Why is this so hard?

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Damn you drew. You were the one who told me to do this, after all, so of course I would be looking for someone to blame. As Jet and I continued to kiss, I had to put up a good fight for dominance because damn, he's a lot stronger than he seems.

I didn't know how long we were kissing for until the bell rang, breaking us out of whatever trance like state we were in. I looked at Jet to see that his eye color had changed. Curious about it, I continued to stare at them. His eye color were normally gray, but now they were black.

“ What's going on with your eyes?” I asked, and he quickly covered it by turning around so that I wouldn't see them.

“ I have to get to class, uh, catch you on Thursday teach.” He hurriedly made his way out of my office and even as I tried to stop him, he didn't. What had him so freaked out that he ran away like that?

My mind kept on replaying what had happened in my office earlier as I was teaching my next class. I tried tracking Jet, to see if he was alright, but he wasn't in school. I only knew because I asked his friend Leon, and he told me that jet wasn't feeling well, so he went home.

I knew that that was a lie, but I didn't call him out on it. At the end of the day, I was exhausted. I couldn't concentrate because, as always, my mind was on Jet. Fuck. I think I'm losing it. Why did I ever listen to Drew? But I had to admit that that was one of the best kisses I have ever gotten in my entire life.

I felt the sparks traveling throughout my body as Jet had me pinned against the wall. It was just a fucking kiss, and I was acting like this. What if it was more? I don't think I'd be able to survive.

I shivered as my mind refused to think about anything else other than Jet. I groaned as I found it even harder to drive. Did he feel the same way about me? Was he going crazy at this moment not being able to touch me?

I sighed as I hurriedly made my way home, I needed something strong to drink and I needed to blame this mess on Drew.

I still couldn't believe that I gave in so quickly, that I moved so fast, and that I kissed my student and did some other things to him in the process.

The need to control was taking over, but he was fighting me nonstop, letting me know that he wasn't one to give up so easily. That me could easily overpower me. That didn't sound like a bad idea though, me a dom being overpowered by my student, who's off limits.

I could get into trouble for this, but would I care? No. Teaching was just something I did to keep my mind occupied, plus I was good at it.

Reaching home, I got out of the car after leaving it in the garage. I hurriedly made my way to the mini bar so that I could consume as much alcohol as I could. At this point, I wasn't in control. I was weak and pathetic.

Grabbing a bottle of the strongest liquor I can find, I opened it and drank straight from the bottle. There's no stopping me now. It was several more minutes after, I heard the front door opening and immediately spotted drew with grocery bags in his hands.

“ Oh hi Zy, didn't see you there. I went shopping because we were running out of food. I hope you don't mind that I used your card.” He blushes and looks away from me, seemingly embarrassed because he did that behind my back.

“ Naw it's ok, it's more than ok. You have nothing to worry about.” I slurred, making him look at me in disbelief.

“ It's not even four yet and you're already drinking? What brought that on?” Drew asked as he placed the bags on the counter. I could already spot all different kinds of junk in one of the bags, but I wasn't going to say anything about it. After all, he's my responsibility, so why should I have a problem with it? If he wanted a yacht, I would gladly get it for him.

“ I seemed to have screwed something up today, but I'm not sure what. One minute, Jet had me pinned against the fucking wall and kissing me, then he ran after I said something about his eyes that were doing some weird color change thingy.” Drew laughed as if I had said something funny.

“ You're a Dom and you let an eighteen-year-old pin you against the wall? Fuck, I need to meet this dude and shake his hand.” Rolling my eyes, I went back to drinking while ignoring my best friend who was laughing at me.

He's right, though. I'm a Dom, meaning I should have been in control more. There's just something about Jet that makes me forget, even my name. I don't know what it is about him that every time we touched or when he kissed me, I felt like I was on another planet.

The sparks were another thing. I've never experienced that before, so it was weird when I felt it with him. What was it about him that made me so powerless around him? I don't know. But I'm willing to find out, even if I could lose my job. I'm willing to risk it all for him, just for his touch. I already see him as my sub, but I can tell that's not going to be the case with us. It seems as if we were both doms so it wouldn't work.

I just have to learn to live with this, even if it kills me. I'll gladly give up my dom status, if that means I get to be with Jet in the end.
A/N. How is this so far? Please let me know if you are enjoying it, or if I should continue writing.

If I should continue writing this, there will be more updates for you to enjoy.

Don't forget to like, comment and vote. Also, please check out my other books as well, thanks.

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