Is he serious?

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“Are you staying with me tonight?” I asked Jet after we finished talking. He was a bit sleepy and I didn't want him to drive home right now.

“I guess I can stay and leave early in the morning. I still don't think it would be a good idea for us to show up at school together.” He replied, making me sigh. I wish that the three months he had left in school would come already.

“Yeah I guess you're right. Let's go to my room. Seems as if West and Drew are busy now.” Ever since west arrived, he and Drew had been locked up in Drew's room, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what they were doing.

“Want to take a shower? I could give you something to wear.” I said and Jet shook his head.

“I think I'll just brush my teeth for now and shower in the morning before I leave. I'm too sleepy to even stand on my own two feet right now.” He replied, which had me even more worried about him. The poison that he had been shot with was taking a toll on his body. His wolf was healing him, yes, but it was too slow.

Making our way to my room, Jet stopped when he saw a closed door with the sign stay out on it. My heart skipped a beat when his unfocused eyes started to study the door. I knew what that he wanted to figure out what was behind it, and I'll tell him as soon as he gets better.

“You have bodies in there or something?” Jet asked after a while, making me laugh.

“Naw nothing like that, it's not really a secret, just kept it closed because I would rather not corrupt Drew's mind with my kinks. I'll show it to you as soon as you're better.” I replied and he nodded his head. Since I was a DOM and he was pretending to be one, I didn't see the need to hide my playroom from him. The things I plan to do to that ass of his…lord help me.

Once we got to my room, I handed him a new toothbrush and showed him where the bathroom was. I started to pack away my teaching materials because I wanted to focus on Jet alone right now. When I was done, I went towards the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth with the idea of just taking a shower.

“Can't you keep your shirt on for a few hours?” I asked while shaking my head. Jet rinsed his mouth out and then grabbed the bottle of Listerine that I had there while looking at it.

“Naw, you need to turn the damn AC on if you want me in my shirt.” He replied, still not focusing on me.

“Have you ever tried bottling?” He asked, making me look at him as if he were crazy. He poured some Listerine in his mouth, deliberately leaving me to think about his question. When he was done, he started to look at me with lust in his eyes. I wondered what brought that on…

“I asked you a question, Zy.” Rolling my eyes, I started to strip so that I could take a shower.

“I don't know what you're asking me.” I said, shivering from the way he was looking at me with lust in his eyes.

“Bottling. I've seen this video where a girl was fucking herself with a champagne bottle. I just thought that I might ask you if you've ever tried fucking yourself with a bottle before.” My face became red as he continued to stare at me. What the hell was his problem?

“I've never tried anything like that before. Are you asking me that over a damn Listerine bottle?” I asked, which had him laughing.

“It played a part in my memory, yes. Would you like to try it?” I scoffed at his question and made my way towards the shower when he grabbed my hand, stopping me.

“It's a yes or no question, baby, there's no need to be embarrassed. I could even use a broom on you, and you'd enjoy every bit of it.” I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my hand so that he could let me go. I then hurriedly made my way to the shower and turned it on so that I could zone his laughter out.

Dammit, why did he have to ask me that question out of nowhere. It's the only thing I would be thinking of right now. Bottling? That shit's nasty if you ask me. I don't even think that it would feel good.

When I got out, he was gone, so I took the time to myself to wonder if he was mentally ill or something. Naw, he's just adventurous. But I'll draw the line at the broom thing, there's no way I'd allow him to fuck me with a broom. Over my dead body.

I decided that I've stalled long enough after brushing my teeth, so I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, then made my way out. He was lying on the bed with his feet apart and his arms under his head, showing off his muscles.

His heated gaze landed on me, and I could only consider one thing to be I stared into his eyes. I wanted this man, every inch of him. I wanted him to make me his, to claim me as his.

He is mine as much as I am his. His wolf, his body, his mind belongs to me, I can see that now. I'll make sure no one gets in the way of what we have, even if I have to fight for it, I will. This is what I wanted all along, To feel what it would be like to be in love, and by god do I love this man, I love him so damn much.

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