A test

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I let out a nervous laugh as I realized what everything meant. How was this even going to work? Zy wanted me to be his sub, but truth be told I didn't see myself like that. I was more dominant in more ways, so I'm not certain why he would think that I would want to be a submissive.

I'm more of a take charge type of guy. Not only that, but I see something I want, and I go after it, no question asks.

“ What are we going to do about it? There's no way we can both be doms. It's unheard of.” Zy said, and I had to agree with him. I snapped my fingers as a thought came to me.

“ So, why don't you be the sub? I'm the one who should be the dom.” It seems to be a ridiculous suggestion because Zy only glared at me before clearing his throat.

“ As long as you want to be single, then go right ahead and be the dom.” I sensed some sarcasm in his reply, but I didn't say anything about it.

'Come on, use your head man. You can't lose to our mate, show him that you're in charge.' Aww. Blade was right. I should show Zy who's in charge, but wait a damn minute… Haven't I been constantly doing that?

“ Look, we can talk about this another time. But I need to make sure that Drew is ok. I brought him here after all.” There he goes again. I hated it when he uses our time to talk about Drew, yes I was jealous, and I'm not afraid of admitting it.

“ Your friend is ok. He's with his mate…um I mean he's with his new friend.” Zy only looked at me as if I were weird before standing up.

“ Never mind who he's here with. I want to make sure he's ok.” Ok, , that does it. I made a move towards him and stood in his way. He didn't like that I was blocking him, but that's his problem, not mine.

“ Move.” I folded my arms and pretended not to hear him when he asked me to move.

“ Make me.” I replied in a challenging tone, which I must admit was a bad move on my part.

His next move was to grab me by my hair while holding my head to the side. Blade was going crazy because he thought that his mate was going to mark him, and yet, he was the one who called me stupid. This was a sign that Zy wanted for me to submit to him, but I would never do that.

I didn't bare my neck to him willingly, he was forcing me to. Next thing I knew, he was trying to lower me to the ground. What the fuck was his problem? That's where I had enough, so I decided to play the reverse card instead, and now he was the one on his knees in front of me.

I smiled smugly at him as he tried to get up, but each time I would just bring him right back down where he belongs. Oh yeah, I'm loving this way more than I should.

“ If you hadn't shown me that arm band, I would peg you for a sub instead.” I said, which had his eyes widening.

“ Oh for fuck sake Jet, I don't have any time for this. I need to make sure that Drew is alright.” I could tell that he was getting impatient, so I decided to quit playing with him, for now at least.

We walked out together, and he immediately began to search for Drew. I didn't like it, but I had to put up with it for now. Before I left with Zy to talk, west had informed me that he found his mate. He was excited, since he had always thought that he wouldn't have a mate.

Drew and West were still at the bar where we left them, so we didn't have to search for too long. Zy didn't waste any time as he hurriedly made his way over to the bastard who seemed to be taking away his attention from me.

“ Drew, are you alright?” Zy asked, making Drew roll his eyes.

“ Of course I'm alright, why wouldn't I be?” Drew replied, making me glare at him for the way he had just spoken to Zy. Ungrateful human.

“ I'm just making sure you're alright, that's all.” Zy answered with an irritated tone, so West decided to break the ice a little.

“ What I don't understand is how I've never seen you two here before, but it seems as if you are both familiar with the place.” Drew started to blush while looking away, making me chuckle at his behavior. Yes, it's strange, that for once in my life I didn't hate the guy. I just didn't like that Zy was always talking about him.

“ We would leave before anyone else noticed us. I've seen you before, though, but I chickened out and ran before I could say anything to you. Plus, I couldn't get in without a dom after that, so Zy was nice enough to accompany me here tonight.” West smiled at Drew, who was looking everywhere but at him.

“ I'm glad I got the chance to talk to you. I still don't understand how I haven't picked up on your scent before. I would have found my mate a long time ago If…" I shot West a glare, and he stopped talking when he realized what he was saying. Damn fool almost gave us away.

“ My scent?” Drew asked confused has to what West meant by that. I grabbed Zy's hand and started pulling him back towards the room, so West was left to explain himself, one I didn't want any part of.

Once we arrived in the room, I closed the door and Zy frowned at me when I stood there, not saying anything.

“ What's going on with you now?” He asked, and a mischievous grin formed on my face. I could get used to this.

“ Let's put something to the test, shall we? I want to see which one of us would be the better dom.” I said, and his mouth fell open from shock. Not only that, but I didn't waste any more time as I marched up to him and grabbed his neck. I started to kiss him, showing him that I was the one in charge. I wasn't going to back down or lose to him. It's a good thing we had the time, too because the workers here can get any room they want for free and as long as they want it for. At least things were working in my favor this time.

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