Seeing him again

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' I told you to control yourself, Blade. You almost gave us away. I had to stay away, or I'd regret it.' Blade wasn't having it. He was close to getting his mate and I took it away from him. I wasn't ready to reveal my secret to Zyair as yet. I wanted to make sure he trusts me enough first before I can take such a big step.

“ Come on, Jet. You missed countless days from school already. It's Monday now, and you are going to see him whether you like it or not.” Leon was getting frustrated as I slowly made my way to math class. I wanted to hold off as long as I can, just so that I could give myself a damn pep talk.

“ Yeah! Preach it babe! Plus, he's your mate, so that's unavoidable. One day, you would have to tell him. Now man the fuck up and be that bad boy that everyone is afraid of, not a wimp that could get his ass kicked any seconds now.” Maddox folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at me, as if challenging me to disagree with him.

“ You're both so annoying, no wonder you're mates.” Ugh, why me?

I spotted Zyair the moment I walked into class, there's no way I could miss that scent of his. He saw me and started to move towards me, but stopped, as if just realizing we weren't alone.

“ We need to talk after class.” He said before moving back to his desk. Dammit, now I have some explaining to do. The rest of the class was spent with him drilling some nonsense that I wasn't paying any attention to. Instead, I was doodling, Zyair saw me, but he didn't say anything about it. I guess I was the teacher's pet now, as they call it.

At the end of class, I was the last one out of my seat. I had to wait for a while until the girls were done fawning over him, which was irritating the crap out of me. These hoes need to know when to back off what's mine.

When they left, he closed the door and fixed the blinds so that no one would see us. I already know where this was going to go, I just hope that the bell doesn't cock block me right now.

“ You were missing since last Wednesday. I'm probably having the wrong idea now, but why did you run after I talked about your eyes?” There it goes. The one question I really didn't want to answer right now.

“ I-I didn't want to freak you out. I have a rare condition that allows my eyes to change color if I'm out in the sun for too long, I guess it chose that moment to act up.” Blade was growling at me, trying to call me out on my lie.

' Rare condition? Is that what I am to you, you ungrateful piece of shit!?' Uh, uh. Two against one, I can see that now.

' Shut up and stop acting like a damn drama queen.' I snapped, which had him blocking me in the process. Which was good because now I could actually think straight.

“ I didn't know that you had such a condition, I'm sorry about saying anything about it. I was just curious, so now that you explained it, I won't ask you anymore question about it.” My eyes became wide because I couldn't believe that my lie actually worked! Dammit, I need to be a lawyer! Get it? Guess not. I'll just keep my jokes to myself then. You dumbass, no sense of humor….

“ What have you so distracted? I have been talking to you for over a minute now, and you're yet to respond. Who is she, or he? Do I need to kill someone for occupying your thoughts!?” Did blade manage to take control of Zy? Because the man was acting just like him, which was funny as hell.

“ I wasn't thinking about anyone. I was thinking about your mouth, wrapped around my dick and sucking all the juice you can get.” I grabbed my dick that was getting hard, and his eyes zeroed down on the same place I wanted it to.

“ That's moving too fast. Plus, I'm the one who's in charge, not you.” Did he really think that? Guess I'll have to show him.

I walked up to him and grabbed his tie, yanking him towards me. He yelps out of surprise as my lips slammed against his. Then the battle began.

I didn't know when we moved towards his desk, I just heard everything being swept off, and then I was pinned to it. Seems as if he has a thing for desks and so do I, so I'm not complaining.

He was sucking on my neck, making sure to leave a mark there as if he were telling everyone that I was his. If only he knew.

He started grabbing my ass, giving it a tight squeeze, which left me in a moaning mess. That was such a turn on for me. And there I thought I was the one in control, he took it from me just like that.

The sound of the bell going off, had us jumping apart from each other. I was breathing too hard, fearing that I might pass out any minute now. He didn't look any different from me. He eventually broke eye contact and looked down at the mess he created and laughed.

“ What's so funny?” I asked, confused as to why he was laughing. I didn't see anything funny about what we did.

“ Oh it's nothing. I've always wanted to do that, but it seems to be a lot of work. Now I have to get all of this back on my desk, and you have to open the blinds and the door.” Of shoot. How am I supposed to explain that? This was something that I'm sure we wouldn't be able to get out of. I just hope that there's no one there once I open the door.

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