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I breathed a sigh of relief when I opened the door and no one was there. I quickly made my way out of the classroom before I got caught, which wouldn't be good for either of us. This is why I can't wait to finish school, this way I will be able to be with my mate without any problems.

I was in desperate need of a smoke, so I decided to skip class altogether. It's a history class, so I don't see the need for it. Making my way to the back of the building, I was stopped by some human jocks who thought that they were badass, they have another thing coming.

“ Well if it isn't the school's most popular geek.” Jock number one said, getting the other lame asses to laugh. I get that their laughter was forced, but damn that's annoying as fuck.

“ Move it or lose it, boyo. I ain't got time to waste right now.” These assholes did not even faze me. They thought that they were brave, taking on a big bad wolf, well , they have made a huge mistake.

“ Hey watch your mouth, pretty boy. The only reason why you're so popular is because of your looks, you don't have the brains to challenge me.” I didn't have time for this. I fucking need a smoke and I needed it right now!

“ Ok you know what. I was trying to act mature about this, I'm too tired, going around beating up useless assholes such as yourself. But you left me no other choice.” I didn't even get to finish what I was saying, when jock number one decided to do something stupid by attacking first. At least I can claim it as self-defense if I go too far. When I was done with them, I left them groaning in pain on the ground while blade was laughing hysterically.

' You're annoying.' I said as I took out a cigarette.

' You're right. Not going to deny that.' Blade replied, making me scoff as I lighted the cigarette and started to smoke.

' When are you planning on telling Zy about us? The longer we wait, the harder it's going to be for him to trust us. I don't think I can go on any longer without taking over, sorry, I just don't know how to stop when I'm around my mate.' I could tell that blade didn't like this, but we had to hold off from telling him until the time was right.

' You need to control yourself around him. I'm not ready to tell him yet, so you'll have to wait.' Blade only huffs and went back to giving me the silent treatment. I didn't care, though, I thought that he would understand why I wanted to wait.

If I dumped all of this on Zy now, it would be too much. I want to get to know him better first, to get him to trust me a little more. Is that too much to ask?

“ There you are. What the fuck happened earlier?” Maddox asked, approaching me with a frown on his face.

“ What are you talking about?” I asked, getting out another cigarette to smoke as the first one was finished already.

“ Rumors going around already, saying that you kicked Kevin's ass as well as Jason and Michael?” I grinned at Maddox, who sighed because he figured out that it was true.

“ I thought that you were supposed to stop doing that.” He chastises, making me scoff as I blew a puff of smoke at him. He coughs and started fanning it away, while glaring at me.

“ It's not my fault they chose to fight with the wolf. I'm a warrior, remember? Instincts came first when I'm being attacked. I can't just sit back and let them think that they were cool or something.” I mumbled as I got ready to take out another cigarette. It seems as if Maddox had enough of my smoking, because he grabbed the box from me and started crushing up the others.

I raised an eyebrow at him as he scowls at me. He and Leon can be so annoying sometimes. I can't even smoke in peace.

“ You need to quit doing that.” I rolled my eyes at Maddox and pushed myself off the wall while checking my knuckles to see that they were fully healed.

“ See that? I'm a werewolf. Like I said before, I can't live without it.” I laughed at the look on his face, it seemed as if someone didn't get laid.

“ You know what? I'm going to see if I can talk to Leon instead because there's no getting through to you!” Maddox throws his hands up in frustration before leaving. Oh well, more silence for me to think.

It seems as if Zyair was finally accepting me. I don't understand why the sudden change, but I was glad. He wasn't denying that there was something between us, which I was happy for. At least he was taking charge of whatever we had going on. Made me wonder if he would be so calm when I tell him that I'm a werewolf and that half of the school is the same as me.

It didn't take long for the bell to ring, signaling the end of a boring class. I couldn't wait to see Zy again. I had this much restraint when we are apart. If only he knew how hard it is for me to stay away from him. He would probably call me a psycho, but who cares? The moon goddess paired us together for a reason, and I'm glad, too because I have finally gotten the challenge that I needed.

It's now time for lunch, and I didn't feel like eating at the cafeteria. There were just too many distractions there, and I can barely think with all the noise that's there. So I opted for something else. I made my way to Zy's office, hoping he was there. Knocking on the door, he finally opens it after a few seconds. I was about to ask him if I could stay with him, when I heard another male voice in there calling him. My jealousy took over, and I slammed the door open, not caring about anything right now as I zeroed in on the fucking bastard who was sitting on my mate's desk. What the hell is this?

My teacher, my mate (mxm) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora