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'Will you give me back control, you two-face bitch?' I asked Blade in an irritated tone. He didn't even reply this time, so I took his answer as a no.

I sighed once more, as I was left to watch their every move. Blade was being a kiss-ass to Zy. I knew what he was doing because he wasn't always like this. He acts like he's so damn innocent, but he's not.

He's only doing that to get Zy, to like him more than me. I can see that it was already working. Once I take over, I'm going to make sure that I never let Blade have control for a long time.

That would be his punishment.

The next day, Blade finally gave me control, which didn't matter now. I tried to talk to Zy, but he wasn't talking to me.

What a petty asshole.

"I have to get to school." I said once more as I stood in the doorway of our room, waiting for him to acknowledge my presence.

"So you're not going to say anything to me?" I asked, still not getting why he was so mad at me. He gave me a brief glance before looking down at a book he was reading.

You know what? Fuck it.

I walked up to him and grabbed the book from him, throwing it on the floor as I glared at him to say anything about it.

"What did the book ever do to you?" He asked while looking at me with his eyebrow raised.

"It's taking your attention away from me. Now, I want you to tell me what I have done wrong. I'm not even concerned about school or work right now, if you don't tell me, I'm going to find a way for you to." And I wasn't joking.

He scoffed and stood up, trying to walk away from me, but I grabbed his hand and held it in a tight grip. He winced a little and I loosened my hold on him because I didn't want to hurt him.

"Stop acting like you don't know that, Blade told me about that substitute teacher." He replied, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

That fucker.

How was I to know when Blade blocked me so that I wouldn't try to stop him from snitching on me?

"Blade is an asshole, you shouldn't listen to everything he says." I know that that was furthest from the truth, but I don't care.

"I told him that I was mad at you, but not at him. Blade is actually a sweetheart." Oh, really?

"That's a lie. Blade is only trying to convince you to like him more than... humph." I swear to the goddess, I felt like someone had just kicked my ass. I let go of Zy and started to massage the pain that was there.

Zy gave me a weird look, but he didn't say anything.

"Do you know how many unmated females Blade had tried to seduce, before you? Let me tell you a lot." I had more to say, but Blade took over instead.

"Zy, don't listen to him. But if you believe him, Jet cheated on his tests before you started teaching because he's too stupid to do them on his own." Blade said, and I fought for control once more and won.

"Blade is afraid of bunnies!" I screeched out, which had Zy bursting into a fit of laughter.

Blade took over once more, leaving me to fight him again.

"Jet smokes a lot because it reminds him of sex!" Blade shouted, which was not true. I enjoyed smoking because I loved it just like I love sex, there's a difference.

I fought hard and got control once more, only to find Zy glaring at me.

"Blade wasn't able to read until he was seven!" If Blade thought that he was going to win this, he thought wrong. He lets out a frustrating growl and took over.

"Jet lost his virginity at fourteen." Blade went silent when he saw the murderous look on Zy's face and gave me control for good this time. He's such a coward.

"I thought that there was a rule for werewolves to wait for their mates and not have sex with anyone else." Zy said and I shook my head.

"I was young and dumb. I saw an opportunity and took it, can you blame me though?" I asked.

"I mean, I'm not a virgin, but I wasn't the bottom in the relationships that I've been in before. I don't even know why I feel so jealous when I basically did the same thing. But I lost my virginity at fifteen." I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel about that.

"I'm glad Blade told me those embarrassing things about you." I laughed as Zy bends down to pick up the book.

Not me forgetting about it for a second.

"The land that time forgot?" I asked as I tried to read the title of it. Zy nodded his head.

"Edgar Rice Burroughs is a good writer, I enjoy this more than the werewolf books I've read, if I'm being honest." I nodded my head but didn't say anything else.

"Go to school, Jet" Zy said out of nowhere and I shook my head.

"I'm already late, so there's no need to go right now." I know that my parents were going to be mad, but they'll get over it.

"So, friends?" I asked, holding my hand out to him for a handshake.

"More like enemies." Zy replied, and my eyes became wide. He started to laugh, which told me it was a joke, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's not cool, that's not cool at all." I said as he continued to laugh.

"What are you going to do for the rest of the day?" Zy asked after he sobered up, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess I'll do some patrolling with the others after I spend some time with you. I still have work tonight." I replied.

"Ok sounds good." Zy replied and I nodded my head. At least he wasn't mad at me anymore, which was all that I could ask for.

My teacher, my mate (mxm) Where stories live. Discover now