Rogue siting

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After I dropped Zy home, I promised to come back so that I could take a good look at where he lives. I had fun on our date, minus the part where I almost had a panic attack over the fact that I didn't know if he would still be with me after I told him the truth.

It's now Sunday and the day when Leon, Maddox and I were going for our run. Blade was excited for it because it's been a while since I've let him out. We were now standing outside trying to figure out where we would run to.

“let's just run and see where it takes us. We don't have to know exactly where we are running to.” Maddox stated and Leon agreed with him.

“Plus Nylon is already itching to come out, so we better get a move on already.” Leon muttered as he started to take his clothes off. I shook my head and proceeded to do the same along with Maddox.

We hid our clothes behind a tree so that we could come back and get it. It didn't make any sense to shift while our clothes were still on because that would only be a waste.

Once that was out of the way, our wolves took over, and so we started our run. Maddox's wolf Kalon wasn't that large, but his color was spectacular. His fur is gray while his tail was coated with a shade of orange, that reminds me of the sunshine. Leon on the other hand, had the same color wolf as mine which is brown with golden eyes. Sometimes I would think that our wolves were twins, but that would be impossible. The only difference with Maddox is that I was larger than him in size.

We were running for a while until Leon decided to ask me a question, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'Are you planning on telling Zyair about us?' Was I planning on doing that? Yes. I know that it was risky, but I had to. There's no use in hiding who I am anymore.

'Yes. I'm going to tell him. I just need the right time and place to do so. I already told West that he can go ahead and tell Drew about us, but Drew has to keep it a secret until I figure out how I will tell Zy.' I said and Leon replied with an ok.

'I hope that we don't get rejected after you're done telling Zy about us. Rare condition my ass.' Blade muttered, still mad that I called it that.

'It was the only excuse I could come up with, stop whining so much and enjoy the run.' I replied which was what he did. We spent the rest of the day running until we were too tired to move. We spotted a lake and walked up to it, I was too thirsty to care about my surrounding, that I didn't see a rogue sneaking up on us.

'Fuck, we have company.' Maddox said as he got in his fighting stance, while growling. It didn't take long for us to kill the rogue who was trying to attack us. Given the fact that I was a warrior and already good at fighting, made it even easier for me to take him down.

'We need to get back and informed Alpha Rick about this.' I said, and the others agreed with me, so we ran in the direction of our clothes. It's been a while since we spotted any rogues, so I wondered why now? This was the excitement that I needed yes, but I couldn't go around killing all of them without any reason.

“A rogue? Damn, those bastards got on my nerves every time.” Alpha Rick said after we rushed to the pack house and I started to tell him what was going on.

“What are we going to do?” I asked.

“Take three other warriors with you and patrol the border just to make sure it's rogue free.” Alpha Rick replied and I nodded my head.

“And you can also take Leon and Maddox with you. Goddess knows those twinks need a little training now and then.” I scowled at Alpha Rick after what he said. He saw the look on my face, waving me off and telling me to leave. Damn, I kind of hate him.

When I told Leon and Maddox what to expect, they were both mad because they didn't want to go on patrol. I don't even see the sense in taking them when they didn't have any training. Alpha Rick is being a douche, maybe it was because I didn't go with his daughter.

After a lot of grumbling and complaining, I finally managed to get a team to go with me. I was ready to punch someone if they wasted any more of my time.

“alright listen up! I'm going to say this once because I don't like to repeat myself!” I shouted, as a couple of the warriors flinched from the tone of my voice. Not only that, but I was a bit pissed off, so it was only fair to take it out on them.

“Nathan, Edward, And Gary you are to patrol eastern side of the border. While Leon, Maddox and I go the other way. You are to look for clues and report back to me if you see anything improper and I mean anything. Failure to do so will result into punishment which will be harsh. We are searching for rogues and they can be anywhere. If you encounter one who is hostile, fight back. But if they aren't bothering you, I don't want you to scare them off by attacking first. Try to reason with them and see if they can leave. Have you packed a bag to carry with you?” They replied with a yes sir and I nodded my head. The bag only consist of water and a few snacks as well as change of clothes if needed. We don't know how long we will be here for, so they were asked to pack a few flashlights as well.

“Ok it seems as if everything is in order. We need to regroup here within five hours time, if you're going to be later than that, please let me know.” I asked them to leave which they did, I just hope that everything will be alright and that I don't have to worry about anything.

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