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When I woke up, my headache was back in full force. I grabbed my head and groaned because of the pain that I was experiencing.

"What's wrong?" Jet asked. It seems as if I had woken him up because of the noises I was making.

"H-Headache, fuck." Jet instantly got out of bed and went to turn on the light, the brightness from it had me whimpering, and he immediately turned it off.

"Do you want me to take you to Dr.." I shook my head, stopping him from what he was saying. Why would I want to go to the doctor for something as simple as a headache?

Jet sighed, before sitting next to me. I rested my head on his lap and he had his hand in my hair, which felt good.

"West gave me some ibuprofen, I think I'll take it." I opened my eyes and didn't miss the look of jealousy from Jet. Why did he have to be jealous about that?

"Where is it?" He asked and I told him. Once he came back with a glass of water and the ibuprofen, I took it and fell asleep once more in the comfort of my mate's arms.

'Finally, I'm back!' a voice shouted, making me open my eyes in fright. It was day now and thankfully my headache was gone.

"How are you feeling now?" Jet asked as he sat up on the bed.

"Hornier than ever. It feels like my heat is back again." I replied truthfully, which had jet's eyes widening. The look he was giving me, lets me know that I wasn't going to leave this room right now.


"A voice? What do you think that means?" Drew asked, after I saw him, and told him that I wanted to go for a walk. Jet had school and it was boring without him. I don't even know how I could walk, Because of the things he did to me earlier.

"Yeah, it was freaky. It felt like someone was literally whispering in my ears." I replied with a shudder, and drew nodded his head.

"What about your headache?" Drew asked.

"What about it?" Drew shrugged his shoulders while looking down.

"I just think that you should get it checked out. Jet wanted to take you to the doctor, you should go and stop being so stubborn." I guess he was right, but I didn't care.

"You know how much I hated doctors. What makes this one special? Being a werewolf or human doesn't matter, each of the doctors is the same." Drew scoffed at me while shaking his head. Yeah, maybe that didn't make any sense.

"Keep telling yourself that." Drew replied and I chuckled.

"Have you talked to your parents yet?" I shook my head while sighing.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell them about this. Once I tell them that I'm not home, they will inquire about my whereabouts, and I wouldn't know what to tell them." I huffed and folded my arms.

"Maybe they will understand...but then again, I think not. You're shacking up with your student, who seems to be the one in control of you. He's eighteen and you're twenty-three, so I can see where it could go wrong." Wow, thanks drew, thank you so much for having some faith in me.

"First of all, he's legal. Second of all, he'll graduate in a month's time and maybe then I'll be able to tell them. Third of all, he's not in control of me. I'm the one he has to listen to, regardless of what you say." Drew laughs at me while shaking his head.

"I've seen it in action for myself when I was in your office, remember? You are definitely not in control." I rolled my eyes because drew was annoying me already.

After our walk, I went back to my room since I didn't have anything else to do. I was now lying on the bed, with my eyes closed, thinking back on the voice that woke me up.

It was strange, that I felt connected to it already, if that made any sense. My headache last night was worse than the others, it felt like someone had a sledgehammer and was trying to pound my brain out with it.

'That's because you worry too much.' I got up and looked around, wondering whether I was going crazy or not.

"Who are you?" Maybe it was one of the pack members, since I was marked, I guess someone tapped into my mind and was trying to communicate with me.

'Do not ever talk like that, people would think you're crazy.' the voice said. I already felt crazy, so there was nothing new with that.

'Fine, what's your name?' I asked.

'I'm gray, nice to meet you.' gray. Perhaps I should go searching for this gray person so that he would stop talking to me.

'I'm not just apart from this pack, I'm a part of you.' I scoffed because I couldn't believe this nonsense.

'Look gray, I get that you're probably bored and need someone to talk to, but I'm not that guy. I don't want to be rude, but I am not searching for a friend right now. I already have one, and I'm hoping it stays like that, if you get what I mean.' silence. I was met with silence and groaned because I wanted to know if he would leave me alone.

Why did this have to happen to me? It seems as if I had a stalker now.

I sighed and shook my head, frustrated that someone was messing with me and I didn't know what to do. Maybe I should tell Jet about it, he could help find this gray person and get them to back off. At least that's what, I hope, will happen.

All I have to do is wait now and hope that things could go back to the way they were before.

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