.” I wanted to tell him about Jet, but I would rather not exaggerate something that wasn't there. Not only that, but I wasn't sure what my feelings were towards him, so I'll have to wait until I figure it out before telling him.

But how would I even do that? Letting him know that I was secretly crushing on my student? Hopefully, this will pass soon, and I can concentrate on teaching without being distracted by jet.

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